Biomed module 1

  1. Dorsal Cavity
    • Cranial Cavity
    •   Formed by cranial bones and contains brain
    • Vertebal Cavity
    •   formed by vertebral column and contaisn the spinal cord and begainings of spinal nerves.
  2. Ventral Cavity
    • Thoracic cavity
    •   Chest cavity; superior portion of ventral body cavity; contains pleural and pericardial cavities and mediastinum.
    • Pleural Cavity
    •   each surrounds a lung;the serous membrane of the pleural cavities is the pleura
    • Pericardial Cavity
    •   surrounds the heart
    •   serous menbrane of pericardial cavity =pericardium
    • Mediastinum
    •   central portion of the thoracic cavity between the lungs; extends from sternum to vertebral column and from nect to diaphragm; contains heart, thymus, esophagus, treachea, and several large blood vessels.
  3. Abdominaopelvic Cavity
    • Divided from the ventral by the Diaphram
    • Abdominal Cavity
    •   contains stomach, spleen,liver, gallblader, small intestine, and most of the large intestine; the serous membrane of the abdominal cavity is the peritoneum.
    • Pelvic Cavity
    •   contains urinary bladder, portions of large intestine, and internal organs of reproduction.
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Biomed module 1
body cavities