Muscles of Inspiration

  1. Diaphragm
    • O: Central Tendon
    • I: Xyphoid Process
    • inferior aspect of the last rib
    • lumbar vertebra
    • F: diaphragm pulls CT down and forward (expanding the chest volume)
  2. External Intercostal
    • O: Inferior Surface of R 1-11
    • I: upper surface of the rib below
    • F: elevate rib
  3. Internal Intercostal
    • O: inferior surface of R1-11
    • I: superior surface of the rib below
    • F: elevate ribs 1-11
  4. Sternocledomastoid
    • O: mastoid process of temporal bone
    • I: sternal head: superior manubrium sterni
    • clavicular head: superior surface of the clavicle
    • F: elevates sternum and ribcage
  5. Scalene (Anterior)
    • O: transverse process of vertebrae C3-C6
    • I: superior surface of first rib
    • F: elevates rib 1
  6. Scalene (Medius)
    • O: transverse process of vertebrae C2-C7
    • I: superior surface of the first rib
    • F: elevates rib 1
  7. Scalene (Posterior)
    • O: transverse process of C5-7
    • I: second rib
    • F: elevates rib 2
  8. Serratus Posterior/Superior (4 muscles)
    • O: spinous process of C7, T1-3
    • I: The angles of ribs 2-5
    • F: elevate ribs 2-5
  9. Levatores Costarum (Brevis)
    • O: transverse process of C7-T11
    • I: tubercle of rib right below
    • F: elevate the ribcage
  10. Levatores Costarum (Longus)
    • O: transverse process of T7-T10
    • I: next rib (skips a rib)
    • F: elevate the ribcage
  11. Trapezius
    • O: Spinous process of C2-T12
    • I: (acromion of) scapula and superior surface of clavicle
    • F: elongates neck; controls head
  12. Pectoralis Major
    • O: sternum (costal cartilages) and clavicle (anterior)
    • I: (greater tubercle of) humerus
    • F: elevates sternum and subsequently increases transverse dimesion of rib cage
  13. Pectoralis minor
    • O: anterior surfaces of Rib 2-5 (near chondral margin)
    • I: (coracoid process of ) scapula
    • F: increases transverse dimension of rib cage
  14. Serratus Anterior
    • O: Rib 1-9, (lateral surface of the thorax)
    • I: (inner vertebral border of) scapula
    • F: elevates ribs 1-9
  15. Subclavius
    • O: inferior surface of clavicle
    • I: superior surface of Rib 1 (at chondral margin)
    • F: elevates rib 1
  16. Levator Scapulae
    • O: Transverse process of C1-C4
    • I: (Medial border of) Scapula
    • F: elevates scapula, neck support
  17. Rhomboideus Major
    • O: Spinoud processes T2-T5
    • I: Scapula
    • F: stabilizes shoulder girdle
    • Courses: down and lateral
  18. Rhomboideus Minor
    • O: Spinous processes of C7- T1
    • I: (medial border of) scapula
    • F: stabilizes shoulder girdle
    • superior to R Major
  19. Iliocostus lumborum
    • O: Sacral crest, L1-L5, T11-T12
    • I: Angles of ribs 6-12
    • F: Stabilize and move vertebral column
  20. Iliocostalis thoracis
    • O: Ribs 6-12
    • I: Ribs 1-6 and C7 vertebrae
    • F: stabilize and move vertebral column
  21. Iliocostalis cervicis
    • O: Ribs 3-6
    • I: C4-C6 vertebrae
    • F: stabilize and move vertebral column
  22. Logissimus thoracis
    • O: L1-L5 transverse processes and thoracolumbar fascia
    • I: T1-T12 vertebrae, transverse processes and ribs 3-12
    • F: stabilize and move the vertebral column
  23. Logissimus cervicis
    • O: T1-T5 vertebrae
    • I: C2-C6 vertebrae, transverse processes
    • Function: Stabilize and move vertebral column
  24. Logissimus Capitalis
    • O: C1-C5 vertebrae
    • I: Posterior mastoid process of temporal bone
    • F: stabilize and move vertebral column
  25. Spinalis thoracis
    • O: T11 and T12; L1-L3 vertebrae
    • I: T1-T8
    • F: stabilize and move vertebral column
  26. Spinalis cervicis
    • O: nuchal ligament and C7 vertebra
    • I: C2 vertebra
    • F:stabilize and move vertebral column
  27. Spinalis capitis
    • O: T1-T6, C4-C7
    • I: Nuchal Line of the skull
    • F: Stabilize and move vertebral column
Card Set
Muscles of Inspiration
Origins, Insertions and Functions of the muscles of inspiration