Kin34 ch 2 key terms

  1. Predisposing factors 
    Preexisting factors such as heredity, gender, beliefs, attitudes, values, and knowledge that influence health behavior. 
  2. Enabling Factors
    Factors that make it possible or easier for an individual to change a health behavior. 
  3. Reinforcing Factors
    Factors such as rewards that follow a behavior and either increase or decrease the likelihood of repeating the behavior. 
  4. Motivation
    An energized state that directs and sustains behavior.
  5. Internal locus of control
    Belief that the source of power or control in one’s life resides in oneself—in one’s own hard work, attributes, actions, and choices. 
  6. External locus of control
    Belief that the source of power or control in one’s life resides outside oneself—in chance, fate, and the actions of others. 
  7. Self-efficacy
    Belief in one’s capability to perform a task that leads to a specific outcome.
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Kin34 ch 2 key terms
fitness living