History Ch. 24

  1. Who successfully integrated many restraunts by using sit-ins?
  2. Where was the successfull bus boycott?
    Montgomery, AL
  3. WHo was the student who was barred from the neighborhood school?
    Linda Brown
  4. What case established the seperate-but-equal doctrine?
    Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
  5. What encouraged white southerners to defy court rulings?
    The Southern Manifesto
  6. Who was NAACP's chief counsel?
    Thurgood Marshall
  7. Who was the minister whose vision and nonviolent methods helped the Civil Rights movement transform merican society?
    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  8. Whose philosphy and techniques did MLK draw on?
    Mohandas Gandhi
  9. How did MLK think we should end segregation?
    Through nonviolent passive resistance
  10. When first established, what did the Southern Christian Leadership Conference set out to do?
    End segregation and encourage African Americans to register to vote.
  11. Where was the first time shince the Civil War that a state's armed forces were used to oppose the authority of the federal gov't?
    Little Rock, AR
  12. In Little Rock, how did the gov't try to prevent African American students from entering a white high school?
    By deploying the National Guard
  13. What was intended to protect African American voting rights?
    The Civil Rights Act of 1957
  14. Where was the sit-in at Woolworth's that sparked a new mass movement for Civil Rights?
    Greensboro, North Carolina
  15. What organization was founded by student civil rights activists?
  16. Where did the SNCC's Voter Education Project focus on?
    Rural areas of the Deep South
  17. Who was the SNCC's first chairperson?
    Marion Berry
  18. Who helped organize the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party?
    Fannie Lou Hamer
  19. Who were organized to draw attention to the South's refusal to integrate bus terminals?
    The Freedom Riders
  20. Why did Kennedy act slowly on civil rights at first?
    He needed support from many Southern senators to get other programs passed.
  21. How did Robert Kennedy try to help African Americans register to vote?
    By having the Justice Department file lawsuits throughout the South.
  22. Where was the violence against demonstrators, viewed by millions on television, prompted kennedy to prepare new civil rights bill?
    Birmingham, AL
  23. Who was the first African American student to attend the University of Mississippi?
    James Meredith
  24. Where did MLK give his "I have a dream" speech?
    At the march on Washington
  25. Where was the "march for freedom" in which state troopers and deputized citizens brutally attacked marchers in full view of television?
    Selma, AL
  26. Why did MLK select Selma for a protest march?
    Because African Americans were the majority, but only a fraction were registered to vote
  27. What did little to guarentee the right to vote?
    The Civil Rights Act of 1964
  28. Until 1965, what did the civil rights movement focus on rather than economic and social problems?
    Segregation and voting rights
  29. Who did the Kerner Commission blame the majority of the inner-city problems on?
    The white society and white racism
  30. Who was a symbol of the black power movement?
    Malcolm X
  31. Who was the leader of the SNCC who believed in black power?
    Stokely Carmichael
  32. When did Malcolm X conclude that an integrated society was possible?
    After his pilgrimage to Makkah
  33. Who was one of the organizers of the black panthers who wrote Soul on Ice, articulating manyu of the organization's objectives?
    Eldrige Cleaver
  34. Where was MLK assassinated?
    Memphis, TN
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History Ch. 24
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