chapter 19

  1. also known as hypophysis; located underside of brain at the sella turcica. connected to hypothalamus. complex gland that secretes hormones that affect body function; master gland.
    pituitary gland
  2. consisting of right and left lobe, connected by by narrow piece of cartilage that produces the prominence on the neck known as the adams apple. produces: thyroxin-maintain metabolism; triiodthyronine-helps regulate growth and development and control metabolism and body temperature; calcintonin- regulates level of calcium in blood.
  3. four small glands are four small nodules of tissue embedded in the back side of the thyroid glands. secrete parathormone which increases blood calcium levels
  4. aka suprarenal glands. the two glands sit on top of each kidney. consists of central region (adrenal medulla) and outer region (adrenal cortex). adrenal cortex is the largest part of gland, secretes 3 types of steroid hormones called corticosteroids: glucocorticoids-affect gluscose and metabolism and maintain blood glucose levels; mineralcorticoids- electrolyte balance (most important is aldosterone-controls sodium and potassium ion concetration in kidney); gonadocorticoids- sex hormones released from adrenal cortex, contribute to secondary sex characteristics (breast and beard development), necessary for reproduction. adrenal medulla secretes two nonsteroid hormones- catecholamines- adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinepherine) are stress hormones that exert physiological changes during times of stress
  5. elongated structure located behind stomach in left upper quadrant . the specialized cells that produce hormones are called the islets of Langerhans, which produces insulin and glucagon. Insulin (produced by beta cells) is necessary for glucose to pass from the blood into the cells and be used for energy. also promotes the conversion of glucose into glycogen for storage in the liver. Glucagon (produced by alpha cells) increase blood levels of glucose by stimulating the breakdown of glucogen stored in liver cells. it is the major carbohydrate in the body.
  6. two small glands in upper pelvic cavity, on either side of uterine wall near fallopian tubes. almond shaped and held in place by ligaments. female sex glands, aka female gonads. produce mature ova as well as two hormones responsible for female sex characteristics and regulation in menstrual cycle--estrogen and progesterone. estrogen promotes maturation of ova in ovary and prepares the uterine lining for implantation of fertilized egg; also responsible for development and maintenance of secondary female characteristics. progesterone is responsible for preparation and maintenance of the uterus in pregnancy and for development of the placenta after implantation of a fertilized ovum.
  7. male gonads are two small ovoid glands suspended from the inguinal region of the male by the spermatic cord and surrounded by the scrotal sac. primary organ of male reproduction. secrete androgens, male steroid hormone, and testosterone, male hormone necessary for secondary sex characteristics.
  8. cone shaped structure attached by a stalk to the posterior wall of the cerebrum. exact function unclear but it is thought to function as a light receptor and to play a part in regulation of the "biological clock." it secretes melatonin, the hormone believed to induce sleep
  9. single gland located behind the sternum in the mediastinum. resembles a lymph gland (part of lymphatic system), but its also is a hormone secreting endocrine gland. it is large in children but it shrinks with age until there is only a trace of active tissue in older adults. it secretes thymosin and thymopoitin, which stimulate the production of T cells, the specialized lymphocytes involved in the immune response.
  10. abnormal enlargement of the extremities of the skeleton, nose, jaws , fingers and toes; caused by hypersecretion of the pitiutary growth hormone after maturity
  11. bronzelike pigmentation of the skin, severe prostration, progressive anemia, low blood pressure, diarrhea, and digestive disturbance, caused adrenal hypofunction
    Addison's disease
  12. surgical excision of the adrenal gland
  13. group of symptoms associated with alterations in sex characteristics due to abnormally increased production of androgens
    adrenogenital syndrome
  14. enlargement of adrenal gland
  15. arrested physical and mental development owing to congenital lack of thyroid secretion
  16. obesity, weakness, moon face, edema and high blood pressure; caused by hyperfunction of the adrenals
    cushings disease
  17. a condition caused by insufficient excretion of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) (vasopressin) by the posterior pituitary gland. it causes the kidney tubules to fail to reabsorb needed water and salts. symptoms include polyuria(increased urination) and polydipsia (increased thirst).
    diabetes insipidus
  18. inability to metabolize sugar because of abnormal insulin function; high blood sugar, excessive urination, thirst, hunger, emaciation, and weakness are cardinal symptoms of the most severe types (type 1)
    diabetes mellitus
  19. toxic goiter; Grave's disease; protrusion of the eyeballs, swollen neck, weight loss, shaking, and mental deterioration are symptoms
    exophthalmic goiter
  20. a condition in which pregnant women sometimes show abnormal glucose levels during the course of pregnancy (hyperglycemia)
    gestational diabetes
  21. enlargement of the thyroid gland; swelling in the front part of the neck, mostly caused by dietary deficiency of iodine
    goiter (simple)
  22. a progressive disease of the thyroid gland with degeneration of its epithelium and replacement by the lymphoid and fibrous tissue
    Hasimoto's disease
  23. blood sugar (glucose) level above normal
  24. underactivity of the thyroid gland. shortage of thyroid hormones causes a low body metabolism because of the body's reduced use of oxygen. any one of several conditions can produce hypothyroidism. such as endemic goiter, thyroidectomy, faulty hormone synthesis, and congenital thyroid defects, a condition that is called cretinism, and which results in a child lacking normal mental and physical growth
  25. a dry, waxy type of welling with deposits of mucin in the skin, swollen lips, and thickened nose. it is the advanced form of hypothyroidism in adults
  26. rupture of an ovary
  27. anastomosis of the pancreatic duct to the stomach
  28. inflammation of the pancreas due to autodigestion of pancreatic tissue by its own enzymes
  29. "pheochromo" means dusky color; tumor of the medulla characterized by hypertension, weight loss and personality changes
  30. generalized hypoituitarism owing to absence or damage of the pituitary gland; exhaustion, emaciation and cachexia are symptoms
    simmond's disease (panhypopituitarism)
  31. sharp flexion of the wrist and ankle joints, muscle twitching, cramps, and convulsion; caused by abnormal calcium metabolism
  32. surgical excision of the thyroid gland
  33. treatment with thyroid preparations
  34. surgical division of thyroid cartilage
  35. a pathologic condition caused by accumulation of acid in, or loss of base from, the body
  36. lack or loss of appetite for food
  37. malnutrition, wasting and emaciation
  38. clouding of the eye lens
  39. involuntary muscular contractions
  40. profuse perspiration
  41. excessive leanness; a wasted condition
  42. ductless gland that secretes directly into the bloodstream
  43. a ducted gland that secretes directly into carious organs
  44. death of tissue from lack of circulation and consequent loss of nutrients
  45. an organ that secretes a metabolic substance. may be endocrine or exocrine
  46. blood sugar (glucose) level is below normal
  47. drug for the diabetic to decrease the amount of glucose in the blood
    hypoglycemic agent
  48. excision of the pituitary gland (hypophysis)
  49. a protein hormone produced by the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. secreted into blood in response to a rise in the concentration of blood glucose. it promotes the entrance of glucose from the blood into the cells. a diabetic patient is deficient in insulin or insulin receptors leading to a rise in blood glucose
  50. accumulation of excessive amount of ketone bodies in body tissues and fluids; a complication in some diabetic patients
  51. accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood that results in metabolic acidosis (ketosis and ketoacidosis are often used interchangeably)
  52. any functional disturbances and/or pathologic changes in the peripheral nervous system; a complication in some diabetic patients
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chapter 19
chapter 19