Caring for People With Rehabilitation Needs

  1. Assistive device
    Devices that make certain tasks (such as walking, eating, or dressing) easier for a person with a disability
  2. Disability
    Impaired physical or emotional function
  3. Frail
    Physically weak and fragile
  4. Prosthetic
    Artificial replacements for legs, feet, arms, or other body parts
  5. Rehabilitation
    The process of helping a person with a disability to return to his or her highest level of physical, emotional, or economic function
  6. Restorative care
    Measures that health care workers take to help a person regain health, strength, and function; the means by which rehabilitation is achieved
  7. Supportive devices
    Devices used when positioning a person to help the person maintain proper body alignment, such as pillows, rolled sheets, towels, or blankets
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Caring for People With Rehabilitation Needs
Caring for People With Rehabilitation Needs