science 24

  1. list the two layers that form the skin
    dermis, epidermis
  2. list two pigments found in human skin
    carotene, melanin
  3. what stucture of the skin is responsible for the formation of fingerprints
  4. an area of thickened epidermis is called a___________
  5. besides perspiration, what else does your skin do to keep you cool
    blood vessels openwide to permit more blood to flow near the surface
  6. what is below the dermis that is not really a part of the skin
    subcutaneous layer
  7. what is formed when the skin is exposed to intense heat or rubbed strongly before the epidermis has time to form a callus
  8. what protects your brain, eyes, and ears
  9. what are some functions of the skeletal system
    • 1. framework for support and movement
    • 2. protection
    • 3. storage of minerals
    • 4. production of blood cells
  10. what are bands of connective tissue that connect muscles to bones
  11. tough, flexible bands of connective tissue that attach bones to other bones at joints
  12. a place were two or more bones meet
  13. what joints bend in only one direction
    hinge joints
  14. what two minerals are especially important in giving bones their strength
    calcium and phosphorus
  15. besides bone, what other tissue composes skeletons
  16. muscles that you can controlat will are called________
    voluntary muscles
  17. the muscles which move your skeleton are called___________
    skeletal muscles
  18. muscles you cannot control are called______
    involuntary muscles
  19. what organ has involuntary, striated muscle
  20. which muscle is the longest in your body
  21. when muscles__________, they produce heat
  22. why is the skin considered a major defence against disease
    it is a physical barrier agianst disease causing organisms
  23. which layer of skin contains hair follicles
  24. what is the best way to treat first-degree burns
    run under cool water, then wrap a clean dry dressing
  25. how does your bone marrow affect your blood
    blood cells are made in the bone marrow
  26. what is the name for the tough, white tissues that forms new bone tissue
  27. what do you call the bands of connective tissue that connect muscle to bone
  28. what kind of joints do not allow movement
    fused joints
  29. which kinds of muscles are striated
    heart and skeletal muscle
  30. what metabolic processes supply the energy for muscles to contract
    aerobic cellular respiration and sometimes anaerobic cellular respiration
Card Set
science 24
support and movement of the body