bio-unit 1

  1. What are the two types of data?
    quantitative and qualitative
  2. What is quantitative daa?
    It can be measured; number value
  3. What is qualitaive data?
    cannot be measured; characteristics
  4. Using senses to gather information
  5. logical interpretation based on pior knowledge
  6. What are the steps in he scientific method in order?
    Identify the problem, gather information, state the hypothesis, design and carry out an experiment, make observations and record data, organize and analyze data, state conclusion
  7. a suggested explanation to a problem or observation based upon known information
  8. used to test a hypothesis
  9. anything that can affect the reslts of an experiment
  10. observations and measurements made during an experiment
  11. part within the experiment that is maintained without change in order to provide a comparison fo the part of the experient containing the variable
  12. hypothesis that has been teste and supported by a great amont of evidence over a long period of time
  13. a statement describing (but not explaining) a natral event ofr pheonmenon
  14. a new use to which results are put or new technique developed
  15. a summary that explains whether or not the dada supports the hypothesis
  16. the subject that does not reeive the experimental treatment
  17. is tested in some way
    experimental group
  18. material one works with during an experiment
    independent variable
  19. what is being measured or observed
    dependent variable
  20. What is another name for the independent variable?
  21. What is another name for the dependent vaiable?
  22. What are the characteristics of life?
    mde up of cells (unicellular or multicellular), reprodue (asexual/sexual), universal genetic codes (DNA/RNA), grow and develop, respond to environment (stimulus) stable internal environment (homeostasis), change over time
  23. smallest unit of atter
  24. proton
    positive charge, in the nucleus
  25. neutron,
    neutral charge,in he nucleus
  26. electron
    negatve charge, outside the nucleus
  27. positively charged center of the atom
  28. pure substance made up of one type of atom
  29. atomic number
    number of protons
  30. mass number
    number of protons+ number of neutrons
  31. atoms of the same element with a different number of neutrons
  32. compound
    two or more elemens combined in definirte proportions
  33. Two types of chemical bonds in compounds are:
    Ionic an covalent
  34. transfe of electrons between atoms, produces ions
    ionic bond
  35. sharing electrons between atoms
    covalent bonds
  36. when electrons are shared equally they are ______ when they are shared non equally they are _______.
    nonpolar, polar
  37. What are the properties of water?
    polarity, hydrogen bonds, cohesion, adhesion, andhcapillary action
  38. uneven distribution of electrons between O and H atoms
  39. weaker than ionic and covalent, gives water many of its properties
    hydrogen bonds
  40. of molecules of same substance (water to water)
  41. attraction of moleculs of different substances
  42. tendancy of water to rise in a thin tube due to adhesion
    capilary action
  43. two or more elemens or compouns that are physically mixed but not chemically combined
  44. What are the two types of mixtures?
    suspensions and solutions
  45. small particles arent dissolved: still considered seprate components
  46. components are evenly distributed throughout
  47. The substance being dissolved is the____the substance doing the dissolving ______.
    solute, solvent
  48. Found on the pH scale from 0-6.9, high concentrtion of H+ions, tastes sour an can burn, ex: vinegar, lemon, tea
  49. Found on pH scale from 7.1-14, high concentration of OH ions, tastes bitter and can iritate skin, ex: soap, bleach
  50. pure water, pH of 7
  51. has four valence electons, allowing carbn to from many different bonds andmaking many different conmpound
  52. carbon compounds can be in a _____, _______, or _______.
    line, ring, branched
  53. Polmers are made of
  54. macromolecules are made of
  55. macromolecules are formed by
  56. Four groups of organic macromolecules in living things are
    carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins
  57. What are carbohydrates made of?
    simple sugars, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
  58. What are the two types of carbohydrates?
    simple and complex
  59. provides short term energy, can be made of one or two sugar molecules
    simple carbs, ex:glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose
  60. provides longer term energy, made of many sugar molecules
    complex carbs, ex: starch, cellulose, glycogen
  61. What is carbohydrates function?
    mostly provides eergy; some carbs are structural like cellulose in plants
  62. What are ipids mae of?
    fatty acids
  63. What are the three types of lipids?
    saturated, unsaturaed, and polyunsaturated
  64. What is the function of lipids?
    insulation, stored energy, pheromones, cell membrane
  65. What are nucleic acids made of ?
    nucleotiedes, carbon, phosphate, nitrogen
  66. What are the two types of nucleic acids?
  67. What is the function of nucleic acids?
    store/ transmit genetic info, cntains code fro all proteins
  68. What are proteins made of?
    amino acids
  69. How many types of proteins are there?
  70. What are the functions of proteins?
    control cell processes, form bone muscle hair and nails, speeds up rats of reaction (enzyme), transports substances, immunity
  71. changes in chemical bonds that jjoin atoms and compound
    chemical reaction
  72. enery thats needed to get a reacton
    activation energy
  73. biologica catalyst, that speeds up by lowering activation energy
  74. enzymes are made up of
    proteins, or amino acids hooked together
  75. What is the funcion of enzymes?
    speeds up chemical reactions that would take place anyway, akes materias for the cell
  76. What affects enzymes?
    temperatture, pH, concentration
  77. How do enzymes work?
    they provide active site where reactants can join together
  78. What are the branches of biology?
    zoology (animals), botany (plants), ornithology (birds), histology
  79. What are the levels of organization?
    molecules, cells, organisms, population, community, ecosystems, biom,biosphere
  80. base on units of ten
    metric system
  81. produce magnified images too small to see wth the eye
  82. allows light to pass through speimen and uses lenses
    light microscope
  83. uses beams of lectons to view specimen
    electron microscope
  84. What are the two types of electrons?
    SEM & TEM
  85. grow cells on a nutrient rich petri dish
    cell culture
  86. used to speparate different cell parts
    cell fractionation
  87. What are the parts of a microscope?
    eyepiece, course adjustment, stage, stage clips, diaphragm, mirror or light source, fine adjustment, low power objective, high power objective, and base
Card Set
bio-unit 1
bio-unit 1