Soc 3

  1. Race
    Category of people that have been singled out as inferior or superior, often on basis of phenotype
  2. Ethnicity
    Collection of people, put together in terms of culture, nationality
  3. Prejudice
    making a judgement on someone, an attitude
  4. Discrimination
    Behavior, an action
  5. Stereotypes
    Over generalize and apply to a whole group of people
  6. Modern racism
    person thinks racism is a thing of the past and everyone has gotten their fair share
  7. Subordinate
    a group whose members, because of physical or cultural characteristics are disadvantaged and subjected to unequal treatment by the dominant group and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination
  8. Dominant
    a group that is advantaged and has superior resources and rights in a society
  9. anti-miscegnation
    law that prevented 2 different races from marrying each other
  10. one drop rule
    idea that if you had black blood you were considered black
  11. Assimilation theory
    Changing your ideals into something that reflects the core culture of the mainstream culture
  12. Gordon's 7 Types of assimilation
    Marital, Civil, Racial, Acculturation, Structural, behavior, attitude
  13. Marital assimilation
    widespread intermarriage
  14. Civil assimilation
    absence of values and power struggles
  15. Racial formation
    actions of leadership define race and ethnicity in the US
  16. Behavior assimilation
    absence of prejudice and discrimination
  17. Attitude
    absence of prejudice and discrimination
  18. Acculturation
    newcomers adapt to new cultural norms
  19. Contact hypothesis
    Contact between divergent groups should be positive as long as group members: Have equal status, pursue same goals, cooperate with one another to achieve goals, recieve positive feedback while interacting
  20. Sex
    Refers to biological differences between females and males
  21. Gender
    refers to the culturally and socially constructed differences between females and males
  22. Objectification
    Treating someone as an object, more than a whole person
  23. Gender the cultural dimension
    Most "Sex differences" are socially constructed "Gender differences" , gender is embedded in the images, ideas, and language of a society. Gender is used as a means to divide up work, allocate resources and distribute power
  24. Sexism
    The subordination of one sex based on assumed superiority of the other sex
  25. Sexism directed at women has three components
    Negative attitudes, Steretypical beliefs that reinforce the prejudice, and Discrimination
  26. Social significance of gender
    Gender stereotypes hold that men and women are different in attributes, behavior and aspirations
  27. Men
    Strong, proud, aggressive, selfish, logical, disorganized, courageous, confident, independent, ambitious
  28. Women tend to be
    emotional, talkative, affectionate, patient, romantic, moody, cautious, creative, thrifty
  29. 3 factors of gender division of labor
    type of subsistence base, supply of and demand for labor, extent to which womens childrearing activites are compatible with certain types of work
  30. Parent and gender socialization
    children's clothing and toys reflect their parents gender expectations. Children are often assigned household tasks according to gender.
  31. Peers and gender socialization
    Peers help children learn gender appropriate and inappropriate behavior, during adolescence peers often are more effective at gender socialization than adults, college student peers play an important role in career choices and establishment of long term, intimate relationships
  32. Schools and gender socialization
    Teachers provide messages about gender through classroom assignments and informal interactions with students, Teachers may unintentionally show favoritism toward one gender
  33. Sports and gender socialization
    Guys = Football, Girls = cheerleader
  34. Mass media and gender socialization
    Male characters typically are more aggressive, construct, and direct. Females are deferential toward others or use manipulation to get their way
  35. Traditional family
    A group of people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption, live together, are an economic unit, and bear and raise children
  36. New Family
    Relationships in which people live together with commitment, form an economic unit and care for any young, and consider their identity to be significantly attached to the group.
  37. Polygamy
    Multiple spouses
  38. Polygyny
    One man, 2 or more women
  39. Polyandry
    one woman, 2 or more men
  40. Patrilineal
    trace family line from father
  41. Matrilineal
    trace family line from mother
  42. Egalitarian
    power is shared, all equal
  43. endogam
    marriage within a specific tribe or similar social unit
  44. Functionalist theory on family
    Sexual regulation, socialization, economic and psychological support for members, provision of social status
  45. Conflict perspective of families
    Families in capitalist economies are similar to workers in a factory, women dominated at home same way workers are dominated at factories
  46. Symbolic Interactionist Perspective of family
    Patterns of communication, the meanings people give to roles and events, individiual interpretations of family interactions
  47. Education and religion
    powerful forces in contemporary societies. impart essential values, beliefs, and knowledge. grapple with issues of societal stability and social change, reflecting even as they attempt to shape it
  48. Manifest functions of education
    socialization, transmission of culture, social control, social placement, change and innovation
  49. Latent functions of education
    production of social networks, restricting some activities, creation of generation gap
  50. Conflict perspective of Education
    Education is vehicle for reproducing existing class relationships. Unequal funding is a source of inequality in education. access to colleges and universities is determined not only by academic record but also by the ability to pay
  51. Symbolic interactionist perspective of Education
    self fulfilling prophecy, students labeled as gifted may achieve at a higher level because of the label, girls attribute success to effort while boys learn to attribute success to intelligence and ability
  52. Religion
    seeks to answer important questions such as why we exist, why people suffer and die, what happens when we die. Comprised of beliefs, symbols, rituals. All known groups over the past 100,000 years have some form of religion
  53. Sacred
    aspects of life that are extraordinary
  54. Profane
    aspect of everyday life
  55. Functionalist perspective of religion
    Provide meaning in life, Promote social cohesion, provide social control
  56. Conflict perspective of religion
    religion is the opiate of the people. Weber argued that religion could be a catalyst to produce social change
Card Set
Soc 3
cards for sociology test 3