c. 15 vocab

  1. evolution
    development of new types of organisms from preexisting types of organisms over time
  2. strata
    rock layers
  3. natural selection
    mechanism for descent of modification
  4. adaption
    trait that makes individuals successful in the enviroment
  5. fittest
    measure of an individuas heredity contribution to the next generation
  6. fossils
    the remains or traces of an organism that died a long time ago
  7. superposition
    principle that states that younger rocks lie above older rocks if the layer haven't been disturb
  8. relative age`
    its age compared to that of other fossils
  9. absolute age
    time since formation of the rock
  10. biogeography
    study of the locations of organisms around the world
  11. homologous structures
    species that have similar structure and a common ancestor
  12. analagous structures
    species that have similar functions but do not have a common ancestor
  13. vestigial structures
    structure that serves no purpose, or function, but resembles structures with functional roles in related organisms. ex: tailbone
  14. phylogeny
    the relationships by ancestry among groups of organisms
  15. convergent evolution
    process in which different species evolve similar traits
  16. divergent evolution
    process in which the descendants of a single ancestor diversify into species that each fit different parts of the enviroment
  17. adaptive radiation
    pattern of givergence/ evolutionary pattern in which many species evolve from a single ancestrol species
  18. artificial selection
    the selective breeding of organisms for specific desirable characteristics
  19. coevolution
    when two or more species have evolved adaptions to eachother's influence
Card Set
c. 15 vocab
bio vocab