
  1. Has been identified as the blending of Anthropology and Nursing
    Transcultural nursing
  2. Who first called attention to cultural diversity in the 4th century BC. An ancient Greek Scholar.
  3. idea was nurses needed an in depth knowledge of different cultures in order to care for individuals of various ethnicities
    Leininger's culture care theory
  4. The values, beliefs and norms and practices of a a particular group that are learned and shared and guide thinking, decisions and actions in a patterned way
  5. who has the distinction of being first international and transcultural nurse?
    Florence Nightingale
  6. Children watching adults and making assumptions on the "acceptable" ways to behave in different situations.
  7. How is culture learned
  8. What are the for basic characteristics of culture?
    • shared
    • learned
    • adapted
    • dynamic
  9. The ideals, customs, institutions, ect. of a society toward which the people of the group have an affective regard, these values may be positive, as cleanliness, freedom, or education, or negative, as cruelty, crime, or blasphemy.
  10. Rules by which human behavior is governed
  11. Human nature
    good vs evil
  12. person-nature
    destiny, harmony, mastery
  13. Time
    past, present, future
  14. Activity
    being growing doing
  15. social
    • lineal
    • collateral
    • individual
  16. includes addressing the physical, psychological, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of the client
    Holistic care
  17. Culture DOES NOT
    equal race and ethnicity
  18. groups who's members share a common social and cultural heritage passed on to each successive generation
  19. Biological concept, share distinguishing physical features such as skin color, bone structure, and blood group.
  20. Developing an awareness for one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, and environment, without letting it have an undue influence on those from other backgrounds
    demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the client's culture, health-related needs, and meanings of health and illness
    Accepting and respecting cultural differences
    Cultural competence
  21. What is the first step in cultural awareness
    • Understanding yourself.
    • by exploring of your own values and heritage and ethnocentrism
  22. What is the second step in cultural knowledge
    • health beliefs and behaviors
    • stereotyping
    • psychological/biological understanding
    • similarities/variations
  23. What is step 3 cultural sensitivity
    • empathy
    • interpersonal/communication skills
    • trust
    • acceptance
    • appropriateness
    • respect.
  24. Concerned with behavioral norms and communication patterns which differ across cultures that could potentially create problems and misunderstandings
    cultural sensitivity
  25. What are the normal space limitations.
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