Bio Ch. 20

  1. dinoflagellate
    a member of a protist group that includes photosynthetic forms in which two flagella project through armor-like plates; abundant in oceans, can reproduce rapidly, causing "red tides"; they are a part of the larger group, Alveolates
  2. diplomonad
    a member of a protist group characterized by two nuclei and multiple flagella; include the disease-causing parasite Giardia; are a part of the larger group known as the excavates
  3. euglenid
    a member of a protist group characterized by one or more whiplike flagella, which are used for locomotion, and by a photoreceptor, which detects light; are photosynthetic; part of the larger group, the Euglenozoans
  4. euglenozoan
    characterized by mitochondrial membranes that appear under the microscope to be shaped like a stack of disks; include the euglenids and kinetoplastids
  5. excavates
    protists that generally lack mitochondria; include the diplomonads and the parabasalids
  6. foraminiferan
    member of a protist group characterized by psuedopods and elaborate calcium carbonate shells; generally aquatic (largely marine), and are part of the larger group known as the rhizarians
  7. kinetoplastid
    member of a protist group characterized by distinctively structured mitochondria; mostly flagellated and include parasitic forms such as Trypanosoma, which causes sleeping sickness; part of the larger group known as the euglenozoans
  8. parabasalid
    member of a protist group characterized by mutualistic or parasitic relationships with the animal species in which they live; part of the larger group known as the excavates
  9. phytoplankton
    photosynthetic protists that are abundant in marine and freshwater environments
  10. plasmodium
    sluglike mass of cytoplasm that contains thousands of nuclei that are not confined within individual cells
  11. protist
    a eukaryotic organism that is not a plant, animal, or fungus; encompasses a diverse array of organisms and does not represent a monophyletic group
  12. protozoan
    a nonphotosynthetic, single-celled protist
  13. pseudoplasmodium
    an aggregation of individual amoeboid cells that form a sluglike mass
  14. pseudopod
    an extension of the plasma membrane by which certain cells, such as amoebas, locomote and engulf prey
  15. radiolarian
    member of a protist group characterized by pseudopods and typically elaborate silica shells; largely aquatic (mostly marine); are part of the larger group known as the rhizarians
  16. rhizarian
    protists that use thin pseudopods to move and capture prey and which often have hard shells, including the foraminiferans and the radiolarians
  17. stramenopile
    protists which are characterized by long, hair-like projections on their flagella, including the water molds, the diatoms, and the brown algae
  18. water mold
    member of a protist group that includes species with filamentous shapes that give them a superficially fungus-like appearance; includes a species that causes economically important plant diseases; are part of the larger group known as the stramenopiles
  19. acellular slime mold
    a type of organism that forms a multi-nucleate structure that crawls in amoeboid fashion and ingests decaying organic matter; members of the protist clade amoebozoa
  20. alga
    any photosynthetic protist
  21. alveolate
    protists characterized by the system of sacs beneath the cell membrane; include ciliates, dinoflagellates, and apicomplexans
  22. amoeba
    an amoebozoan protist that uses a characteristic streaming mode of locomotion by extending a cellular projection called a pseudopod
  23. amoebozoan
    protists that generally lack shells and move by extending pseudopods; include the lobose amoebas and the slime molds
  24. apicomplexan
    protist clade that includes mostly parasitic, single-celled eukaryotes such as plasmodium, which causes malaria in humans; part of the larger group known as the alveolates
  25. cellular slime mold
    a type of organism consisting of individual amoeboid cells that can aggregate to form a sluglike mass, which in turn forms a fruiting body; members of the protist clade Amoebozoa
  26. ciliate
    member of a protist group characterized by cilia and complex unicellular structure; part of the larger group known as alveolates
  27. cilium
    a short, hair-like, motile projection from the surface of certain eukaryotic cells that contains microtubules in a 9x2 arrangement; may propel cells through a fluid medium or move fluids over a stationary surface layer of cells
  28. diatom
    a member of a protist group that includes photosynthetic forms with two-part glassy outer coverings; important photosynthetic organisms in freshwater and saltwater; part of the larger group known as the stramenopiles
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Bio Ch. 20
Bio ch 20