chapter 27 terms

  1. anaphylaxix
    an exaggerated hypersensitivity reaction that in severe cases leads to vascular collapse, bronchospasm and shock.
  2. antibodies
    immunoglobulins produced by the immune system in response to bacteria , viruses or other antigenic substances
  3. antigen
    a foreign substance that causes the production of a specific antibody
  4. antiseptics
    substances that inhibit the growth of microorganisms on living tissue

    examples: alcohol , and betadine
  5. autoimmune
    pertaining to a disturbance in the immune system in which the body reacts against its own tissue

    examples: multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus
  6. candidiasis
    an infection caused by a yeast that typically affects the vaginal mucosa and skin
  7. coagulate
     to form into clots
  8. contaminated
    soiled with pathogens or infectious material, nosterile
  9. disinfectant
    a liquid chemical that is capable of eliminating many or all pathogens but is not effective against bacterial spores
  10. fomites
    contaminated, nonliving objects that can transmit infectious organisms
  11. germicides
    agents tht destroy pathogenics organisms
  12. hereditary
    condition , or disease transmitted from parent to offspring on the DNA chain
  13. interferon
    a protein formed when a cell is exposed to a virus, the protein blocks viral action on the cell and protects against viarl invasion
  14. opportunistic infections
    infections caused by a normally nonpathogenic organism in a host whose resistance has been decreased
  15. palliative
    a substance that relieves or alleviates the symptoms of a disease without curing the disease
  16. parenteral
    the injection or introductions of substances into the body by any route other thant the digestive tract

    examples: subcutaneous, intrvenous, or intramuscular administration
  17. pathogenic
    a disease-causing microorganism
  18. permeable
    allowing a substance to pass or soak through
  19. pyemia
    pus-forming organisms in the blood
  20. relapse
    the recurrence of the symptoms of a disease after apparent recovery
  21. remission
    the partial or complete dissappearance of the clinical and subjective characteristics of a chronic or malignant disease
  22. residnet bacteria
    bacteria that live in or on a certain part of the body, such as the skin or mucosa
  23. rhinitis
    inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose
  24. spores
    a thick-walled dormant form of bacteria that is very resistant to disinfection measures
  25. sterile
    free of all micoorganisms pathogenic and nonpathogenic
  26. tinea
    any fungal skin diseas that results in scaling, itching, and inflammation
  27. transient bacteria
    bacteria temporarily living in or on a certain body part such as the hands
  28. urticaria
    a skin eruption that creates inflamed wheals, hives
  29. vectors
    animals or insects that transmit the causavtive organisms of disease

    examples: ticks , insects
  30. disease
    any sustained harmful alteration of the normal structure , function, or metabolism of an organism or cell
  31. fungal infections also called
    mycotic infections
  32. the first line of defense against pathogenic invasion is the intact
    integumentary system or skin
  33. the body's second line of defense includes the
    inflammatory process and immune system response
  34. humoral immunity
    the immune system responds by producing antibodies specifically designed to combat the presence of a foreign substance or antigen , responsibility of the body's B cells
  35. cell-mediated immunity
    the immune system reacts at the cellular level with T-cell by causing the destruction of pathogenic cells at the site of invasion.

    example: phagocytosis
  36. inflammatory response
    when trauma occurs to the body or it is exposed to pathogens protective mechanisms are alerted and the body reponds in a predicatable manner
  37. acute infection
    rapid onset of symptoms but lasts a relatively short time
  38. prodromal period
    time when th patient first show vague, nonspecific symptoms of disease
  39. chronic infection
    long period
  40. asymptomatic
    without symptoms
  41. sanitization
    the cleaning process that reduces the number of microorganisms to a safe level as dictated in public health guidelines.
Card Set
chapter 27 terms
chapter 27 terms