老鼠怕猫。 lǎoshǔ pà māo.
Mice are afraid of cats.
我怕蛇。 wǒ pà shé.
I'm afraid of snakes.
我们老板很凶,我有点怕他。wǒmen lǎobǎn hěn xiōng, wǒ yǒudiǎnr pà tā.
Our boss is very mean. I'm a little afraid of him.
现在是冬天,我很怕冷。xiànzài shì dōngtiān, wǒ hěn pà lěng.
It's winter now. I get cold easily.
我怕辣。wǒ pà là.
I can't eat spicy foods.
我怕你伤心,所以没告诉你。wǒ pà nǐ shāngxīn, suǒyǐ méi gàosu nǐ.
I was worried you'd be sad, so I didn't tell you.
我怕他出事,我出去找找他。wǒ pà tā chūshì, wǒ chūqù zhǎo zhao tā.
I'm afraid something happened to him, so I'm going out to look for him.
别害怕,我在这里。bié hàipà, wǒ zài zhèlǐ.
Don't be afraid, I'm here.
要打雷了,宝宝会害怕。yào dǎléi le, bǎobao huì hàipà.
There's going to be thunder. The baby will be scared.
你害怕吗?nǐ hàipà ma?
Are you scared?
鬼片太可怕了,我不敢看。guǐpiānr tài kěpà le, wǒ bù gǎn kàn.
Ghost movies are too scary. I don't dare watch them.
甲流很可怕,因为死了很多人。jiǎliú hěn kěpà, yīnwèi sǐ le hěn duō rén.
H1N1 is really scary because a lot of people died.
那个人看上去很可怕,可能是坏人。nà ge rén kàn shangqu hěn kěpà, kěnéng shì huàirén.
That person looks really scary. He/she might be a bad person.
恐怕 kǒngpà
I'm afraid [that maybe...]
天这么黑,恐怕要下雨了。tiān zhème hēi, kǒngpà yào xiàyǔ le.
The sky is so dark. I'm afraid it's going to rain.
再不走,恐怕就赶不上车了。zài bù zǒu, kǒngpà jiù gǎnbushàng chē le.
If we don't leave now, I'm afraid we may miss the bus.
你要借这么多钱,恐怕他不会借给你。nǐ yào jiè zhème duō qián, kǒngpà tā bù huì jiègěi nǐ.
If you need to borrow that much money, I'm afraid he's not going to lend it to you.
她生气的时候很恐怖。tā shēngqì de shíhou hěn kǒngbù.
When she gets angry, it's really terrifying.
海地发生了7.3级地震,太恐怖了。Hǎidì fāshēng le qī diǎn sān jí dìzhèn, tài kǒngbù le.
There was a 7.3 earthquake in Haiti. How terrifying.
Horror movies.
恐怖分子kǒngbù fènzǐ
恐怖主义kǒngbù zhǔyì