Bio 137 Lab

  1. What are the Removable eye pieces used to observe the microscope slide called?
    Ocular Lenses
  2. What are the lenses a microscope usually has called? There are usually three or four mounted on a revolving nosepiece.
    Objective Lenses
  3. What kind of tissue covers surfaces, lines, cavities, and forms glands?
    Epithelial Tissue
  4. What is the most abudant primary tissue in the body, connects different tissues, provides a framework, resists pulling forces, and protects other tissues?
    Connective Tissue
  5. Which tissue causes movement?
    Muscle Tissue
  6. Which tissue recieves and generates nerve impulses?
    Nervous Tissue
  7. What separates epithelial and connective tissues?
    Basement Membrane
  8. What covers the surface of the body and some organs, and line all hollow body structures?
    Covering and Lining Epithelia
  9. Which tissues Forms glands that produce and secrete products needed by the body?
    Glandular Epithelia
  10. What is the epithelial cell surface adjacent to the space called?
    Apical Surface
  11. What is the cell surface adjacent to the basement membrane called?
    Basal surface
  12. What are the thinnest cells, that have a flattened nucleus called?
    squamous cells
  13. what are the cube-like cells with a round nucleus in the center of the cell called?
    Cuboidal Cells
  14. Which cell type changes shape?
    Transitional Cell
  15. What kind of Epitherlial tissue has only one cell layer and provides a protective barrier allowing diffusion, filtration, secretion, or absorbtion of selected substances?
    Simple Epithelium
  16. What kind of epithelial tissue has two or more cell layers. the cell layers are thicker, subject to wear and tear, and form a protective barrier.  It has multiple cell layers that make the tissue more resistant to damage, thereby preventing pathogens and foreign materials from crossing into underlying tissues?
    Stratified Epithelium
  17. What kind of epithelial tissues gives the illusion of several different layers of cells but is only one cell layer thick.  all the cells touch the basement membrane, although not all the cells reach the apical surface?
    Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

  18. * cytoplasm
    *plasma membrane

    Simple Squamous Epithelium
  19. Lung

    *connective tissue
    *nucleus in alveolar wall
    *nucleus in visceral layer
    Simple Squamous Epitherlia
  20. Kidney

    *apical surface
    Simple cuboidal Epithelial
  21. Small intestine

    *connective tissue
    Simple Columnar Epithelia
  22. Stomach

    * connective tissue
    * nucleus of epithelial tissue in basal layer
    * nucleus
    *mucous glands
    Stratified Squamous Epithelia
  23. Urinary Bladder

    *connective tissue
    *nucleus in apical layer
    *nucleus in basal layer
    Transitional Epithelium
  24. Trachea

    *connective tissue
    Psuedostratified Columnar Epithelia
  25. Mesentery

    *collagen fiber
    *connective tissue cells
    *elastic fiber
    Areolar Connective Tissue
  26. Lymph Node

    *reticular fiber
    Reticular Tissue

  27. *lipid storage area
    *nucleus of adipocyte
    Adipose Tissue
  28. Tendon

    *collagen fiber bundle
    Dense Regular connective Tissue
  29. Skin

    * collagen fiber bundles running in different directions
    *parallel collagen fiber bundles
    Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
  30. Heart

    *bundle of elastic fibers
    *individual elastic Fiber
    Elastic Connective Tissue
  31. Trachea

    *extracellular matrix
    *nucleus of chondrocyte
    Hyaline Cartilage
  32. Ear

    *elastic fibers
    *nucleus of chondrocyte
    Elastic Cartilage
  33. Tendon

    *collagen Fibers

  34. *canaliculus
    *central Canal

  35. *osteocyte
    Spongey Bone

  36. *red cells
    *nucleus of white cells

  37. *nucleus
    *width of individual fiber
    Skeletal Muscle

  38. *branches
    *intercalated discs
    Cardiac Muscle

  39. *nucleus of cross section
    *nucleus of longitudinal section
    Smooth Muscle

  40. *cell body
    Nervous Tissue
Card Set
Bio 137 Lab
Key terms for exam 1