
  1. Synergism
    The principle whereby the effectiveness of two drugs used simultaneously is greater thean that of either durg used alone
  2. endotoxin
    Part of the outer portion of the cell wall of most gram-negative bacteria; released on destruction of the cell
  3. antibiotic
    An antimicrobial agent, usually produced naturally be a bacterium or fungus
  4. monecious
    Having both male and female reproductive capacities
  5. proglottid
    A body segment of a tapeworm containing both male and female organs
  6. formite
    A non-living object that can spread infection
  7. commensalism
    A symbiotic relationship in which two organisms live in association and one is benefited with the other is neither benefited nor harmed
  8. schizogony
    The process of multiple fission, in which one organism divides to produce many daughter cells
  9. pseudohyphae
    A short chain of fungal cells that results from the lack of separation of daughter cells after budding
  10. Opportunistic pathogen
    A microorganism that does not ordinarly cause a dise3ase but can become pathogenic under certain cricumstances
  11. mycobiont
  12. phycobiont
  13. mycelium
    A mass of long filaments of cells that branch and intertwine, typically found in molds
  14. coenocytic hyphae
    A fungal filament that is not divided into uninucleate cell-like units becuase it lacks septa
  15. parfocal
  16. colony
    A visible mass of microbial cells arising from one cell or from a group of the same microbes
  17. selective media
    A culture medium designed to supress the growth of unwanted microorganisms and encourage the growth of desired ones
Card Set
terms for chc medicalmircro midterm