MA-170 Ch 13

  1. gonads
    organ that produces ova or sperm
  2. gamete
    a reproductive cell (ovum or spermatozoon) both live for only a few days
  3. ovulation
    release of an ovum from the ovary
  4. conception
    • or fertilization; union of the sperm cell nucleus with and egg cell nucleus, usually occurs in uterine tube
    • •fertilized ovum undergoes a series of cell divisions as it moves along the uterine tube and then enters the uterine cavity
  5. implantation
    about the seventh day after ovulation, the fertilized ovum attaches to the endometrium
  6. zygote
    product of fertilization which undergoes rapid cell divisions; known by different names at various stages
  7. embryo
    • •beginning of the third week
    • •all the organ systems form during the embryonic stage
    • •when the extraembryonic membrane forms
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  8. extraembryonic membranes
    • •the aminon
    • •the chorion
    • •membranes that provide protection by surrounding the embryo with amniotic fluid
  9. fetus
    • •begins after the 8th week
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  10. ooblast
    immature ovum
  11. spermatoblast
    immature form of sperm
  12. chorionic
    pert. to the chorion
  13. aminochorionic
    • pert. to both the aminon and the chorion
    • •also = aminochorial
  14. placenta
    • •formed in embryonic stage
    • •highly vascular structure that nourishes the fetus
    • •secretes large amounts of progesterone
  15. afterbirth
    • •placenta
    • •aminon
    • •chorion
  16. pregnancy
    • process of broth and development of new individual from conception through the embryonic and fetal periods to birth
    • •gestation
    • •prenatal period
  17. parturition
  18. obstetrician
    specializes in obstetrics: the medical specialty that is concerned with [pregnancy and childbirth, and includes the time immediately after childbirth
  19. par/o
    bearing offspring
  20. -blast
    immature or embryonic
  21. pseudo-
  22. -cyesis

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  23. -gravida
    pregnant female
  24. -para
    woman who has given birth
  25. -tropin
    that which stimulates
  26. quickening
    • the first recognizable movements of the fetus in the uterus
    • •at about 18-20 weeks in a first pregnancy and slightly sooner in later pregnancies
  27. expected delivery date
    • usually calculated from the first day of the LMP (280)
    • •266 days from date of fertilization
  28. gravid
    • pregnant
    • •gravida I = pregnant for first time; primigravida
  29. viable offspring
    • one that has reached a stage of development that it can live outside the uterus and usually means a fetus that weighs at least 500 grams (just over 1 pound) and has reached a gestational age of 24 weeks
    • •para III = three pregnancies
    • •primipara
    • •secundipara
    • •tripara
    • •quadripara
    • •nullipara = zero offspring
  30. parous
    refers to producing viable offspring
  31. aminorrhexis
    • rupture of the amnion
    • •occurs before the child is born
    • •sometimes the mother's first sign of impending labor
    • •when the "water breaks"
  32. labor
    • process by which the child is expelled from the uterus
    • •time from the beginning of cervical dilation to delivery of the placenta
    • •four stages (1)cervical dilation; begins with onset of regular uterine contractions, ends when cervical opening is fully dilated (2) expulsion; extends until complete expulsion of the infant (3) placental; extends until the placenta is expelled (4) postpartum; not everyone recognizes as a stage of labor, hour or two after delivery when uterine tone is established
  33. effacement
    • shortening and thinning of the cervix during labor
    • •causes the mucous plug that fills the cervical canal to dislodge
  34. cesarean section
    • surgical procedure in which the abdomen and uterus are incised and the baby is removed from the uterus
    • •performed when abnormal fetal or maternal conditions make vaginal delivery hazardous
  35. neonate
    newborn child
  36. neonatal
    • refers to the period covering the first 28 days after birth
    • •or pert. to the newborn child
  37. neonatologist
    physician who specializes in the care of the newborn
  38. human chorionic gonadotropin
    present in body fluids (blood, urine) of pregnant females
  39. pelvimetry
    vaginal palpation of specific bony landmarks and is used to estimate the size of the birth canal
  40. cephalopelvic disproportion
