CPLP_Module 4_Ch. 5

  1. Qualitative data is difficult to express in measures or numbers.
    True because qualitative data includes participants' opinions, behaviors, and attributes and is often descriptive, rather than numeric, in nature. Quantitative data provides objective, hard data.
  2. The goal of tabulation is to reduce data from its raw state into some type of quantified format without changing its meaning.
    This statement is true becuase data tabulation is the process of extracting and categorizing data from the instruments used to gather the data. The process allows practitioners to review and understand the data in a quantified format that does not lose the meaning of the raw data.
  3. Most inaccuracies in survey completion occur during which of the following: Respondent's misinterpretation of the directions, respondent's lack of interest, respondent's skill level, respondent's opinions?
    Respondent's misinterpretation of the directions because unclear or confusing directions cause the respondent to complete survey questions incorrectly.
  4. Which of the following is not one of the major tasks in analyzing data? Sorting data, tabulating data, developing spreadsheets, comparing raw data with condensed data
    Developing spreadsheets is the correct answer because it is not one of the major tasks in analyzing data. It may, however, be a useful tool for tabulating the data.
  5. Which of the following synthesis models contains input-process-output items, decision points, and direction of flow to organize and synthesize information?
    Flowcharts are the right answer because they contain input-process-output items, decision points, direction of flow, documentation, or preparatin steps, and confluence or divergence.
  6. Which of the following synthesis models was used Chris Argyris and is a way to approach ambiguous pieces of information by fitting data into two manually exclusive groups or contradictory issues?
    Dichotomy is the answer because Argyris used this model when subsumed management practice into two categories - espoused theory and theory in use -- to show contradictions between what management said and what they did.
  7. A WLP professional is looking for the best way to organize information that contains inputs, processes and outputs. Which synthesis model best supports this strategy?
  8. A WLP professional is writing a section of an evaluation report that outlines the components of the evaluation process and identifies the tools used. What section of the report is the WLP professional working on?
    Evaluation methodology because this component of an evaluation report describes the evaluation process, including the tools used, as well as the purpose of the evaluation and a rationale for the evaluation design.
  9. What is an executive summary?
    A brief overview of the entire report, explaining the basis for the evaluation and significant conclusions and recommendations, and is designed for those who need only the most important information.
  10. When presenting evaluation results, it is important for the WLP professional to:
    use a presentation style that matches the purpose of the presentation. The findings report should match the purpose of the presentation, including required level of detail for data, findings, and backup documentation, business purpose of the evaluation, use of results and so forth.
  11. Which is not one of the assumptions for the chi-square test for a single variance?
    Cross-tabulating respondents' opinions is not an assumption of the chi-square test.
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CPLP_Module 4_Ch. 5
Interpretation and Reporting of Data