Chem #3

  1. What is the substance present in the smallest amount in a solution?
  2. Which process defines how molecular compounds form ions upon dissolution?
  3. Which of these compounds is a strong electrolyte?
  4. Based on the solubility rules, which one of these compounds should be insoluble in water?
  5. Based on the solubility rules, which one of these compounds should be soluble in water?
  6. Based on the solubility rules, which of these processes will occur if solutions of CuSO4 (aq) and BaCl2 (aq) are mixed?
    BaSO4 will percipitate; Cu2+ and Cl- are spectator ions
  7. Select the correct set of products for the following reaction
    Ba(OH)2 (aq) + HNO3 (aq)----->
    Ba(NO3)2 (aq) + H20(l)
  8. What is the chemical formula of the salt produced by the neutralization of nitric acid with calcium hydroxide?
  9. Complete the following reaction and identify the Bronsted acid:
    NaOH(aq) + HCl(aq) ----->
    H2O(l) + NaCl (aq); HCl is the acid
  10. which of the following is oxidized in the following reaction?
    Fe + Ag2O---->FeO + 2Ag
  11. The oxidation number of Cr in Cr2 O7 2- is
  12. Which one of these equations describes a redox reaction?
    2Al(s) + 3H2SO4(aq) ----> Al2(SO4)3 (ag) + 3H2 (g)
  13. Identify the reducing agent in the chemical reaction
    Cd + NiO2 + 2H2O ----> Cd (OH)2 + Ni(OH)2
  14. A 50.0 mL sample of 0.436 M NH4NO3 is diluted with water to a total volume of 250.0 mL. What is the ammonium nitrate concentration in the resulting solution?
    8.72 x 10^-2

    50mL x .436m/250mL
  15. A standard solution of 0.243M NaOH was used to determine the concentration of a hydrochloric acid solution. If 46.33 mL of NaOH is needed to neutralize 10.00 mL of the acid, what is the molar concentration of the acid?
    1.13 M
  16. A 34.62mL of 0.1510M NaOH was needed to neutralize 50.0 mL of an H2SO4 solution. What is the concentration of the original sulfuric acid solution?
    0.0523 M
  17. Which of the following is/are characteristic of gases?
    High compressibility, relatively large distances between molecules, and formation of homogenous mixtures regardless of the nature of gases
  18. If the atmospheric pressure in Denver is 0.88 atm then what is this in mmHg (1 atm=101,325 pa= 760 torr, 1 torr=1mmHg)?
    668.8 mmHg
  19. The pressure of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its volume at constant temperature and number of moles is a statement of ____law.
  20. A sample of a gas has an initial pressure of 0.987 atm and a volume of 12.8L. What is the final pressure if the volume is increased to 25.6L?
    0.494 atm
  21. A sample of carbon dioxide gas at 125C and 248 torr occupies a volume of 275L. What will the gas pressure be if the volume is increased to 321L at 125C?
    212 torr
  22. What are the conditions of STP?
    273.15K and 760 Torr
  23. Calculate the volume occupied by 35.2g of methane gas (CH4) at 25C and 1.0 atm. R=0.0821Lxatm/Kxmol

  24. A sample of propane, a component of LP gas, has a volume of 35.3L at 315K and 922torr. What is it's volume at STP
  25. Calculate the density of CO2(g) at 100C and 10.0 atm pressure (R=0.08206L atm/mol K
    14.4 g/L
  26. A gaseous compound is 30.4% nitrogen and 69.6% oxygen by mass. A 5.25g sample of the gas occupies a volume of 1.00L and exerts a pressure of 1.26atm at -4.0c. Which of the following is it's molecular formula (R=0.08206 L atm/mol K)
  27. What volume of CO2 gas at 645 torr and 800K could be produced by the reaction of 45g of CaCO3 accorning to the equation CaCO3 (s)----> CaO(s) + CO2 (g)
    34.8 L
Card Set
Chem #3
molecular compounds