Psych Ch 2

  1. Phrenology- Franz Ball
    • The shape of your skull mimicked your brain (false)
    • -Discovered the brain spreads out their work 
  2. Brain Lesions
    Cut out part of your brain adn see what functions you loose
  3. EEG
    • Electrical sensors placed around brain
    • -You don't get exact info just a broud idea
  4. Pet Scan
    • -Injected with glucose
    • -Do a series of functions
    • -It lights up what parts of your brain are working
  5. MRI
    • -Injected with dye
    • -You can see structural differences with a clear pic
  6. FMRI
    • -Watch the brain operate
    • -Combo of PET and MRI scans 
    • -Uses magnetic fields 
  7. Dendrites 
    • Recieve messages from other neurons 
    • -looks like tree branch
  8. Cell Body
    • If it gets enough messages then it will send it
    • The messages are sent to the Axon
  9. Myelin Sheath
    • Covers Axon and protects from damage
    • -speeds up the neural impulses
    • -Brain can communicate with itself faster
  10. Terminal Branches of Axon
    Messages are delivered to other nuerons
  11. Excitatory vs Inhibitory
    • Once threshold is met then gate opens and domino effect occurs 
    • It happens extremely fast but because there are so many different steps it takes you a min to respond
  12. Neurotransmission
    Electrical impulses travel from one neuron to another across a tiny junction known as a synapse
  13. Reuptake
    Sending neuron will reobsorb the leftovers 
  14. Central Nervous System
    Only brain and spinal cord 
  15. Peripheral 
    • Everything else (neurons)
    • Stomatic
    • Autonomic
  16. Somatic NS
    Voluntary movements of your muscles
  17. Autonomic
    • Controls self regulated actions 
    • (heart beat, breathing)
  18. Sympathetic
  19. Parasympathetic
  20. Medulla
    Heartbeat and breathing
  21. Pons
    Coordinate movements
  22. Reticular Formation
    Controlling arousal level
  23. Thalamus
    Helps filter sensory uniformation
  24. Cerebrellum
    • Little brain, helps coordinate movement and balance judge time, regulate emotions
    • *Alcohol effects this 
  25. Limbic System
    • several structures in brain 
    • associated with motivation, emotions, ect
  26. Hippocampus
    Associated with Memory forming 
  27. Amygdala
    Almond shaped, fear and aggression
  28. Hypothalamus
    • Below thyalamus
    • Motivation and drives, 
    • 4 F's
  29. The 4 F's
    Feeding, Fleeing, Fighting, Mating 
  30. Cerebral Cortex
    • All of complex abilities
    • language, think, lie, move body
  31. Frontal lobe
    Abstract thinking, planning, speaking, personality
  32. Perietal lobe
    Sensory info to touch
  33. Occipital lobe
    Visual info
  34. Temporal lobe
    Auditory info 
  35. Cortex functions
    • Motor cortex- moving body
    • Sensory cortex
  36. Fineas Gage
    • Railroad worked and rod through head
    • -we now know the frontal lobe is associated with the personality b/c his changed drastically 
  37. Language steps 
    • 1. visual cortex- written words
    • 2. angular cortex- visual to auditory code
    • 3. Wernicke's area- interprets auditory code
    • 4. Broca's Area- Controls speech muscles 
    • 5. Motor Cortex- Word is pronounced
  38. Left Hemisphere
  39. Right Hemisphere
Card Set
Psych Ch 2
Psychology Ch 2