Chapter 27 Part 1

  1. Cachexia-
    weight loss, muscle loss or general debilitation.
  2. Cyanosis-
    bluish discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes
  3. Icterus-
    yellowing pigment of the skin
  4. Systemic-
    pertaining to or affecting the body as a whole.
  5. Anesthetic-
    a compound that reversibly produces the loss of ability to perceive pain and/or other sensations.
  6. Apneustic respiration-
    A peculiar type of breathing pattern in which inspiration is followed by a prolonged pause and expiration is short.
  7. Pharynx-
    the upper portion of the digestive tube, between the esophagus below and the mouth and nasal cavities.
  8. Anesthesiology-
    The medical specialty concerned with pharmacologic, physiological and clinical basis of anesthesia and related fields.
  9. Cataplexy-
    A transient generalized muscular weakness
  10. Anesthetic-
    Loss of sensation resulting from depression of nerve function or from neurologic dysfunction
  11. Arrhythmia-
    Irregularity of the heartbeat
  12. Bronchus-
    One of the 2 subdivisions of the trachea serving to convey air to and from the lungs.
  13. Ataxia-
    the inability to coordinate muscle activity during voluntary movements
  14. Atelectasis-
    Absence of gas from a part or the whole of the lungs, due to failure of expansion or resorption of gas from the alveoli.
  15. Brachycephalic
    shortness of the head,  is a group of conditions that cause resistance to airflow through the upper respiratory tract (nose, larynx) in short-nosed breeds of dogs.
  16. Bronchiole
    one of the finer subdivisions of the bronchi, all less than 1mm in diameter, and having no cartilage in its wall
  17. Alveolus
    Thin walled saclike terminal dilations of the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs where gas exchange occurs.
  18. Nystagmus
    Rhythmical or jerky oscillation of the eyeballs
  19. Cartilage
    A connective tissue characterized by it's nonvascularity and firm consistency; consists of chondrocytes, an interstitial matrix of fibers (collogen), and a ground substance.
  20. Elimination
    removal of waste material from the body
  21. Epidural anesthesia
    Regional anesthesia produced by injection of local anesthetic solution into the peridural space
  22. Epiglottis
    a leaf shaped plate of elastic cartilage, covered with mucous membrane, at the root of the tongue
  23. Hypertensive
    high blood pressure
  24. Bradycardia
    An abnormally low heart rate
  25. Excretion
    the process whereby the undigested residue of food and the waste products of metabolism are eliminated
  26. Dissociated anesthesia
    A loss of some types of sensation with persistance of others. A form of general anesthesia, but not necessarily complete unconsciosness
  27. hypotensive
    Low blood pressure
  28. Inhalation anesthesia
    General anesthesia resulting from breathing of anesthetic gases or vapors.
  29. Local Anesthetic
    A general term to topical, field block, or nerve block
  30. Metabolism
    The sum of the chemical and physical changes occuring in tissue
  31. Larynx
    the part of the respiratory tract between the pharynx and the trachea, it consists of a framework of cartilage and elastic membranes housing the vocal folds
  32. Topical Anesthesia
    Superficial loss of sensation in conjuctiva, mucous membranes of skin, produced by direct application of local anesthetic solutions, ointments of gels
  33. Analgesic
    A compound of producing analesia without producing anesthesia or a loss of consciousness
  34. Trachea
    The air tube extending from the larynx into the thorax where it bifurcates into the right and left main bronchi
  35. Tachycardia
    An abnormally high heart rate
  36. Analgesia
    A neurologic of pharmacologic state in which painful stimuli are no longer painful.
  37. Apnea
    A temporary absence of spontaneous breathing
  38. Ayre's T- Piece
    a nonrebreathing circuit with corrugated tubing, but no reservoir bag or pressure releif valve. in which the fresh gas inlet is located near the patient and the wast gas exists away from the patient; Mapleson e circuit.
  39. Bain Circuit
    a nonrebreathing circuit with a reservoir bag and corrugated tubing in which the fresh gas inlet is located near the patient and the pressure relief valve is located away from the patient; Mapleson D circuit
  40. hypercarbia
    Elevated carbon dioxide levels in the blood
  41. Hypnotic
    A drug that induces sleep
  42. hypothermia
    Abnormally low body temp, in comparison to the norm for the age group. Neonates have lowre body temp than adults
  43. Hypoventilation
    Decreased ventilation; a respiratory problem that results in higher blood levels of carbon dioxide.
  44. Hypoxia
    Low tissue oxygen levels
  45. Miosis
    Constriction of the pupil of the eye
  46. Mydriasis
    Dialation of the pupil of the eye
  47. Non rebreathing system
    a breathing circuit in which exhaled gases are carried away from the patient in a scavenging system
  48. Oxygen saturation
    The amount of hemoglobulin bound to oxygen at any given moment. This value is measured in percent, and it reflects the degree of oxygenation.
  49. Pneumothorax
    Abnormal accumulation of air in the space between the rib cage and lung. This abnormal air pocket compresses the lung and results in respiratory distress. The lung may collapse. May be caused by injury of lung tissue, rupture of air filled pulmonary cysts, or puncture of the chest wall.  
  50. Rebreathing system
    A breathing circuit in which exhaled gases are recirculated to the patient following removal of carbon dioxide.
  51. Respiratory minute volume
    • RMV
    • The amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs in a minute; the tidal volume multiplied by the respiratory rate
  52. Tachycardia
    rapid heart rate; the opposite of bradycardia
  53. Tachypnea
    Fast, shallow breathing
  54. Tidal Volume
    The volume of a normal breath (~10 to 15ml/kg body weight)
  55. Vasodilation
    Dilation of the blood vessels; the opposite of vasoconstriction
Card Set
Chapter 27 Part 1
All Vocabulary for Chapter 27