How do psycchologists diagnose psychological disorders?
Psychologists diagnose psychologicals disorders if its meets all 4 critera: Maladaptive, Unjustifable, Disturbing, and A Typical
Who were Philippe Pinel and Dorothea Dix?
Philippe Pinel: A French physician who worked to reform the treatment of people w/ mental disorders. Dorothea Dix: wored in the US for similar goals.
Describe what the Bio-Psycho-Social Model is.
Its agrees that there is a biological physiological component to psychological disorders but it views it as one leg of a three legged stool
how do psycchologists classify disorders? What do they use?
They use DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and statistical mannual of mental disorders)
What is the difference between an anxiety disorders and mood disorders?
Anxiety is a vague feeling of apprenhension or nervousness. Mood is a disturbance of emotions
List (only) the many anxiety disorders.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Postrraumtic Stress Disorder, Panic Disorder, Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder, and Phobia
What are the symptoms of anxiety? What causes anxiety?
Symptoms are restlessness, feeling on the edge, irritabilty, muscle tensions, difficulty concentrating, and sleep disturbance. Causes are heredity, evolution, and brain function.
What are the characteristics of phobic disorders?
Fear (distruptive) irrational of a particular object or situtation.
What is OCD and what are some tell tale signs of OCD?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: unwanted, repetitive, thoughts and actions. 2 major symptoms: Obsessions and Complusions
What is PSD? How can you get it? Who can get it?
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: reliving a serverly upsetting event in unwanted reoccuring memories and dreams. Anyone can get it from intense stress or had a bad experience.
Describe Major Depressive Disorder?
A mood disordder in which a person for no apparent reason expierence at least 2 weeks of depressed moods, diminshed interest in activities, and feeling of worthlessness.
What is bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression?
a mood disorder in which the person alternated between the hopelessness of depression and the overexcited and unreasonable optimistic state of mania.
What causes Mood Disorders? How can you get a mood disorder?
heredity, brain function, attributions, way we think
What are Dissociate Disorders? List and describe all three.
Dissociative Disorders in which the sense of self has become sepereated from previous memories, thoughts or feelings. 1. Dissociative Amnesia is loss of memory of a traumatic event. 2. Dissociative Fugue is loss of identity and travel to a new location. 3. Dissociative Identity Disorder is two or more distinct personalities.
What are mind-body problems? List and describe them.
1. Hypochondriasis is imagined illness 2. psycho physiological disorders are medical conditions produced by psychological factors 3. conversion disorder is anxiety produces a loss of physical function.
Describe Schizophrenia. What are the symptoms?
a group of severe disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions and in appriopiate emotions and actions and hallucinations
What are the four types of Schizophrenia?
parnoid, catacnoic, disorganized, undifferentiated
Describe personality disorders. How can they be categorized?
psychological disorders characterized by inflexible and lasting behavior patterns that disrupt social functioning 1. releated to anxiety 2. odd or exxentric behaviors 3. dramatic or impulsive behaviors