OTA Abbreviations pg 23

  1. APE
    adapted physical education
  2. AT
    assistive technology
  3. CFR
    Code of Federal Regulations
  4. D/APE
    developmental and adaptive physical education
  5. DOE
    Department of Education
  6. ECFE
    early childhood family education
  7. ECSE
    early childhood special education
  8. EI
    early intervention
  9. FAPE
    free and appropriate public education
  10. IDEA
    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  11. IEP
    Individualized Education Program
  12. IFSP
    Individualized Family Service Plan
  13. LD
    Learning disability
  14. LEA
    local education agency
  15. LRE
    least restrictive environment
  16. NCLB
    No Child Left Behind
  17. OHI
    other health impaired
  18. OSEP
    Office of Special Education Program (DOE)
  19. OSERS
    Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services (DOE)
  20. PI
    physically impaired
  21. PLEP
    present level of educational performance
  22. RSA
    Rehabilitation Services Administration (DOE)
  23. SEA
    state education agency
  24. SI
    sensory integration
  25. USC
    United States Code
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OTA Abbreviations pg 23
OTA Abbreviations pg 23