Ellen Fall 2012 First Quiz Study guide

  1. How many cranial bones are there?
    There are 8 cranial bones
  2. How many facial bones are there?
    There are 14 facial bones
  3. What make up the four bones that make the floor of the cranium?
    The sphenoid, ethmoid, and the two temporal bones make up the floor of the cranium.
  4. What are the four sutures?
    • - Squamosal
    • - Coronal
    • - Lamboidal
    • - Saggital
  5. What are the 4 Junction points in the skull?
    • The four junction points are:
    • - Asterion
    • - Bregma
    • - Lambda
    • - Plerion
  6. What is the average width of the skull?
    75-80% of the skull
  7. What are the 3 types of skull shape?
    • The 3 types of skull shapes are:
    • - Brachycephalic - Fatter head ( Width is 80% more than length )
    • - Mesocephalic - Regular head ( Width 75-80% of lenght )
    • - Dolichocephalic - Thin head ( Width is less than 75% of length )
  8. What does it mean when yo have a brachycephalic head?
    You have a big head. Its size is 80% more than the length of your head.
  9. What does mesocephalic heads mean?
    Regular head with 75-80% of the length of your head.
  10. Whatdoes it mean when you have a dolichocephalic head?
    You have a thin head with the width of your head is 75% of the lenght of your head
  11. Label from bottom and up
    • A. Ethmoid
    • B. Right temporal
    • C. Right Parietal
    • D. Frontal
    • E. Sphenoid
  12. Label:
    • - Ethmoid
    • - Frontal
    • - Parietal
    • - Occipital
    • - Temporal
    • - Sphenoid

  13. Label
    • - Mental Point
    • - Gonion
    • - Acanthion
    • - Interpupillary line
    • - Nasion
    • - Globella
    • - MSP
    • - Gonion

  14. Label
    • - Tragus
    • - Auricle
    • - Top of ear Attachment ( TEA )
    • - Glabella
    • - Nasion
    • - Acanthion
    • - Mental point
    • - Gonion

  15. Label
    • - Intraorbital meatus
    • - Midlateral orbital margin
    • - Supraorbital margin
    • - Outer Canthus
    • - Inner Canthus
  16. Study this:
    • - AML - Acanthiomeatal line
    • - LML - Lips-meatal line
    • - MML - mentomeatal Line
    • - GML - Glabellomeatal line
    • - OML - Orbitomeatal line
    • - IOML - Infraorbitalmeatal line ( Reids base line )
    • - GAL - Glabelloalveolar line
  17. For the Townes method ( AP Axial ) what is the CR angle? Where is the CR?
    - CR is 30 degrees caudad to Orbitalmeatal Line ( OML ) or 37 degrees to Inferior Orbitalmeatal Line ( IOML ) if theres no sponge.
  18. What do you see in an AP axial view ( Townes view ) ?
    • - Petrous Ridges are symmetrical on both sides and dorsum salle projected within the foramen magnum.
  19. For the right lateral skull, How do you position this? Where is the CR?
    • For a right lateral, you have to make sure the Midsagittal Plane is parallel to the IR and the IPL Perpendicular to the receptor.
    • CR 2 inches superior to EAM.
  20. What is the difference betwee the Caldwell and the townes?
    • - Caldwell is PA, Towne is AP.
    • - On an AP , there is also more magnification of the orbits.
  21. How do you position for a PA craniu,? ( Caldwell )
    • - Face down with OML perpendicular to IR with a 15 degree angle CR to the back middle of the skull.
    • - You can also do this without the angle.
  22. What s the difference between the angled PA Cranium and the one without the angle?
    • - Petrous ridges are over the supraoribtal margin at 0 degree angles.
    • - At the angle the petrous ridges are moved 1/3 lower of the orbits.

  23. For the SMV projection, how do you position it?
    • - Have a petient hyperextend the chin, with the infraorbital meatal line parallel to the IR.
    • - CR is 3/4th inches anterior to the level of EAM.
  24. What do you see in the SMV?
    - Mandibular condyles are anterior to the petrous pyramids.
  25. What makes up the Calvaria ( Skull cap )?
    Frontal, Right Parietal, Left Parietal, and Occipital
  26. Which suture seperates the two parietal bones from the occipital bone?
    Lamboidal Suture.
  27. Which suture seperates the forntal bone from the two parietals?
    Coronal suture
  28. What suture seperates the parietal bone into two?
    Saggital Suture
  29. Which suture seperates the temporal bones from everything else?
    Squamosal suture
  30. Each end of the saggital suture is identified as point or area with a specific name labeled.
    Which one is on the anterior end of the siggital suture?
  31. Each end of the saggital suture is identified as point or area with a specific name labeled.
    Which one is on the posterior end of the siggital suture?
  32. Each end of the saggital suture is identified as point or area with a specific name labeled.
    Which one is on the two points that are located laterally but more on the anterior?
  33. Each end of the saggital suture is identified as point or area with a specific name labeled.
    Which one is on the two points that are located laterally but more posterior?
  34. What are fontanels?
    Fontanels are incomplete cranial bone of infants where certain regions where suture joines are slow in ossification.
  35. Which areas are on an infants skull is considered the "soft spot" and does not clsoe until 18 months of age?
    • The bregma and lamda are just membrane covered soft spots.
    • The spots are also known as the anterior and posterior fontanels in an infant.
  36. Which soft spot on infants close up shortly after birth?
    The two smaller lateral fontanels, ( Sphenoid and Mastoid fontanels ) 
  37. What are the 6 fontanels for infants?
    • - Anterior fontanel
    • - Posterior fontanel
    • - Right sphenoid fontanel
    • - Left sphenoid fontanel
    • - Right mastoid fontanel
    • - Left mastoid fontanel
  38. What are the 6 points of the skull in an adult?
    • - Bregma
    • - Lambda
    • - Right pterion
    • - Left pterion
    • - Right asterion
    • - Left asterion
  39. What are sutural, or wormian bones?
    • Bones that sometimes develop in adult skull sutures that are isolated and most often found in the lambodial suture.
    • Ocasionally found in the region of hte fontanels such as the posterior fontanel.
  40. What are the 5 most common positioning errors?
    • - Rotation
    • - Tilt
    • - Excessive flexion or extension.
    • - Incorrect CR angle.
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Ellen Fall 2012 First Quiz Study guide