1. When can you deviate from an ATC clearance?
    In an emergency situation or if collision avoidance is necessary. 
  2. How long do you have to submit a written report to the manager of an ATC facility if it is requested?
    48 Hours
  3. IFR Climbing - expectations
    maintain a continuous rate of climb of at least 500fpm
    Eight Items - "Alpha Romeo Tango is cleared to the Halifax Airport via victor three one nine Sydney, flight planned route. Maintain eight thousand, expect one four thousand thirty miles southwest of Stephenville. Depart runway zero nine, turn right heading two six zero to intercept victor three one nine and proceed on course. Squawk two five four two. Clearance is canceled if not airborne by one six two zero."
    • 1 Aircraft Identification
    • 2 Clearance Limit
    • 3 Departure Procedure
    • 4 Route of Flight
    • 5 Altitudes or FL's
    • 6 Holding Instructions
    • 7 Special Information
    • 8 Frequency and Transponder Information
  5. What does EFC stand for?
    Expect Further Clearance (time)
  6. What does STARs stand for?
    Standard Terminal Arrival Routes
  7. What is the difference between "maintain" and "cruise" altitude clearance?
    • Maintain: must stay at assigned altitude
    • Cruise: Operate at any altitude from minimum enroute altitude up to, but not above the altitude specified in the clearance. You do not have to notify ATC of any change in altitude - but once you REPORT leaving an altitude, you may not climb back without getting clearance.
    • Cruise clearance allows you to execute approach procedure at destination as well. 
  8. Abbreviated IFR Departure Clearance
    "cleared as filed"
  9. VFR On Top
    • Doesn't cancel IFR flight plan
    • Flexibility with altitude - VFR altitudes
    • Only request when in VFR below 18,000ft
  10. Climb To VFR On Top
    • Departing airport to climb through layer and proceed under VFR
    • Complete IFR flight plan not necessary
  11. Contact Approach
    • Must be requested by the pilot
    • May be used if ground visibility is at least 1SM and you can remain clear of clouds with 1SM flight vis throughout the approach. 
  12. Visual Approach
    • May be initiated by controller IF you have the airport in sight, or an aircraft to follow in sight. 
    • Authorized when ceiling is 1,000AGL and visibility is 3SM
    • You must remain clear of clouds 
  13. What is a composite flight plan?
    • Request to operate IFR but only during a portion of a flight and VFR for the rest.
    • Should include all IFR route segments and the clearance limit fix where you expect to end the IFR portion.
  14. What is a TEC clearance?
    Tower Enroute Control -  alternative IFR procedure to flow short low altitude routes between terminal areas. 
  15. What is a release time?
    The earliest time you may depart. 
  16. Clearance void time:
    Must depart before void time. You have 30 minutes after void time to contact ATC to tell them you have not departed yet, and to request a later departure. 
Card Set
Review of the air traffic control clearance aspect of IFR flying