LX0-102 Practice

  1. Where can you set variables or PATH to be set at login in a login-shell? 105.1
    • /etc/profile (and files in /etc/profile.d)
    • or
    • ~/.bash_profile | ~/.bash_login | .profile
    • p 23
  2. Where can you set vars or PATH to be set at login to a non-login shell? 105.1
    • /etc/bashrc | /etc/bash.bashrc
    • or
    • ~/.bashrc
    • p23
  3. How do you write a shell function to automate tasks? 105.1
    • function_name()
    • {
    • ls $1
    • echo $2
    • }
    • Then can call cmd with args.
    • Ex: function_name Myfile, STUPID
    • p543
  4. Where do you place files that will be copied to new user's home directories? 105.1
    • /etc/skel
    • Usually used for preference files.
    • p.340
  5. How do you set PATH? 105.1
    • PATH=$PATH:/sharefiles/NewDir:/othershare/OtherDir
    • p44
  6. How do set an alias? 105.1
    • alias mynew1 "cmd -l; nextcmd -P"
    • p50
    • unalias to remove one.
  7. How to remove a variable? 105.1
    • unset myvar
    • p.57
  8. In a BASH Script, how to read input from user? 105.2
    • read VARNAME
    • p.520
  9. How to have a variable be an integer in bash? 105.2
    • declare -i MYVAR
    • p522
  10. How's an if statement structured in bash? 105.2
    • if condition then
    •    cmds
    • else
    •    cmds
    • fi
    • p523
  11. How to check if a specified directory exists? 105.2
    • if [ -d "$MYNEWPATH" ]; then
    • Or use:
    • if test -d $MYNEWPATH; then
    • p523
  12. How to check if a specified file exists? 105.2
    • if [ -e "~/Myfile"]; then
    • if test -e ~/Myfile; then
    • p524
  13. How to check if a specified file exists and is a regular one?
    • if [ -f "$MYNEWPATH" ]; then
    • or
    • if test -f $MYNEWPATH; then
  14. How do you compare values? Equal, not equal, <, >?
    • For text,
    • test "text1" = "text2"
    • test "text1" != "text2"
    • For numbers:
    • test num1 -eq num2
    • test num1 -lt num2
    • test num2 -gt num2
    • p525
  15. How to construct a select statement? 105.2
    • case $MYVAR in
    •    val1 | val1a | val1b ) echo "Answer1"
    •     ;;
    •   val2 | val2a | val2b ) echo "Answer2"
    •     ;;
    •   * ) echo "Default answer."
    •     ;;
    • esac
    • p526
  16. How to construct a while or until loop? 105.2
    • while condition
    • do
    •   script cmds
    • done
    • p527
  17. How does the sequence cmd work? Specify parameters.
    • seq a b c
    • If a only specified, seq increments by 1 until it reaches a.
    • If a and b specified, seq starts from a, increments by 1 until it reaches b.
    • If a, b, and c specified, seq starts from a, increments by b, until it reaches c.
    • p 528
  18. How to do a for-loop? 105.2
    • for i in 'seq a b c"
    •   do
    •     cmds
    •   done
    • p 528
  19. What is cmd substitution and how's it done? 105.2
    • It allows a cmd's stdout to be used as cmd line arguments for another cmd. Allow's nesting. Can be done with 
    • cmd2 $(cmd1 -options)
    • p543
  20. How to test if a file exists and is owned by a specified group? 105.2
    • if [ -G /etc/myfile ]; then
    • or
    • if test -G /etc/myfile; then
    • p524
  21. How to test if a file exists and is a symlink? 105.2
    • if [ -h /home/myfile ]; then
    • if [ -L /home/myfile ]; then
    • or
    • if test -h /home/myfile; then
    • if test -L /home/myfile; then
    • p524
  22. How to test if specified file is owned by the effective user-id? 105.2
    • if [ -O /etc/myfile ]; then
    • if test -O /etc/myfile; then
    • p525
  23. How to check if effective user has read, write, or execute privileges? 105.2
    • -r, or -w, or -x in the following:
    • if [ -r /etc/myfile ]; then
    • if test -x /etc/myfile]; then
    • p525
  24. Correct way to select a cmd interpreter? 105.2
    • #!/bin/bash   or specify other cmd interpreter.
    • Called hash-bang. She-bang, etc.
    • p 518
  25. What are special permissions and how do you set them? 105.2
    • SUID: 4, SGID: 2, Sticky Bit: 1. Sticky on dirs means user can del files only for which they are owners. In chmod, it's 4th 1st #. E.g., instead of 777, it'd be 4777.
