PPE- Chapter 2

  1. proposes that underlying psychological factors cause symptoms and other behavior.
    psychic determinism
  2. father of psychoanalysis
  3. form of neurosis in which psychological conflicts are expressed in physical symptoms (blindness, deafness, mutism, paralysis, tics)
    conversion hysteria
  4. Extreme form of mental disorder

    irrationality of the unconscious,  hallucinations.
  5. "The royal road to the unconscious"

    Usually, disguises the fulfillment of a repressed wish.
  6. the surface meaning of a dream. (Recalled story)
    manifest content
  7. The hidden, unconscious meaning of a dream (interpretation)
    Latent content
  8. Plasure principle: basic drives and sexual desires.
  9. The reality principle, structure of personality
    that is the internal voice of parental and societal restrictions

    Conscious but much of it remains unconscious
  10. the most mature structure of personality; mediates intrapsychic conflict and copes with the external world.
  11. repression requires energy, and the more energy tied up in the conflict, the less energy is available for dealing with current
    Energy hypothesis
  12. a person thinks or behaves in a manner oppositve to the unacceptable unconscious impulse
    reaction formation
  13. defense mechanism: not acknowledging painful aspects of reality (repression)
  14. people disguise their own threatening impulses by attributing them to others.
  15. Shifting sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person
  16. Offering self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one’s actions.
  17. Finding a socially acceptable aim and object for the expression of an unacceptable impulse
  18. experiences of which a person is aware, including memories and intentional actions
    the conscious
  19. some material that is not in awareness at a particular time can be brought to awareness readily.
    Includes info that is not at the moment being
    thought about but can easily be remembered if needed.
    The preconscious
  20. mental processes of which a person is not aware.
    Such material remains in the unconscious because
    making it conscious would produce too much anxiety.
    The unconscious
  21. everything of which we are unaware (breathing, walking)
  22. Highly suggestible state, often called a trance
  23. ____lose touch with reality and experience the unconscious in raw form through hallucinations, seeing and hearing things that are not actually present.
  24. the coding process which has produced the dream.
    Dream work
  25. a psychologically motivated error in speech, hearing or behavior

    (a misstatement or slip of the tongue)
    Parapraxes (Freudian Slip)
  26. safe expression of repressed conflict, deriving its pleasure from the release of tension through a joke.
  27. 2 or more images are combined to form an image that merges the meanings and impulses of both.
  28. a test that presents ambiguous stimuli such as inkblots or pictures so responses will be determined by the test taker’s unconscious.
    Projective tests
  29. mechanism for removing unpleasant thoughts, including unacceptable impulses, from consciousness.
  30. people seek pleasure and avoid pain
    Hedonic Hypotheis
  31. psychic energy, derived from sexuality
  32. the life instinct
  33. the death instinct
  34. investment of psychic energy in an object
  35. unconscious mental functioning in which the id predominates; characterized by illogical, symbolic thought.
    Primary process
  36. conscious mental functioning in which the ego predominates; characterized by logical thought.
    Secondary process
  37. conflict within the personality, as between id desires and superego restrictions.
    Intrapsychic conflict
  38. signals that id impulses may break through (overcome repression) and be expressed.
    neurotic anxiety
  39. indicates feat that one's own superego will respond with guilt.
    moral anxiety
  40. indicates that the external world threatens real danger.
    reality anxiety
  41. defense mech. in which a person fuses or models after another person
  42. defense mech. in which conflictual material is kept disconnected from other thoughts
  43. defense mech. in which a person focuses on thinking and avoids feeling
  44. Focuses on punishment for masturbation and child’s
    complex fantasy of a sexual union with the opposite sex parent.

    ages 3-5
    Phallic stage
  45. Birth to age 1
    feeding/ weaning
    Oral stage
  46. ages 1-3
    controlling bowels/ toilet training
    anal stage
  47. 5yrs to puberty
    latency stage
  48. puberty to adulthood
    genital stage
  49. failure to develop normally through a particular developmental stage
  50. male conflict involving sexual love for the mother and aggressive rivalry w/ the father.
    Oedipus conflict
  51. fear that motivates male development  (that his penis will be cut off) at age 3-5
    Castration anxiety
  52. presented stimuli with a tachistoscope. This device allows very brief presentations of stimuli. Subjects reported that they could see only brief flickers of light. Although they could not consciously identify the subliminal messages, they were influenced by them.
    subliminal psychodynamic activaiton
  53. the patient says whatever comes to mind, permitting unconscious connections to be discovered
    free association
  54. Therapeutic effect of a release of emotion when previously repressed material is made conscious
  55. Conscious recognition of one’s motivation and
    unconscious conflicts
  56. in therapy, the patient’s displacement onto the therapist of feelings based on earlier experiences
  57. the analyst’s reaction to the patient, as distorted by unresolved conflicts.
  58. controversial technique that may result in false memories.
    Recovered memory controversy
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PPE- Chapter 2
Chapter 2