CDO 338 1.2

  1. oral communication is important because it is the primary means for
    • expressing feelings, ideas
    • venting anxieties and frustrations
    • for making requests and demands
    • for controlling the behavior of others
    • learning about the world
    • providing information
    • enabling a person to find about what is perceiving and thinking
    • the very being we are is personified through our speech
  2. speech is a complex process supported by
    • anatomic and neurophysiologic mechanisms that mediate perception, respiration ohonation, resonantion, and articulation
    • and all the psychosocial perceptions of self and others that permit each of us to utilize speech for expression
  3. because of the intricacy f the physical aspects involved in speech and the enmeshment of our personage in our speech...
    • generalizations about problems and their remediation should be made with caution.
    • no two persons with a similar speech disorder may experience the same degree of disability
  4. sound system disorders could have far reaching repercussions on a person's:
    • social-emotional well-being
    • occupation
    • interpersonal relationships
    •    speech sound disabilities constitute a large percentage of all communication disorders, making it the cause of much human distress and suffering
  5. social emotional effects
    • 1. in early childhood, the child with deviant speech sounds experience unfavorable comments, teasing, ostracism, exclusion, labeling and frustrating
    • -low sense of personal ability and low self esteem
    • -indicator - prevalence of SSD disorders in today's prisons
    • 2. there is a high relationship between communication disorders and emotional or behavioral disorders in children and adolescents
    • -rate of co-ocurence between 50-70% across various settings
    • -children with SSD demonstrate anxiety levels commensurate with the severity level of their disorder
  6. educational and occupational effects
    • 1. teachers perceive students with speech and language disorders as porer performers in the classroom than their normal speaking peers
    • -potentially negative effect on educational achievement
    • 2. people including employers, associate disordered or different speech with ignorance, incompetence and even lack of intelligence
  7. societal penalty of CDO is related to 7 factors
    • articulation demand
    • ofsetting personal assets
    • overprotection
    • sensitivities, maladjustments or attitudes of the listeners
    • attitudes of the speaker who is disabled
    •  peculiarity of the speech disorder
    • degree of intelligibility
  8. Those related to articulation that attract the most attention and thereby draw the most penalties:
    • 1.  conspicuousness of the Articulatory disorder
    • 2.Degree of intelligibility
    • 3.Penalties may be overt or covert
  9. interpersonal effects of A/P Disorders
    • 1. preschool children with articulation impairments initiated less frequent interactions with peers than their normal SL couterparts
    • -SSD disabled children used shorter utterances
    • -SSD disabled children used more non-verbals
    • 2. elementary and high school students rate cohorts with SSD disorders more negatively on personality factors and using semantic descriptions
    • 3. negative responses
    • -younger children label them, tease, ridicule
    • -older children and adults subtly overprotect, pity, condescension, impatience, avoidance, rejection
  10. SLPs reponsibility
    • realizing that living with SSd has potentially devastating effects on quality of life through the devaluation of self assimilated by the reactions of communicative partners
    • we must consider the involvement of the "person's spirit as an equally important aspect of the "condition"
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CDO 338 1.2
CDO 338 lecture 1.2