    • p415
  26. SQL cmd to retrieve info from a table?
    • SELECT
    • p633
  27. SQL cmd to modify info in a table? 105.3
    • UPDATE
    • p633
  28. SQL cmd to remove info from a table? 105.3
    • DELETE
    • p633
  29. SQL cmd to add new data to table? 105.3
    • p633
  30. SQL cmd to make a new table? 105.3
    • p633
  31. SQL cmd to modify an existing table?
    • p633
  32. Cmd to delete an existing table? 105.3
    • p633
  33. Cmd to login to mysql server from client? 105.3
    • mysql -h localhost -u root -p
    • -p means to prompt for a password.
    • p635
  34. Command to open a DB in mysql? 105.3
    • USE dbname
    • p636
  35. mysql cmd to see listing of tables in a DB? 105.3
    • p636
  36. How to create a new mysql table? 105.3
    • CREATE TABLE mytable (variable1 VARCHAR(15), variable2 CHAR(12), vardatum DATE);
    • p637
  37. Cmd to view summary of mysql DB? 105.3
    • DESCRIBE mytable
    • p637
  38. How to add a record to a mysql table?  105.3
    • INSERT INTO mytable VALUES ('Garbage',"Value","2011-08-29");
    • p637
  39. How to view records in mysql? 105.3
    • SELECT field(s) FROM table [WHERE conditions] [ORDER BY field]
    • Ex:
    • SELECT first,phone FROM active; 
    • View two fields only from all records.
    • SELECT * FROM active
    • View all records.
    • p637
  40. How to remove records from a mysql table? 105.3
    • DELETE FROM active WHERE last='Tracy';
    • p637
  41. How to modify data on existing mysql record? 105.3
    • UPDATE table_name SET column=newvalue WHERE condition
    • p638
  42. How to sum up a field on a given set of records in a mysql DB? 105.3
    SELECT custid,SUM(quantity)AS "Total" FROM active GROUP BY cust id;
  43. How do you do a JOIN in mysql? 105.3
    • Cross-join is:
    • SELECT field1 FROM table1,table2
    • p638
  44. Location of X11 config files? 106.1
    • /etc/X11/xorg.conf (More modern, common)
    • /etc/X11/XF86Config
    • p.236
  45. Describe X font server. 106.1
    • Install fonts on server system to:
    • /usr/share/X11/fonts or
    • /usr/share/fonts
    • Types of fonts (and dir's):
    • bitmaps /100dpi and /75dpi
    • Postscript Type 1 (scalable) /type1
    • Truetype (scalable) /truetype
    • On server enter: mkfontscale and mkfontdir to make index. Open port 7100. Server is "xfs start"
    • Configure clients in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, under Section "Files", enter: FontPath "tcp/server_address:7100"
    • p247
  46. What is the layout of the X11 configuration file? 6 main sections. 106.1
    • Section "Files" Fonts & input device files
    • Section "ServerFlags" Optional global flags
    • Section "Module" For extensions & font rasterizers
    • Section "InputDevice"
    • Section "Modes" Defines video modes
    • Section "Screen" Binds video board to monitor
    •   Device "VMware SVGA" must exactly match id under device.
    •   Subsection "Display"
    • Section "Device" 1 section req'd per video adapter.
    •   Identifier "VMware SVGA"
    • Section "ServerLayout" Binds all others together.
    • p239
  47. Cmd to have X client accept incoming X server connection? 106.1
    • xhost +serveripaddress
    • p724
  48. Settings to set on X server to have video sent to X clent on different system? 106.1
    • DISPLAY=X_client_Host_or_IP
    • export DISPLAY
    • p724
  49. 2 cmd line cmds to see info on X Windows server and windows? 106.1
    • xwininfo - displays window information
    • xdpyinfo - displays server information
    • p263
  50. If in runlevel 3 and want to start X, how would you do so? 106.1
    • X
    • startx
    • p245
  51. Cmds to config X.org? 106.1
    • Generic config provided by X:
    • Xorg -configure - autodetects all hw and makes /root/xorg.conf.new. To try, X -config /root/xorg.conf.new.
    • Graphical utility is xorgcfg
    • Some display conig utils:
    • system-config-display
    • system-config-keyboard
    • system-config-mouse
    • p243
  52. How to enable or display a display mgr? 106.2
    • On most, loaded by init script. To start or stop, enter:
    • /etc/init.d/xdm start | stop
    • OR
    • rcxdm start | stop
    • Display mgr's are: xdm: gdm: kdm.
