1. What are the 4 types of oxygen delivery devices?
    • - nasal prong/ nasal cannulae
    • - simple oxygen mask- hudson mark
    • - venturi masks/ fixed performance masks/ multi resistor masks
    • - non rebreather/ reservoir bag mask
  2. Oxygen in hospitals
    • - anthing to do with oxygen is white 100% O2
    • - anything to do with air is black with 21% O2
  3. Describe the process of the use of nasal prongs
    • - goes into your nose
    • - cannot tell how much O2 pt getting (24-28%)
    • - amount of O2 pt gets determined by
    •   - flow rate (doesnt change %) 
    •   - inspiratory flow rate (about 7-8L/ min) 
    • - usually 2-4L/min (what it is put on)
    • - does dry your nose out- can make it bleed
    • - cannot deliver 100% this way!
  4. Describe the process of simple oxygen mask- hudson mask
    • - if we want to deliver more oxygen
    • - 6-10L/ min- higher flow rate than nasal prongs
    • - if flow rate is too high it will fog up the mask, which means the gas you are breathing out is stayiing in the mask = you breathing in high CO2
    • - FiO2- unknown but higher than nasal  prongs
  5. Describe the process of venturi masks/ fixed performance mask/ multi resistor masks
    • - nipple bit has extremely narow hole in it and the size of hole- allows you to determine how much air is sucked in (has holes on the side)
    • LPM (litres per min) - has percentage- 24, 26, 28, 30, 35, 40, 50 
    • - accurate system of delivery
    • -each nipple determines how much O2
  6. Describe the process of the non rebreather/ reservoir bag mask.
    • - flow rate fast enough pushes air out can't breath room air
    • - highest concentration without sealed mask we use this
    • - turn up as for as it will go
    • - 100% O2 in the bag
    • - 15L/min
    • - when pt breaths in get 15L/min fom device and extra from bag
    • - getting small amount of room air
    • - people say 60-70%
    • -you need to think of flow rate and fraction that by what is being taken in L/min
  7. Nebulisor mask
    • - gas through liquid to make into aerosol gas- small hole- gas goes through really fast
    • - bronchoconstrictor
    • - ventalin 
    • - beta agonist sympathetic drugs
    • - needs to be high enough but not too high
    • - if gurgles not high enough
    • - have to be upright
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