chapter 43-48

  1. World War II resulted in a significant shift in population to where?
    South West mostly in the West
  2. What did the Stimson Doctrine do?
    it didn't take changes brought on by the war
  3. What did the establishment of NATO do?
    alliance with western europe to protect from communist counter points, "warsaw point" peace time in history, started the new phase in cold war
  4. Richard Nixon's alleged deviousness earned him which unattractive nickname?
    tricky dicky
  5. What did the Neutrality Acts of 1935-1937 do?
    Ban arms sales, cash & carry non-military sales. no exceptions for victums of war.
  6. The industrialist who mass-produced ships during World War II was whom?
  7. Why did cities become less livable during the 1950s?
    middle class moved to the suburbs and causing all of the shops and companies to move as well close to there buyers the middle class
  8. What occurred in the first few months after America entered the war?
    Japaneese distraction
  9. Which of the following describes the population of the Fifties suburbia?
  10. Which of the following are true of the Good Neighbor Policy?
    representation of the Monroe's Doctrine
  11. Social critics warned that which of the following were taking place in the 1950s?
  12. The "iron curtain" speech was delivered by whom?
  13. Why were Japanese Americans interned in "concentration camps"?
    reflected invasion
  14. Which of the following was not a part of how social critics described suburban life?
    conformist, superficial and bland
  15. Which of the following best describe the Japanese attack on Peral Harbor?
  16. What was Japan's immediate military goal, after bombing Pearl Harbor?
  17. At the Yalta Conference, President Roosevelt's concessions to Premier Stalin are most reasonably described as what?
    realistic-he could do whatever he wanted in Eastern Europe. The US was too far away and he got soviets involved to gain whatever he wanted .
  18. President Roosevelt belived that democratic goverment in Eastern Europe was compatible with Stalin's demand that
    Boarders of Russia were not to be threated but to be friendly
  19. What were the guiding principles of George Kennan's Containment Policy?
  20. Why did the Chinese Communists intervene in the Koren War?
  21. `After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Japanese troops overwhelmed American & indigenous armed forces where?
  22. Who was the senator from Wisconsin who became a national figure when he claimed that the State Department had been infiltrated by Communists?
    Josphe Macarthy would smear with lies to everyone and anyone who was against him, he would suggest that they were involved in communisim
  23. Which of the following are true of the individual in 22?
  24. What best describes the baby boom?
  25. What was Martin Luther King, Jr.s strategy for combating racism?
  26. Which of the following is/are true of the Atlantic Charter?
    Agreement between Churchhill & Roosevelt. It set WWII, it supported with wilson's 14 ponts all before the US entered war
  27. World War II began in Europe with German's invasion of which country?
  28. Why did Roosevelt offer 50 old American destroyers to England under Lend-Lease?
  29. Of what was Alger Hiss convicted?
    Purgery-lied about being a communist
  30. Which of the following are the great legacies or results of the Second World War?
    Showed human crulity & war with soviet union & us started as a result
  31. During the Cold War, why did American attitudes toward the Soviet Union progress from anger to fear?
  32. After the congressional elections of 1946, what did President Truman do?
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chapter 43-48
Test Review Questions