1. What are the step to controll epistaxis
    Sitting position, leaning forward and pinch the nostrils together.
  2. Signs and symptoms of a pt you suspect internal bleeding
    • Pain and distention
    • Swelling
    • Tachycardia
    • Hypotension
    • Hematoma beneath the skin

    • Other signs include
    • Hematemesis
    • Melena
    • Hemoptysis
    • Pain,tenderness bruising, guarding, swelling
    • Broken ribs
  3. What are the different characteristics of bleeding
    Bleeding from an open artery is brighter red ( high oxygen ) and spurts in time with the pulse

    Blood from an open vein is darker ( low oxygen ) and flows steadily

    Bleeding from damaged Capillary vessels is dark red oozes from a wound steadily but slowly
  4. Compensation of shock (pg 684)
    Low Bp

    Irreversible shock is a terminal sign of shock
  5. Define PASG
    Pneumatic antishock garment

    Used if the pt has inujuries to the lower extremities or pelvis as a splinting device.

    • To stabilze fractures of the pelvis and proximal femurs
    • To control significant bleeding associated with fractures of the pelvis
    • To control massive soft tissue bleeding of the lower extremities when direct pressure is not effective
  6. Tourniquet
    use nothing narrow ( use the opposite )
  7. First signs of hypoperfusion
  8. For a pt with severe trauma where do you take them?
    Trauma Center WITH A SURGEON
  9. How do you treat a pt with a penetrating hand wound?
    Immobilize and transport
  10. When you put an occlusive dressing how many sides should you tape down?
    3 sides
  11. What are the two layers of skin
    Epidermis and the dermis
  12. A heavy item fell on a pt, eyes blood shot
    Traumatic asphyxia
  13. Burns
    Full thickness
  14. What causes JVD?
  15. IF a dressing soaks threw?
    Apply additional dressing over the soaked dressing and bandage.
  16. Name 3 open wounds
    Evisceration, laceration, avulsion, abrasion
  17. What concerns should you have with puncture wound?
  18. If you find a pt that has fell and has fractures, whats the first thing we do?
  19. Whats after C-spine, ABC,...
    Control bleeding, add oxygen
  20. Before and after adding something to the body
  21. Splinting?
    we splint above and below injury
  22. Wheres the humerus on your arm
    Bicep area
  23. pt with a pelvic fracture
    All of the above
  24. Someone with a injured shoulder
    Use a sling to immobilize and secure with a triangular bandage
  25. What is indirect and direct force?
    Example if you fall and you put your hand out to break the fall and fracture your forearm, that is indirect
  26. Complication of bone fracture
    Bleeding, swelling and nerve damage
  27. What are the benefits of splinting?
    Prevents further damage to the muscles, the spinal cord, peripheral nerves and blood vessels from broken bone ends

    Reduces pain, and makes it easier to transport
  28. Whats the best way to package a motorcycle accident
    Scoop and run, splint in route
  29. Whats the function of smoothe muscle
  30. You should consider and know what happens if you put a C-collar that is to large?
    Could allow further to occur
  31. Sequence for securing straps to a backboard
    Torso, legs and head
  32. Where do the ribs lay in the section of the spine?
  33. What problem can occur when you hyperventilate a brain injury
  34. On a motor vehicle collision, what are possible injury
    Head, spine and abdominal cavity for internal injuries
  35. When someone falls when would you assess the GCS
  36. Whats the lower part and upper part of the jaw
    Mandible and maxilla
  37. Head injury, how do your vitals indicate
    high blood pressure, pulse bradycardia
  38. Left side of the brain effects what side of the body?
  39. What does a skull fracture involve
    Facial bones include skull fracture
  40. What is degloving?
    Skin is torn and flesh leaving the bone, also happens in the skull.
  41. You find someone in a car with a dead passenger
    High Priority
  42. A bull stepped on a cowboy, what is your first action?
    Scene safety
  43. Amputated leg, whats the first thing you do?
    Scene safety
  44. Someone involved in an explosion
    All of the above
  45. What is a Trauma score for>?
    all of the above
  46. What is the sequence of extrication?
  47. Know about burns and who should get transported first
    Children and elderly
  48. Unconscious pt in the grass laying prone
    ABC, you can listen for breath sounds before rolling over
  49. Pt laying on the back unconscious with a helmet
    C-spine, abc, leave helmet in place to start
  50. any trauma
    C-spine ABC's
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