AP Lab Ch 1

  1. Osseous tissue Matrix
    Contains collegen fibers, bone, and hydroxyapatite
  2. Collagen fibers
    Very strong and resistant to pulling (like floss); creates a mesh-like scaffold that develops during ossification
  3. Bone
    Hardened via crystallized calcium phosphate, MG, Na+, K+, and Fl (most minerals taken from diet)
  4. Hydroxyapatite
    Calcium phosphate complex that is primary mineral component of bone
  5. Osseous Tissue
    • Has: High compressive strength (bears weight w/o breaking or bending)
    • Poor tensile strength- cant be pulled
  6. Process
    • Any marked bony prominence
    • Ex: mastoid process
  7. Articulation
    • connection between bones- may or may not permit movement
    • ex: suphrahumeral articulation (of shoulder blade) and biipital groove (of humerus) or cartaralige connecting ribs to sternum
  8. Articular Process
    • Surface of bone that makes contact (articulates) with another bone to form a joint
    • Ex: arm socket and shoulder blade
  9. Eminence
    A projection from the surface of the bone
  10. Tuberosity
    A large, rough projection (when a tendon attaches)
  11. Tubercle
    • Small, round projection
    • Ex: articulart tubercle by the zygomatic process
  12. Trochanter
    • Very large, rough projection (only on the femur)
    • Ex: greater trochanter
  13. Spine
    • A raised ridge
    • Ex: on front of scapula
  14. Suture
    • Immovable joint between 2 bones; usually on skull
    • Ex: Coronal suture
  15. Malleolus
    • Rouded protuberances on each side of the ankle
    • Ex: medial malleolus
  16. Condyle
    • Large, smooth and rounded surface for articulation
    • Ex: occipital condyle
  17. Epicondyle
    “above the condyle”; a projection to the next condyle; tendons usually attach to it
  18. Line/Ridge
    • An elongated, raised surface
    • Ex: the femur
  19. Crest
    • Prominent, narrow ridge
    • Ex: illac crest on hip bone
  20. Facet
    Small, flat and shallow surface for articulation; seen a lot between ribs and spine
  21. Foramen
    • Round passageway through a bone
    • Ex: Foramen magnum
  22. Fossa
    • Flattened, shallow, depression
    • Ex: subscapular fossa
  23. Canal
    • Passageway through a bone
    • Ex: Carotid canal
  24. Meatus
    Passage way through a bone; longer than a canal and mostly used w/ auditory
  25. Sinus
    Cavity or hollow space in a bone; results in a lighter skull and creates residences chambers to change sound
  26. Fissure
    • A groove or furrow
    • Ex: longitudinal fissure ( separates left and right hemisphere of brain)
  27. Sulcus
    • Deep narrow depression
    • Ex: intertubercular sulcus in humerus- for tendon to run through
  28. Spinous Process
    • A slender projection from the back of a vertebra
    • Ex: what you feel when you run your hand down your spine
  29. Epiphysis
    Top and bottom of long bones
  30. Diaphysis
    Middle of long bones
  31. Epiphyseal line
    Bone which forms from epiphyseal plate (growth plate) after puberty
  32. Head
    • A projection at the end of an elongated bone
    • Ex: femoral head
  33. Neck
    • A narrow part of the bone typically below the head
    • Ex: femoral neck
  34. Axis
    • Surrounds the longitunal axis of the body
    • Ex: Head, ribs, coccyx
  35. Appendicualr
    • Appendages and their attachments to the axial skeleton
    • Ex: hips, arms, legs
  36. Parietal
  37. Frontanel
    Soft spot
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AP Lab Ch 1
APL Ch 1