Marketing ch 11

  1. AIDA model
    • A model that includes several different promotion objectives, including attention, interest, desire, and action.
    • One objective may be to get attention. Other objectives of promotion may be to generate interest and desire. The ultimate objective is to get customers to take action or purchase the product or service.
  2. Do Not Call Registry
    Established by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in 2008, the service prevents organizations from calling any phone numbers registered with the FTC.
  3. advertising
    A message that is paid for and sent to large groups of the population at one time with an identified organization or brand (product or service) being promoted.
  4. affordable method
    A budgeting technique whereby companies spend what they think they can afford promoting a product.
  5. call to action
    In direct marketing, requesting consumers to make a specific response such as a purchase or a call for more information.
  6. closed-ended message
    A promotional message that draws a logical conclusion.
  7. competitive parity
    A budgeting method whereby companies make sure their promotion budgets are comparable to their competitors’.
  8. decode
    Receivers interpret messages.
  9. direct mail
    A form of direct marketing that is mailed to consumers. It can be personalized and ask consumers to make a certain response. Catalogs are often part of direct mail campaigns.
  10. direct marketing
    Delivering personalized promotional materials directly to individual consumers. Materials may be delivered via mail, catalogs, Internet, e-mail, or telephone, or in person.
  11. direct response advertising
    Direct marketing that includes an offer and a call to action.
  12. encode
    Senders must translate or convert benefits and value of a product or service into a message for the message channel selected.
  13. feedback
    Means of telling sellers you saw their information and wanted to try their product.
  14. frequency
    How often people are exposed to a message.
  15. integrated marketing communications (IMC)
    Approach designed to deliver one consistent message to buyers across an organization’s promotions.
  16. interference
    Any distractions or noise that senders and receivers face during the transmission of a message.
  17. mobile marketing
    Marketing media that is available in different places such as cell phones or on forms of transportation.
  18. objective and task method
    A budget based on a company’s promotion objectives and the costs of the activities and tasks necessary to accomplish those objectives.
  19. open-ended message
    A promotional message that allows the consumer to draw his or her own conclusions.
  20. out-of-home advertising
    Billboards and movable promotions that are displayed in a broad range of public spaces including tray tables on airplanes, the inside of subways, trains, buses, and even in bathroom stalls.
  21. percent-of-sales method
    A budgeting technique based on a set percentage of current or projected sales.
  22. perceptual processes
    The way in which people select to be exposed to information, pay attention to it, interpret it, and retain it.
  23. personal selling
    An interactive, personal, paid promotional approach between a buyer and a seller.
  24. primary demand
    Demand for a product category (e.g., orange juice) versus a product brand (e.g., Tropicana).
  25. promotion or communication mix
    Communication tools that may include advertising, sales promotions, public relations and publicity, personal selling, and direct marketing.
  26. public relations (PR)
    The process of creating a positive image for a company, an offering, or a person via publicity.
  27. pull strategy
    A strategy in which consumers are targeted with sales promotions such as coupons, contests, games, rebates, mail-in offers.
  28. push strategy
    A strategy in which businesses are the target of promotions so products get “pushed” through their marketing channels and sold to consumers.
  29. reach
    The number of people exposed to a message.
  30. sales promotion
    Other forms of promotions (coupons, contests, rebates, mail-in offers) not included as a component of a communication mix.
  31. selective demand
    Demand for a specific brand (Tropicana orange juice).
  32. telemarketing
    A form of direct marketing that involves contacting people by phone.
  33. trade promotions
    Sales promotions aimed at businesses.
  34. unique selling proposition (USP)
    A specific product benefit consumers will remember.
  35. vehicle
    The specific means, such as a particular magazine or a specific television show, within a medium to reach a selected target market.
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Marketing ch 11
key terms