Management Chapter Eleven

  1. Power?
    The ability to influence another person.
  2. Influence?
    The process of affecting the thoughts, behavior, and feelings of another person.
  3. Authority?
    The right to influence another person.
  4. Zone of Indifference?
    The range in which attempts to influence a person will be percieved as legitimate and will be acted on without a great deal of thought.
  5. Legitimate Power?
    Power that is based on position and mutual agreement, agent and target agree that the agent has the right to influence the targets.
  6. Reference Power?
    An elusive power that is based on interpersonal attarction.
  7. Expert Power?
    The power that exists when an agent has specialized knowledge or skills that the target needs.
  8. Reward Power?
    Power based on an agent's ability to control rewards thata target wants.
  9. Coercive Power?
    Power that is based on an agent's ability to cause an unpleasant experience for a target.
  10. Information Power?
    Access to and control over important information.
  11. Personal Power?
    Power used for personal gain.
  12. Social Power?
    Power used to create motivation or accomplish group goals.
  13. Strategic Consequences?
    Activities that other groups depend on in order to complete their tasks.
  14. Powerlessness?
    A lack of power.
  15. Organizational Politics?
    The use of power and influence in organizations.
  16. Political Behavior?
    Actions not officially sanctioned by an organization that are taken to influence others in order to meet one's personal grade.
  17. Political Skill?
    The ability to get things done through favorable interpersonal relationships outside of formally prescribed organizational mechanisms.
  18. Empowerment?
    Sharing power within an organization.
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Management Chapter Eleven
Management Chapter Eleven