    condition in which a baby's head is too large or the mother's birth canal is too small to permit normal labor
  41. fetal sonography
    • noninvasive procedure that is used to assess structural abnormalities and monitor the development of the fetus
    • •radiology presents risk of radiation to the fetus
  42. amniocentesis
    • surgical procedure in which a needle is passed through th abdominal and uterine walls to obtain a small amount of amniotic fluid for laboratory analysis
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  43. chorionic villi
    tiny finger-like projections of the chorion that infiltrate the endometrium and help form the placenta
  44. chorionic villus sampling
    sampling of these villi (placental tissue) for prenatal diagnosis of potential genetic defects and is usually performed between eighth and twelfth weeks of pregnancy
  45. fetoscope
    stethoscope for assessing the fetal heart rate (FHR) through mother's abdomen, also gives info about uterine contractions
  46. pseudocyesis
    false pregnancy; pseudopregnancy
  47. preeclamppsia
    • complication of pregnancy, characterized by the onset of acute high blood pressure after the 24th week of gestation
    • •may progress to eclampsia
  48. proteinuria
    protein in the urine
  49. eclampsia
    gravest form of pregnancy-induced high blood pressure, characterized by seizures, coma, high blood pressure, proteinuria, and edema, leads to convulsions and death if untreated
  50. abruptio placentae
    • this condition is a separation of the placenta from the uterine wall after 20 weeks or more during labor and it often results in severe hemorrhage
    • •fetal death results if there is complete separation of the placenta from the uterine wall so cesarean sections are performed in severe cases
  51. placenta previa
    • condition in which the placenta is implanted abnormally in the uterus so that it impinges on or covers the internal os
    • •one of the most common reasons for painless bleeding in the last trimester
  52. internal os
    opening at the upper end of the uterine cervix
  53. stillbirth
    fetus that is born dead
  54. dystocia
    • abnormal or difficult birth
    • •may be caused by an obstruction or constriction of the birth passageway or by an abnormal shape, size, position, or condition of the fetus
  55. Down syndrome
    • •extra chromosome, usually number 21
    • •most often associated with late maternal age
    • •trisomy 21
  56. hemolytic disease of the newborn
    • destruction of RBCs
    • •also called erythroblastosis fetalis
  57. amnotomy
    deliberate rupture of the fetal membranes to induce labor
  58. ocytocin
    • •Pitocin = trade name
    • •hormone produced by the pituitary gland that stimulates uterine contraction
  59. episiotomy
    incision that enlarges the vaginal opening to facilitate delivery
  60. coitus interruptus
    withdrawal of the penis before ejaculation
  61. in vitro fertilization
    • may be successful when failure to conceive is caused by insufficient numbers of sperm
    • •method of fertilizing an ova outside the body by collecting mature ova and placing them in a dish with spermatozoa
    • •fertilized ova are then placed in the uterus for implatation
  62. gonorrhea
    • causes heavy urethral discharge in males, females may be asymptomatic
    • •may be treated with penicilin
  63. syphilis
    • occurred through Europe after 1493
    • •first stage is characterized by swollen lymph nodes and the appearance of a painless sore called a chancre
    • •second stage (2-6 weeks) organisms spread throughout body and a generalized rash appears
    • •third stage has irreversible complications, changes in cardiovascular and nervous systems
  64. condyloma acuminatum
    • genital warts
    • •only STD for which a vaccine is available
  65. BBT
    basal body temperature
  66. CPD
    cephalopelvic disproportion
  67. CS
    cesarean section
  68. DFA
    direct fluorescent antibody
  69. EDD
    expected delivery date
  70. EFM
    electronic fetal monitor
  71. EIA
    enzyme emmunoassay
  72. FHR
    fetal heart rate
  73. G
  74. GC
  75. HBV
    hepatitis B virus
  76. HGC
    human chorionic gonadotropin
  77. HPV
    human papillomavirus
  78. HSV-2
    herpes simplex virus type 2 (genital herpes)
  79. IFA
    immunofluorescent assay
  80. IUD
    intrauterine device
  81. IVF
    in vitro fertilization
  82. LMP
    last menstrual period
  83. OB
  84. RPR
    rapid plasma reagin
  85. VDRL
    Venereal Disease Research Laboratories
Card Set
MA-170 Ch 13
Medical Terminology