    • To check which is started, chkconfig xdm -l
    • To disable, chkconfig xdm off.
    • p250
  53. How to change message presented by display mgr? 106.2
    • For xdm, edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xresources.
    • Modify xlogin* vars.
    • p251
  54. How to change default color depth for display mgr? 106.2
    • In /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers file, locate line:
    • :0 local /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -br vt7
    • add: -bpp 16
    • Where 16 is color depth, of 8, 16, or 24.
    • p251
  55. Steps to configure Remote access to a Display Manager? 106.2
    • On host: For xdm or kdm, edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers file. Find line:
    • :0 local/usr/X11/R6/bin/X -nolisten tcp -br vt7
    • Remove the -nolisten part. Save change, restart system.
    • On host: For gdm, edit /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf and set DisallowTCP = to false.
    • If on OpenSUSE, edit /etc/sysconfig/displayanger and set below two to yes:
    • Open port 177 in xdm host's firewall (for xdm Control Protocol XDMCP).
    • Open /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess file (to config access control for XDMCP) on host. Add an entry for each client. Can also do *.mydomain.com. To restrict access, precede a line with a !. p252
  56. Describe and name keyboard accessibility options. 106.3
    • In AccessX,
    • StickyKeys - Locks Ctrl & Shift keys.
    • MouseKeys
    • SlowKeys - Key must be held to send keystroke.
    • ToggleKeys - Audible alert on num & capslock.
    • RepeatKeys - Extra time before a key repeats.
    • BounceKeys/Delay Keys - Slight delay b/w keystrokes.
    • p254
  57. Accessibility options for visually impaired users? 106.3
    brltty daemon must be loaded for Braille hardware. Orca is a good app for Braille. p261
  58. Options for screen readers? 106.3
    Orca is a common one, as it can read from the Gnome desktop. Many others, like emacspeak, can only read from text based terminals. p257
  59. Options for screen magnifiers? 106.3
    • Orca popular (both screen magnifier and reader), Gnome Magnifier, and KDE Magnifier. Can start Orca from shell with orca -e magnifier.
    • p257
  60. Onscreen keyboard options? 106.3
    GOK (Gnome Onscreen Keyboard) and GTkeyboard p254.
  61. Cmd to add a user? 107.1
    • useradd options username
    • -D (no username) to view new user defaults
    • -c Incl user's full name
    • -e Date acct disable
    • -f Days to disable acct after pw expiration.
    • -g User's default grp
    • -G Add'l groups
    • -M Be created w/o home dir
    • -m Specifies home dir.
    • -p Specify user's encrypted pw. (openssl passwd -crypt)
    • -r Specifies a system user
    • -s Specify default shell
    • -u Specify UID
    • ex: useradd -c "Jackie McK" -m -p"q1GXA2Ox" -s "/bin/bash" jmacarthur
    • p343
  62. Files that specify defaults for new users? 107.1
    • /etc/default/useradd 
    • Specifies Default group, home dir, shell, umask.
    • /etc/login.defs
    • Specifies UID & GID ranges, p/w min max ages, etc.
    • /etc/skel
    • p341
  63. Cmd to lock accts and change passwords? 107.1
    • passwd options username
    • -S View acct status
    • -l Lock (invalid pw)
    • -u Unlock
    • -d Removes pw
    • -n Sets min days b/w pw changes.
    • -x Sets max # days before pw change req'd.
    • -w Sets # days warning.
    • -i Sets # days after pw expiration before disabling acct.
    • p344
  64. Cmd to modify user accounts? 107.1
    • usermod options userid
    • -c Edits user's full name
    • -e Sets date of disablement
    • -f Sets # days after pw expiration before acct disabled.
    • -g Sets default grp
    • -G Sets add'l grps
    • -l Changes username
    • -L Locks acct (disable pw)
    • -m Sets home dir
    • -p Sets user encrypted p/w. (openssl passwd -crypt)
    • -s Default shell
    • -u Sets UID
    • -U Unlocks acct.
    • p345
  65. How to delete a user's account? 107.1
    • userdel -r username
    • -r says to remove the user's home directory.
    • p346
  66. Where is acct info stored and how is it structured? 107.1
    • /etc/passwd
    • username:password:UID;GID:Fullname:HomeDir:Defaultsh
    • Ex:
    • ksander:x:1001:100:Kimberly Sanders:/home/ksanders:/bin/bash
    • p337
  67. Where are encrypted pw's stored? Structure of file? 107.1
    • /etc/shadow
    • username:password:Last_Modified:Min_Days:Max_Days
    • :Day_Warn:Disabled_Days:Expire
    • Note: Last_Modified and Expire are days since 1/1/1970.
