Ch. 9, 10, & 12

  1. Acute lymphangitis
    Inflammation of one ore more lymphatic vessels.
  2. Acute suppurative lymphadenitis
    Infection and inflammation of a lymph node; may affect a single node or localized groupd of nodes.
  3. AIDS
    Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; initial symptoms include lymphadenopathy, fatigue, fever, and weight loss.
  4. Cat scratch fever
    Among the most common causes of subactue or chronic lyphadenitis in children; nodal enlargement may last longer than 3 weeks in a young child.
  5. Eptein-Barr virus mononucleosis
    Infectious mononucleosis; marked by firm, discrete, tender lymph nodes of anterior and posterior cervical chains.
  6. Herpes simplex
    A group of acute infections caused by human herpes virus 1 (HSV-1) or human herpes virus 2 (HSV-2); marked by enlargement of anterior cervical and submandibular nodes.
  7. Hodgkin diseaseĀ 
    A malignant lymphoma marked by asymmetric enlargemtn of the cervical lymph nodes, which are rubbery and nonpainful.
  8. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
    Characterized by the dysfunction of cell-mediated immunity, HIV seropositivity.
  9. Latex allergy
    Allergic contact dermatitis that involves the immune system and is caused by the cmeicals used in products that contain latex.
  10. Lymphangioma
    Cystic hygroma; a congenital malformation of dilated lymphatics.
  11. Lymphatic filariasis
    Massive accumulation of lymphedema throughout the body; commonly called elephatiasis; most common cause of secondary lymphedema worldwide.
  12. Lymphedema
    Edematous swelling due to excessive accumulation of lymph fluid in tisssues as a result of inadequate lymph drainage.
  13. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
    A malignant neoplasm of the lymphatic system and the reticuloendothelial tissues.
  14. Serum sickness
    An immune complex disease.
  15. Toxoplasmosis
    A parasitic zoonosis caused by the parasiteĀ Toxoplasma gondii; marked by a single, enlarged, nontender lymph node in posterior cervical chain.
  16. Branchial cleft cyst
    A congenital lesion formed by incomplete involution of the branchial cleft; the cyst is usually solitary, painless, and located in the lateral neck; discharge may occur if associated with the sinus tract.
  17. Bruit
    A sound that may be detected in the hypervascular thyroid.
  18. Bulging fontanel
    A condition of the fontanel that may indicate increased intracranial pressure.
  19. Craniosynostosis
    A condition that results from the premature closing of sutures before brain growth is complete; leads to a mishpaen skull.
  20. Chloasma
    Facial discoloration common during pregnancy; also called the mask of pregnancy.
  21. Encephalocele
    A neural tube defect characterized by the protrusion of nervous system tissue throug a defect in the skull.
  22. Facies
    General appearance of the face, head, and neck that is characteristic of a specific condition.
  23. Graves disease
    An autoimmune disorder that leads to an overproduction of thyroid-stimulating hormone; characterized by exophthalmia (bulging eyes).
  24. Hasimoto disease
    An autoimmune condition characterized by the production of antibodies against the thyroid gland, usually leading to hypothyroidism.
  25. Hyperthyroidism
    Overactivity of the thyroid.
  26. Hypothyroidism
    Underactivity of the thyroid; more common that hyperthyroidism.
  27. Macewen
    Sign associated with increased intracranial pressure after fontanels are closed.
  28. Mastoid fontanel
    A third (abnormal) fontanel; common in Down syndrome.
  29. Microcephaly
    A condition in which the circumference of the head is smaller than normal; associated with mental retardation.
  30. Molding
    An abnormal shaping of the infant's head caused by the shifting and overlapping of bones during vaginal delivery.
  31. Myxedema
    Skin and tissue disorder usually caused by severe prolonged hypothyroidism; characterized by mucinous edema of face.
  32. Ossification
    Bone tissue formation; begins in sutures after brain growth is completed.
  33. Salivary gland tumor
    A growth or mass in any of the salivary glands, but most commonly occurring in the parotid gland.
  34. Sternocleidomastoid
    Referring to the area extending from upper sternum to the mastoid process.
  35. Thyroglossal duct cyst
    A palpable cystic mass in the enck.
  36. Thyroid
    Largest endocrine gland.
  37. Tic
    A spasmodic contraction of the face, head, or neck.
  38. Torticollis
    A condition in which the enck is twisted (also called wry neck); often the result of birth trauma or intrauterine malposition; acquired torticollis may be caused by tumor, trauma, palsy of cranial nerve IV, muscle spasm, infection, or drug ingestion.
  39. Transillumination
    Procedure used to evaluate suspecxted intracranial lesion or increasing head circumference in infants.
  40. Webbing
    Excessive posterior cervical skin.
  41. Acute otitis media
    Inflammation in the middle ear associated with a middle ear effusion that becomes infected by bacterial organisms.
  42. Acute pharyngitis
    Infection of tonsils or posterior pharynx by microorganisms.
  43. Cerumen
  44. Cheilitis
    Dry, cracked lips.
  45. Cholesteatoma
    Epithelial tissue behind the tympanic membrane that is often the result of untreated or chronic recurrent otitis media.
  46. Cleft lip and palate
    Common craniofacial congenital malformation; the result of the lip or palate failing to fuse during the embryonic development.
  47. Cochlea
    Coiled structure in inner ear.
  48. Conductive hearing loss
    Hearing loss resulting from reduced transmissio of sound to the middle ear.
  49. Epistaxis
  50. Fordyce spots
    Bumps that may appear on the buccal mucosa; ectopic sebaceous glands
  51. Frenulum
    Small fold of tissue that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth.
  52. Meniere disease
    Disorder of progressive hearing loss; in some cases, has a genetic mode of transmission.
  53. Oropharynx
    Area of the throat that is located between the mouth and nasopharynx.
  54. Ossicles
    The three tiny bones of the inner ear known as the malleus, incus, and stapes.
  55. Otitis externa
    Inflammation of the auditory canal and external surface of the tympanic membrane; aslo called "swimmer's ear."
  56. Otitis media with effusion
    Inflammation of the middle ear resulting in the collection of serous, mucoid, or purulent fluid.
  57. Otosclerosis
    Ossification that results in fixation of the stapes.
  58. Peritonsilar abcess
    Deep infection in the space between the soft palate and tonsil.
  59. Pinna
    Projecting shell-like structure on the side of the head; auricle.
  60. Presbycusis
    Bilateral sensorineural hearing loss associated with aging.
  61. Retropharyngeal abcess
    Life-threatening infection in the lateral pharyngeal space that has the potential to occlude the airway, most commonly occurs in children.
  62. Rinne test
    A hearing test tha tcompares bone conduction with air conduction of sound.
  63. Romberg test
    A neurologic test used to screen for equilibrium.
  64. Sensorineural hearing loss
    Hearing impairment that results from a disorder of the ear, damage to cranial nerve VIII, genetic disorders, systemic disease, or prolonged exposure to loud noise.
  65. Sinusitis
    Bacterial infection of one or more of the paranasal sinuses.
  66. Torus
    Bony protuberance on the midline of the hard palate.
  67. Uvula
    Conical projection that hangs from the posterior margin of the soft palate.
  68. Vertigo
    The illusion of rotational movement experience by a patient; often due to a disorder of the inner ear.
  69. Weber test
    A screening test for hearing that tests the laterlization of sound.
  70. Xerostomia
    Dry mouth
Card Set
Ch. 9, 10, & 12
Health Assessment Exam 1