Chapter 18: Introduction to Texas Government

  1. an organization that promoted German immigration to Texas on the 1840's. 
    Adelsverein Society
  2. miniruty groups that make up a majority of the population of the state. Anglos are no longer a majority.
    Majority - Minority
  3. a political subculture that expects government to act as a positive force to archieve a common good for all citizens.
    Moralistic Subculture
  4. a political subculture that expects governments to benefit the individual rather than society in general.
    Individualistic Subculture
  5. a political subculture that expects government to maintain the exisiting political order for the benefit of a small elite.
    Traditionalistic Subculture
  6. a statement of the primary beliefs and goals of a political party.
    Party Platform
  7. an economic system in which most wealth is derived from the use of the land.
    Land - Based Economy
  8. an economy based on many types of economic activity rather than one of a few activites.
    Economic Diversity
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Chapter 18: Introduction to Texas Government
US Principals of US and Texas Government