    • Ex: ksanders:$@#$@#SSFDsdfsdf:15043:0:9999:7:::
    • p338
  68. Cmd to verify that /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow are in sync?
    • pwck 
    • p339
  69. Where is group info stored? Structure of file 107.1
    • /etc/group
    • Group:Password:GID:Users
    • p348
  70. Group pw info stored? 107.1
    /etc/gshadow p348
  71. Cmd to add groups? 107.1
    • groupadd options groupname
    • -g Specify GID
    • -p Specify password (openssl passwd -crypt)
    • -r Specifies is a system group.
    • p349
  72. Cmd to modify groups? 107.1
    • groupmod options groupname
    • -g Changes GID
    • -p Changes pw (openssl passwd -crypt)
    • -A adds user
    • -R Removes user.
    • Ex: groupmod -A "ktracy,m6soto"
  73. Cmd to delete a group? 107.1
    • groupdel groupname
    • p350
  74. Cmd to change password aging? 107.1
    • chage option user
    • -m Min days b/w pw changes
    • -M Max days b/w pw changes
    • -W Warning days before pw change req'd.
    • p660
  75. Service to run jobs 1x in future? 107.2
    • /etc/init.d/atd
    • To allow/deny access:
    • /etc/at.allow
    • /etc/at.deny
    • To schedule job:
    • at time
    • Diff ways to schedule time.
    • Type cmds. Output will be emailed to local acct.
    • Ctrl+d
    • To view queue, atq. To remove job. atrm job#.
    • p500
  76. How to specify time for atd? 107.2
    • Fixed: HH:MM (am or pm is OK), Noon, Midnight, Teatime (1600), MMDDYY, MM/DD/YY, MM.DD.YY, HH:MM MMDDYY.
    • Relative: now, now +  value (5 minutes, 2 hours, 3 days), 2 pm today, 2pm tomorrow.
    • p500
  77. Svc to schedule recurring system jobs?
    • /etc/init.d/cron
    • Config'd in /etc/crontab
    • Scripts run from:
    • /etc/cron.hourly
    • /etc/cron.daily
    • /etc/cron.weekly
    • /etc/cron.monthly
    • /etc/cron.d
    • To config /etc/cron.d intervals, 
    • Create /etc/cron.d/crontab
    • Min  Hrs  DayofMo Mnth  DaysofWk Cmd
    • 5  23 * * 1-6  /bin/tar -cvf /media/backup.tar /home
    • Backups up at 23:05 every day of every mo on Mon-Sat.
    • p502
  78. How to restrict access for user scheduled cron jobs? 107.2
    • /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny. By default, only cron.deny is created that blocks guest acct. All others can create crontab scheds. When a cron.allow is created, *only* users listed can make scheds. All others denied. User crontabs stored in /var/spool/cron/
    • p504
  79. How do users manage their crontabs? 107.2
    • crontab options
    • -e Edit, or make new. Opens vi.
    • -l To list crontab
    • -r To remove crontab.
    • Uses same format:
    • Min  Hr  DayofMo Month DaysofWk Cmd
    • p504
  80. What env variables define locale? 107.3
    • LC_CTYPE Default char type & encoding
    • LC_MESSAGES Config's natural lang msgs
    • LC_COLLATE Sorting rules
    • LC_NUMERIC # format
    • LC_MONETARY Currency format
    • LC_TIME Date and time display
    • LC_PAPER Default paper size
    • LC_NAME Default personal name fmt
    • LC_ADDRESS Default address fmt
    • LC_TELEPHONE Default phone # fmts
    • LC_MEASUREMENT Default meas. units
    • LC_ALL Overrides all other LC Env Vars
    • LANG Specifies default locale val for all LC-vars
    • LANGUAGE Overrides LC_Messages
    • p163
  81. Whats fmt for LC_CTYPE var? 107.3
    • language_territory.codset @modifier.
    • Ex:
    • en_US.UTF-8
    • UTF-8 is known as Unicode.
    • p164
  82. Order of precedence for Locale env vars? 107.3
    • If LC_ALL is defined, it's used. No other LCs used.
    • If LC_ALL is undefined, specific LC vars are checked.
    • If LC var has null val, then LANG var is used.
    • p165.
  83. Cmd to check locale settings? 107.3
    • /usr/bin/locale
    • p165
  84. Cmd to set BIOS/hardware clock in Linux? 107.3
    • hwclock
    • -r or --show (Is default option w/o cmd line options)
    • --set --date="9/16/11 08:00:00" (Arg is local time, even if hw clock is set to UTC)
    • -s or --hctosys Sets sys time to hwclock time.
    • -w or --systohc Sets hwclock time to sys time.
    • --utc or --localtime Specifies hwclock is config'd to use either UTC or local time.
    • p167/617
  85. Settings for hardware clock set to UTC vs local time? 107.3
    • In /etc/sysconfig/clock, change as follows:
    • HWCLOCK="-u"   #for UTC
    • HWCLOCK="--localtime" #for local time.
    • p107.3
  86. Where is timezone info stored? 107.3
    • On some (e.g. Ubuntu), it's /etc/timezone
    • America/Denver
    • On some (e.g. OpenSUSE), it's /etc/sysconfig/clock
    • TIMEZONE="America/Boise"
    • Can check it by using date cmd.
    • Available timezones in /usr/share/zoneinfo.
    • p168
  87. Cmd to set timezone? 107.3
    • Debian based (Ubuntu) use tzconfig. Others (OpenSUSE/Fedora) use tzselect.
    • p168.
  88. Way to set timezone w/ symbolic link?
    • ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/MST /etc/localtime
    • Note that -f is "force", which removes an already existing destination file.
    • p169
  89. Cmd to convert files from one encoding type to another? 107.3
    • iconv -f source_encoding -t dest_encoding -o outputfile inputfile
    • p166
  90. What are some commonly used text encoding schemes? 107.3
    • iso8859 (aka latin-9) - designed for Western European languages
    • ASCII - English based char encoding
    • UTF-8 Unicode - for all languages, worldwide.
    • p169.
  91. How to set system date and time? 108.1
    • date mmddhhmmyyyy
    • Had to search net.
  92. How to configure ntp? 108.1
    • Ensure pkg installed. Then check /etc/nftp.conf file. Ensure following lines exist, as fallback:
    • server # local clock (LCL)
    • fudge stratum 10 # LCL is unsynchronized
    • Then ensure not on insane time (>17 min diff). If it is, run "ntpdate addrOfTimeProv" to do initial sync (ntpd must be stopped!). Newer ntp versions let you specify "etc/init.d/ntp ntptimeset" which does quick sync. Then start daemon. Do "insserv ntp" to have it run on start.
    • p621
  93. How to check ntpd status/progress? 108.1
    • ntpq -p  - Shows status of daemon.
    • ntptrace - Traces how consumer is receiving time from provider (incl stratum, etc).
    • p623
  94. Pool of servers? 108.1
    • pool.ntp.org
    • Roundrobin volunteer servers
    • p622
  95. Syslog configuration files 108.2
    • Logs stored in /var/log. Most svcs config'd to write to /dev/log, which is run by syslogd svc. syslog then looks at /etc/syslog.conf file to determine what to do. Syntax for etc/syslog.conf is:
    • facility.priority    file
    • Facilities are subsystems that provide msgs. All assigned to one: authpriv, cron, daemon, kern (kernel), lpr, mail, news, syslog (for daemon itself), user, uucp, local0-local7 (for self-dev'd applications). Priorities are usually handled by klogd. Priority choices: debug (All info), info, notice, warn, err (Serious), crit alert or emerg (critical). p680
  96. Useful/common log files. 108.2
    • /var/log/
    • boot.log - Log entries from daemons during startup.
    • boot.msg - Shows all msgs displayed on screen during boot.
    • faillog - Failed auth attempts
    • firewall - Firewall log entries
    • lastlog - Last login info for users. View w lastlog cmd.
    • mail - Msgs from postfix or sendmail.
    • messages - Messages from most running processes. One of most useful.
    • warn - Warning messages.
    • wtmp - List of user's authenticated. View w last cmd.
    • xinetd.log - 
    • p680
  97. Log rotation. 108.2
    logrotate. Config'd with /etc/logrotate.conf. Contains defaults. Can customize for certain ones with placing config file in /etc/logrotate.d. p682
  98. How to manually add entry to log files? 108.2
    • logger -p facilility.priority "log_message"
    • p684
  99. How to create email aliases? 108.3
    • Edit /etc/aliases. Add using this format:
    • alias: list of actual email addys (separated by commas).
    • Then run newaliases cmd to enable them. p631.
  100. Config email fwding. 108.3
    Create ~/.forward file that contains email addys, delimited by commas. Note that msgs will not be delivered to actual address. p630
  101. Commonly available MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents). 108.3
    • sendmail - oldest. Non-componentized. Can be hard to config.
    • postfix - Popular. Modular.
    • qmail - Modular. Componentized. Untrusting components. Proprietary licensing. 
    •   2 components:
    •   QMQP (Quick Mail Queing Protocol) - Allows sharing of queues among diff MTAs.
    •   QMTP (Quick Mail Transport Protocol - Like SMTP but faster.
    • exim - Nonmodular. Single executable, but easy to config.
    • p628.
  102. Cmd to send a mail to a user? 108.2
    • mail [recipient]
    • Cmds in mail
    • t - type msg
    • d - del msg
    • u - undelete msg
    • n - next msg
    • e - edit msg
    • R - reply msg
    • r - reply all
    • m - mail new
    • q - quit
    • mailq - View unread msgs in mailq.
    • p631
  103. CUPS components and file locations. 108.4
    • cupd. Supports printing over IPP on port 631.
    • Parts:
    • scheduler - Webserver running on port 631.
    • filters - Located in /usr/lib/cups/filter. PDLs (page desc langs)
    • backends - provide interface from scheduler to hardware. Located in /usr/lib/cups/backend.
    • p603
  104. Configuring CUPS. 108.4
    • Config files located in /etc/cups. Main config is /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
    • To add an admin user, "lppasswd -g sys -a root". Accts contained in /etc/cups/passwd.md5.
    • Printers defined in /etc/cups/printers.conf. To add click Administration | Printers | Add Printer | etc...
    • p609
  105. Cmd to print from the cmd line? 108.4
    • lp -d printername filename
    • Options:
    • -n x    - Prints x copies
    • -m      - Emails conf email to my acct when done
    • -q       - Sets priority of print job
    • -o landscape   - Prints landscape mode
    • -o sides=2       - Prints doublesided.
    • p610
  106. Cmd line option to view cups print stats?
    • lpstat -t. Shows default printer, current print job, and pending.
    • p611
  107. Cmd to cancel CUPS jobs? 108.4
    cancel [jobname]. p612
  108. How to set default cups printer? View current settings? 108.4
    lpoptions -d printername. Sets for everyone. Individual users can set default by creating ~/.lpoptions and stating "default printername."

    • lpoptions -l
    • p612
  109. What is legacy printing mechanism in Linux? 108.4
    • lpd (line printer daemon)
    • lpr -P printer-name filename   To print
    • lpc status     For printer status
    • lpq             View pending jobs
    • lprm   jobnum        Cancel pending job.
    • p613
  110. Where to config DNS servers? 109.1
    • /etc/resolv.conf
    • search mydomain.com      -  Used to fill incomplete hostnames.
    • nameserver   - Actually nameserver
    • p580
  111. Where to config default gateway? 109.1
    • /etc/sysconfig/network/routes
    • Line in here is:
    • default - -
    • p566
  112. List common ports. 109.1
    • 20 FTP
    • 21 FTP
    • 22 SSH
    • 23 Telnet
    • 25 SMTP
    • 53 DNS
    • 80 HTTP
    • 119 NNTP
    • 139 NetBIOS Session Svc
    • 143 IMAP
    • 161 SNMP
    • 443 HTTPS
    • 465 URL Rendezvous for SSM (Cisco)
    • 993 IMAP over SSL
    • 995 POP3 over TLS/SSL
    • Source: Inet
  113. How to manually & automatically configure a network device? 109.2
    • Manual:
    • ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
    • Auto:
    • dhclient eth0
    • One time use only
    • p572
  114. Where/how to config interface permanently? 109.2
    • Create/Edit /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0 or /ifcfg-eth-id-00:0c:29:d1:52:d4, on some distribs.
    • BOOTPROTO="static" or "dhcp"
    • STARTMODE="auto"  or manual or onboot. Start @ boot?
    • IPADDR=""
    • NETMASK="" Another option, than /24.
    • NETWORK="" Defines net segment
    • BROADCAST="" 
    • LABEL_0='0'    These 3 lines define IPv6 addr
    • IP_ADDR0='2607:f0d0:1002:0011:0000:0000:0000:0003'
    • PREFIXLEN_0='64'
    • p573
  115. How to modify the routing table using a cmd? 109.2
    • route add -net netmask gw
    • To remove, same options, but start with
    • route del 
    • To add default,
    • route add default gw
    • p578
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LX0-102 Practice
Questions from the back of the book.