
  1. What is nutrition?
    study of food beverages
  2. who practices nutrition?
    • registered oir licensed dietitians
    • nurses
    • physicans
    • counselors
    • education
    • pt
    • exercise science
  3. appetitie
    desire to eat
  4. hunger
    physiological need to eat
  5. satiety
    fullness or satisfaction
  6. hydration
  7. macronutrients
    • fuel for energy
    • storage of energy
  8. proteins
    building blocks to grow or rebuild tissues
  9. vitamins and minerals
    metabolic regulars
  10. macronutrients
    carbs, lipids, proteins
  11. the food and beverages that make up our diets will provide
    vitamins, minerals, proteins, macro/micronutrients
  12. the number one reason why we make our food choices
  13. reasons we choose food
    • habit
    • ethnic traditon
    • aailibility
    • emotional comfort
    • body image
    • social interactions
  14. six classes of nutrients
    • carbohydrates
    • lipids or fat
    • proteins
    • vitamins
    • minerals
    • water
  15. macronutrients
    energy yeilding nutrients which provide micronutrients
  16. how much kcal is carbs, protein, and fat
    • carbs 4 kcal
    • protein 4 kcal
    • fat 9 kcal
  17. watersoluable
  18. fatsoluable
  19. major or micro
  20. minor or trace
  21. organic vs inorganic
    inorganic is minerals and water (does not contain carbon)

    organic is carbs, lipids, proteins, vitamins (contains carbon)
  22. vitamins 13
    • micronutrient
    • water and fat soluable
    • organic
    • essential
    • involved in metabolism
  23. essential
    body does not produce, have to recieve from food
  24. nonessential
    body can produce
  25. nonnutrients
    foods that contain other substances that do not fit into the 6 classes of nutrients
  26. the scientific method
    • observation
    • hypothesis
    • experiment
    • results
  27. types of studies
    epidemiological                                 Experimental

    •      cross-sectional                             animal study
    •      case control                                  vitro study
    •      cohort                                           clinical study
  28. why is design so import
    can  help prevent the placebo effect
  29. placebo effect
    making a trick. making someone believe they will get better

    • two types
    •   blind study
    •   double-blind study
  30. what is theory
    result in sound guidelines or recommendations
  31. limitaitons of research
    depending on methodology
  32. valid nutriton information
    good info
  33. nutrition quakery
  34. what are some sources of misleading nutrition info
    • selling through media
    • scare tatics
    • seems to be time
  35. 3
Card Set
science of nutrtion chapter one