1. What are the lobes of the left lung?
    • Upper lobe
    • (lingula segment)
    • Lower lobe
  2. What are the lobes of the right lung?
    • Upper lobe
    • Middle lobe
    • Lower lobe
  3. How many lobes are in the Left upper lobe and what are they called?
    • - 3
    • - apical
    • - anterior
    • - posterior
  4. How many lobes are in the lingula segment of the left lung?
    • - 2
    • - superior
    • - inferior
  5. How many lobes are there in the left lower lobe?
    • - 4
    • - apical
    • - ant
    • - post
    • - lateral
  6. how many lobes are there in the right upper lobe and what are they called?
    • - 3
    • - apical
    • - ant
    • - post
  7. How many lobes are in the right middle lobe and what are they called?
    • - 2
    • - medial
    • - lateral
  8. How many lobes are in the left lower lobe and what are they called?
    • - 5
    • - ant
    • - post
    • - medial
    • - lateral
    • - apical/ superior
  9. Control of breathing compnents
    • - medulla controls
    • - CO2 levels in blood adjust breathing rate
  10. What is hyperventilation
    • increase depth and rate of breathing
    • - increase minute volume
  11. What is minute volume?
    co2 = MV= TV (tidal volume) x RR (respiratory rate)
  12. What is hypoventilation?
    • decrease in depth and breathing rate
    • - increases CO2
    • - decreases MV
  13. What is hyperinflation?
    when there is an increase in volumes- residual or function residule vol
  14. What is hyperpnoea?
    • - increase in tidal volume
    • - increase in ventilation due to metabolic need
  15. what is tachypnoea?
    • - increase RR above 20 
    • - Normal is 12-16
  16. What is bradypnoea?
    • - decrease RR
    • - less than 10
  17. What is apnoea?
    - moment stop breathing for more than 10 sec
  18. What activates the diaphragm?
    • - c3,4,5
    • - phrenic nerve
  19. when we inspire what movements does our ribs do?
    - move out and up
  20. inspiration
    - diaphragm contracts- making it flat = -ve pressure in thoracic cavity (pleural space), transits to alveoli = sucks air in
  21. expiration
    - passive unless forced- al mm contract and air comes out
  22. what is ventilation/ perfusion matching?
    the matching of air and blood
  23. What are the normal ranges for pH?
  24. What are the normal ranges for Pao2?
    85-100. age related= 105- 1/3 age
  25. what is the normal PaCO2?
  26. What are teh normal ranges of base excess?
    • - bicarb- basic comp in blood
    • -2 to 2
    • bicarb increase = increase base excess
  27. what is the normal bicarb comp in blood? HCO3
    22-26 mg
  28. What are the normal ranges for Sa02?
  29. WHat is hypoxia?
    - decrease amount of O2 in blood
  30. What is hypoxaemia?
    decrease oxygeniation of arterial blood
  31. What is hypercapnia?
    an increase in CO2 in blood
  32. Go over case studies pg 43
  33. Descirbe the process of a CP assessment
    • - med notes, bed charts
    • - talk to nurses
    • - plan subjective examination
    • - intro
    • - subjective ass
    • - objective ass
  34. Where can you find medical notes?
    • - staff
    • - bed chart
    • - pt notes
    • - computer (CXR, Hb, Tests etc)
    • - discharge summary, referral from gp, meds
  35. What is the normal range for a JVP?
    • 3-4cm
    • NR = not raised
  36. What is the normal range for Hb?
    • m 14-16
    • f 12-15
  37. what is the normal range for WCC?
    4-11x 10 to the power of 9/ L
  38. What is the normal range of plts?
    150-400 x 10 to the power of 9/L
  39. What is the normal level of creatine?
    60-100u mol/L
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