A disease state that results from presence ofpathogens in or on the body
Infection Cycle:
Infectious Agent * Resevoir * Portal of Exit *Means of Transmission * Portals of Entry *Susceptible Host
Disease-producing Microorganism
Types of Infectious Agents:
Bacteria (most common), Virus (Smallest), Fungi
Example of a Resevoir:
Skin flora (natural habitat)
Examples of Transmission:
Contact, Vectors, Airborne, etc.
Examples of Susceptible Hosts:
Anyone in immunocompromised state (resistance to the pathogen)
Common Infection-causing Bacteria seen in the HOSPITAL:
Staphylococcus aureus, Hepatitus B, HIV, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Escherichia coli
Staphylococcus aureus, Hepatitus B, HIV, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Escherichia coli
Skin/Mouth/Nose...Direct Contact...Wound infection, Abscess, Carbuncle
Hepatitus B (Reseviour, Transmission, Manifestations)
Blood, Feces, Fluids...Indirect Contact...Hepatits B
HIV (Reseviour, Transmission, Manifestations)
Blood, Semen, Vaginal Secretions...Direct Contact, Ingestion...AIDS
Mycobacterium TB (Reseviour, Transmission, Manifestations)
Sputum/Respiration/Ticks...Airborne/Vectors/Direct Contact...TB
Escherichia Coli (Reseviour, Transmission, Manifestations)
Feces/Meat/Unpasteurized foods...INGESTION
Stages of Infection:
(1) Incubation (2) Prodromal (3) Full Stage (4) Convalescent
Stage of Infection: MOST infectious, showing vague signs/symptoms
Stage of Infection: Time between entering host & symtoms
Stage of Infection: patient is showing SPECIFIC signs and symptoms
Full Stage
Stage of Infection: Recovery Period :)
Body's Response to Infection:
*Normal Flora *Inflammatory Response *Immune Response (antigen/antibodies)
Transmission Based Precautions for AIRBORNE PATHOGENS
Spread through air Negative air pressure room Use masks when in room When patient is out of room, he must wear a mask Consult CDC re: TB
Transmission Based Precautions for DROPLET:
Private room Wear mask when near (3 feet) patient When patient is out of room, he must wear a mask Visitors can be no closer than 3 feet
Transmission Based Precautions for CONTACT
Concerns with MRSA, VRE, VISA
Private room
Wear gloves when entering room
- Wear gown if possible contact with
- infectious agent
- Restrict time patient is out of
- room
- DO NOT share equipment between
- patient rooms
Used in providing care to ALL patients. Taken with all blood, body fluids, secretions, excretions (except sweat), nonintact skin, and mucous membranes
Examples of Standard Precautions:
Wear clean gloves Wear personal protective equipment DO NOT recap needles Handle used equipment carefully Be sure the area is clean Utilize private rooms for patients who may contaminate the area
Applying principles of medical aspesis:
Perform hand hygiene Prevent soiled items from touching you Do not place soiled linen on floor Teach to cover mouth when coughing or sneezing Avoid raising dust Do not shake linens Clean from clean to dirty Sterilize items that are contaminated Appropriate grooming Follow standards for transmission precautions
CDC Guidelines on HANDWASHING:
Visibly soiled hands- wash with soap and water (minimum 15 seconds)Not visibly soiled- can use an alcohol cased rub Use an alcohol based rub: Before and after patient contact Before and after using gloves Before procedures When providing care from a contaminated to clean site After touching objects in a patient’s room
Factors Placing Individuals at Risk for Infection
Skin and mucous membraneWhite Blood Cells (WBCs)Younger and Older IndividualsGeneral Health StatusStress LevelIndwelling Medical Devices
Medical asepsis
clean technique (prevention of pathogens)
Surgical asepsis
sterile technique (FREE from microorganisms)
Laboratory Data Indicating INFECTION:
*Elevated WBC (leukocytes)*Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (RBC)*Presence of Pathogen in urine, blood, sputum, draining
Normal Count of White Blood Cells:
5,000 - 10,000
60-70%Acute Infections/Stress
20-40%Chronic bacteria/Viral infection
2-8%Scavenger, Severe Infections
.5-1%Usually unaffected by infections
Infections Commonly Seen with AGE:
UTI (Urinary Tract Infections)Pulmonary InfectionsSkin Infections
Key Steps for most accurate Prevention:
*careful assessment*early detection/action*assess imunizations*assess for infections
GOAL outcomes For the Patient:
*Good Hygiene and Handwashing*Appropriate Nutrition*Up to date immunizations*Eat nutritiously*Know signs of infections*Know symptoms of allergies (including latex)
Performing activities to prevent spread of infection:
PPE (personal protective equipment)
SAFE ways to dispose:
Double bagging, BIOHAZARD label
Part of Universal Precautions: healthcare workers must wear PPE when exposed to blood/body fluids...ALL patients are considered potentially INFECTED
OSHA (1987)
Hospital Acquired Infection
Nosocomial Infection
Antibiotic Resistant Organisms: