
  1. Examples of SARMs?
    • Flutamide
    • Bicalutamide
  2. Rare AE related to flutamide?
    Liver toxicity. Reversible, but Liver fx should be monitored.
  3. Examples of BRM?
    • Cytokines:
    • Interleukin-2
    • Alpha interferon
    • Topical agent:
    • Imiquimod (Aldara)
  4. Interleukin AE?
    • Fluid retention
    • Skin changes
    • Kidney fx
  5. Examples of antibodies
    • Herceptin
    • Trastuzumab
    • Rituximab
    • Bevacizumab
    • Cetuximab
  6. Herceptin dose
    • LD= 8mg/kg followed by 2mg/kg weekly
    • or
    • LD= 8mg/kg followed by 6mg/kg q3 weeks
  7. Antibody that can cause tumor lysis syndrome and fatal infusion rxns
  8. Examples of enzyme inhibitors and receptors down regulators?
    • Anastrozole
    • Exemestane
    • Fulvestrant
    • Letrozole
  9. Synthetic analog of progesterone used as additional hormonal treatment?
  10. In case of extravasation use warm compression
    Vinka alkLoids
  11. Lomustine PO or IV?
  12. After infusion the urine may have a temporary blue-green tinting and sclera may turn blue
  13. Lifetime dose for epirubicin?
  14. Lifetime dose for doxarubicin and daunorubicin?
  15. Needs premed with phenytoin to prevent seizures?
  16. Give dexamethasone ophthalmic to prevent conjunctivitis
  17. Tablet that converts to 5-FU
  18. Can cause hand and feet syndrome (palmar-plantar erythrodysethesias)?
  19. Folic acid increase or decrease the effect of MTX?
  20. Give dexamethasone ophthalmic to prevent conjunctivitis
  21. Avoid cold drinks or food during infusion due to spasm
  22. Fatal if given intrathecal
  23. Do not PVC bag
    Paclitaxel and docetaxel
  24. Can cause pulmonary fibrosis and lifetime dose is 400units
  25. Rapid infusion causes HTN. Also increases coumadin INR
  26. Drugs that can cause hemorrhagic cystitis
    Cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide
  27. Dose of Mesna to prevent hemorrhagic cystitis with Ifex
    20% of ifex dose
  28. Can cause kidney damage . So pre hydrate with K and Mg
  29. Given with leucovorin to increase it's activity
  30. How to diagnose colon polyps
    • CT colonography
    • FOBT
    • Colonoscopy
  31. Risk factors for lung cancer
    • Smoking
    • Chronic lung disease
    • Asbestos
    • Radon
    • Fhx of lung cancer
  32. Risk factors for colon cancer
    • Fhx
    • Age
    • Diet
    • Obesity
    • Smoking
  33. Major colorectal cancer susceptibility syndromes are
    • Familial adenomatous polyposis(FAP)
    • Hereditary non- polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
  34. Carcinogens highly associated with lung cancer
    • Benzopyrene
    • N-nitrosamine NNK
  35. Most common type of noninvasive breast cancer
    Ductal carcinoma in situ
  36. Most common type of breast cancer
    Infiltrating ductal carcinoma
  37. Hypercalcemia in malignancy treatment
    • Pamidronate disodium
    • Zolendric acid
  38. Given as CIV 1mg/ml infused > 1h
  39. Administered along with MTX to reduce anemia
  40. Fludarabine main side effect
    Strong bone marrow suppressor
  41. Given IV over 30 min
  42. Given intravesical to treat small bladder papilloma
    Mitomycin C
  43. Can cause diarrhea and abdominal cramps (life threatening)
    Irinotecan. Give loperamide 4mg first onset, 2mg q2hs until diarrhea free for 12h. Atropine 0.25-1mg IV for prophylaxis
  44. Pre-med for paclitaxel
    • Decadron 20mgIV
    • Benadryl 50mg IV
    • Zantac 50mg IV
  45. Risk factors for breast cancer in men
    • Fhx
    • Alcohol
    • Radiotherapy
    • Testicular abnormality or damage
    • Liver damage or dysfunction
    • Obesity
    • Klinefelter's syndrome
  46. Prostate cancer risk factors
    • Fhx
    • Age
    • Race
    • Diet
  47. Metabolic abnormalities of TLS
    • Hyperkalemia
    • Hyperuricemia
    • Hyperphosphatemia with secondary hypocalemia
  48. TLS is seen more often in which kind of tumors?
    Tumors with high growth factor and high sensitivity to chemo (burkitt lymphoma and T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
  49. Main types of lymphedema?
    Primary and secondary
  50. Class of drugs hepatically adjusted according to bilirrubin level
    Vinca alkaloids
  51. Antetabolites that can be given as IV push
    • MTX
    • 5-FU
    • Cytarabine
  52. Drugs with high emetic risk
    • AC combination
    • Carmustine > 250mg/ m2
    • Cisplatin >= 50
    • cyclophosphamide > 1500
    • Altretamine
    • Dacarbazine
    • Mechloretamine
    • Procarbazine
    • Streptozocin
  53. Treatment for low risk emetic chemo
    • Metoclopramine +/- diphenhydramine or
    • Dexamethasone 12mg or
    • Prochlorperazine +/- lorazepam
  54. Types of lung cancer
    Small cell and non-small vell
  55. Kinds of non-small lung cancer
    • Squamous cell carcinoma
    • Adenocarcinoma
    • Large cell carcinoma
  56. Which of the non-small cell lung cancer is associated with rapid tumor growth and poor prognosis
    Large cell carcinoma
  57. Lung cancer that develop in the central region of the lungs
    Squamous cell carcinoma
  58. Advanced lung cancer symptoms
    • Persistent cough
    • Sputum streaked with blood
    • Chest pain
    • Voice change
    • Recurrent pneumonia or bronchitis
  59. Common types of polyps
    • Adenomatous
    • Hyperplastic
    • Inflammatory
  60. Lynch syndrome is also known as
    Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer
  61. Dietary factors associated with decreased risk of colorectal cancer
    Diet rixh in fruits and vegetables and calcium
  62. Symptoms associated with advanced stages of colorectal cancer
    • Rectal bleeding
    • Blood in the stool
    • Change in bowel habits
    • Cramping pain in lower abdomen
  63. What's the difference between in situ breast cancer and infiltrating
    Insitu is confined to ducts and lobules of breast, while invasive spreads to the surrounding connective tissue
  64. Breast cancer risk factors
    • Hx of breast cancer
    • Fhx
    • Age
    • Diet
    • Race
    • Radiation exposure
    • Reproductive and menstrual hx
  65. Ptns thy impact cancer risk
    • Alpha-fetoprotein
    • hCG
  66. Sumptoms of breast cancer in men
    • Painless lump in the breast
    • Nipple retraction, discharge or ulceration
    • Painful lump in the breast
    • Paget's disease (skin rash around nipple)
  67. Majority of breast cancer in men is
    Invasive ductal carcinoma and ER positive
  68. Dietary factors associated with prostate cancer
    • Diet rich in dairy and meat are associated with higher risk
    • Diet rich in fish and tomato based products are associated with lower risk
  69. Prostete cancer symptoms associated with late stage
    • Inability to pee
    • Discontinuous or weak urine flow
    • Frequent urination
    • Blood in urine
    • Pain or burning with urination
    • Continuous back, pelvis or upper thigh pain
    • Difficulty in starting or stopping urine flow
  70. Monoclonal antibody used to treat of squamous cell carcinoma of Rhadamanthus and neck that can cause dermatological toxicity such as acne like rash, pruritus and nail changes
  71. MAB that binds to VEGF
  72. Anthracycline that can cause stomititis
    Doxarubicin - tx with saline rising anf magic mouth wash + lidocaine
  73. Chemo agents that can be given intrathecal
    • MTX
    • Cytarabine
  74. Chemo drug that can be given intravesical
    Mytomycin C for small bladde papilloma
  75. Chemo drug that can be given Icav
  76. Chemo drug that can be given PO
    • 6-MP
    • Chlorambucil
    • Capeciyabine
    • Hydroxyurea
    • Lomustine
    • Temozolomide
    • Busulfan
    • Cyclophosphamide
    • Melphalan
  77. Taxan can cause hypersensitive most likely us to
  78. BRM currently under investigation as a possible angiogenesis inhibitor
    Alpha interferon
  79. Don not give carboplatin if CrCL
  80. Examples of tumor suppressor genes
    • p53
    • BRCA
    • APC
    • Rb
Card Set
Anti-cancer drugs