study guide test review

  1. What is Functional Nursing?
     In this model different tasks are devided into functional categories, with one nurse assuming responsability for spacific tasks.
  2. What is team nursing?
    in this model the RN acts as a team leader, giving subordinates patient assignments.
  3. What is Total Patient care nursing?
    an RN is responsible for all aspects of patient care for one, or more patients.
  4. What is Primary nursing?
    an RN selects a caseload of patients to care for over time, typically the RN selects these patients. (Like Bryson's RN at the NICU) 
  5. what is the Case Management care approach?
    The RN maintains responsability of a patient from addmition untill after discharge. -- the nurse continues to follow the patient after he/she returnes home. ((case managers don't alawys provide direct care.))
  6. Subjective Vs. Objective
    • Subjective: Patients verbal description of their health problems.
    • Objective: Observations or measures of a patients health status.
  7. The Nursing process is a five step process, what are the five step?
    • Assess      evaluates the patients condition
    • Diagnose       Identifys the patients problems            contains a (R/T)
    • Plan       sets goals of care and nd desired outcomes,            contains a "Patient will"
    • Implementation       Preform the nusring ations identified in planning.            Contains a I, " the nurse will"
    • Evaluate      Determinsr if the goals are met and outcomes achieved.
  8. What is a nursing diagnosis?
    • a Clinical judgement about individual, family, or community responses to actual, or potential health problems, or life processes.
    • EX. Fatigue Related to disease process.
  9. What is an incadent report?
    • A report which is given anytime that anything unusual happens that (does or) could potentially harm a patient, visitor or employee.
    • EX. patient found on floor on RT. side...
  10. What is a Change-of-shift report?
    occures at the end of a shift. provides a transfer of revelant information form the Nurse going off shift to the one coming on shift.
  11. What is a discharge summary form?
    Doccumentation made upon discharge of a patient. Covers care delivered and changes of patient status while in the hospital, patient status changes and reccomendations for continued care.
  12. * What are the three levels of prevention?
    • Primary Prevention: True prevention, procedes desease or dysfunction and is applied to patients who are concidered phisically healthy.
    • EX: Health promotions, Health education programs, immunizations, and phisical and nutritionalfitness activivties.
    • Secondary Prevention: Is focused on people who are experienceing health problems or illness, and are at risk for worsening conditions Secondary Prevention activities are directed toward diagnosis and prompt intervention.
    • EX. Screening techniques, and treating early stages of disease to limit dissability.
    • Tertiary prevention: Occures when a defecet, or disability is perminant, irreversable, and stabalized. Involves minimizing the effects of long term disease.
    • EX. rehabilitation.
  13. Direct care interventions V.S. Indirect care interventions
    • Direct care interventions are treatments performed through interactions with patients
    • EX. Medications incertion of a intravenious catheter and counciling during a time of grief.
    • Indirect Care Interventions: are treatmente preformed away from patient, but on their behalf.
    • EX. Safety and infection control
  14. What are the steps nessisary in reciving a TO
    • 1 - must write down the complete order, or enter it into the computer as it is being recieved.
    • 2 - Must read the order back
    • 3 - Must recieve confermation from th eperson who gave the order.
  15. Name three methods of documentation
    • Nerritive- tells a story
    • PODR problem oriented medical record -
    • Charting by acception- normal, normal, abnormal.
  16. What are the three levels of criticl thinking?
    • 1- Basic       Trusts that experts have the right answer to everything
    • 2- Complex      Begins to sepoate themselves from the authorities
    • 3- Commitment      Anticipatesd the need to make choices without the assistance from others.
  17. What are the five Components of critical thinking?
    • Knowledge
    • experiences
    • competence
    • attitudes
    • standards
  18. Define Health
    - more than just the absence of disease, its a state of being that people define in relation to their own values, personality, and values.
  19. what is Intuition-
    • the inner sensing or "gut feeling" that something is so.
    • EX. you walk into a patient's room and, by looking at the patient's apperience without the benefit of a thorough assessment, sence that he, or she has worsened physically.
  20. What does JACHO stand for?
    joint comission on acfredidtation fro hospitals and orginizations (created the JACHO do not use list..)
  21. What does HIPPA stand for?
    Health Insurance portability and accountability act.
  22. What is a DRG?
    Diagnosis- related groups. basis for establishing reembersement for patient care
  23. What is PERLA?
    • rates the alertness of a patient ( associate with eyes )
    • Oriented times 1,2,3 ..
    • 1-person
    • 2-place
    • 3-time.
  24. What does ADPIE Stand for?
    • Assessment
    • Diagnosis
    • Planning
    • Intervention
    • Evaluation
  25. What is ANA?
    American Nursing asociation
  26. What is NANDA?
    • North American Nuursing Diagnosis Association-
    • developed a model for orginizing nursing diagnosis for documemtation. 
  27. What is a felony
    a serious offense that results in significant harm to another person or to society  in general.
  28. What is Assult
    an intentional threat toward another person that gives that person reasonable fear of harmful contact.
  29. What is Battery?
    any intentional touching without concent or lawful justification
  30. What is Neglegence?
    an unintentional tort.. (tort = civil wrongfull asct or omissions against a person, or person's propertywhich are resolved by awarding monetary damages to the individual whos rights have been violated.)
  31. Good Samaritan Laws are what?
    laws that limit liability and offer immunity to nurses who helps at the scene of an accident. HOWEVER if you perform a prosedure for which you have no training you WILL be liable for any injury resulting from that act.
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study guide test review
Snow Basic nursing test review