Regulation of the cardiovascular system

  1. What are the functions of the cardiovascular system?
    • Maintain homeostasis and a favourable cell environment
    • Continuous and controlled flow of blood through capillaries to every cell.
    • Deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells
    • Remove and transport waste for elimination
  2. What are the main diseases of the cardiovascular system?
    • Hypertension
    • Cardiac failure
    • Cardiac dysrhythmia
    • Angina and lipid disorders
    • Thrombosis
  3. What is the main adrenergic receptor in the CVS? What affect does it have?
    • Beta 1 receptors in the heart:
    • -increase in rate and force of heart
    • -increase in automaticity of av node

    • Beta 2 receptors in smooth muscle
    • -dilate blood vessels

    • Alpha 1 receptors in smooth muscle
    • -constrict blood vessels

    • Beta 1 receptors in the kidney
    • -renin secretion
  4. What is the overall effect of sympatheic NS on the heart, and what are the pathalogical implications?
    • Beta 1 receptors activated
    • cAMP levels increase
    • Ca2+ ion channel opening

    • -> increase in rate and force of heart
    • decrease in efficiency of heart

    • Hypertension
    • Cardiac Failure
    • Post myocardial infarction
  5. What are beta blockers used for? Give examples.
    • Angina (reduces cardiac work)
    • Hypertension (reduce cardiac output, renin release, SNS activity)
    • Post MI (inhibits increase in SNS activity)

    • Propanolol- non selective
    • Atenolol- cardio selective
  6. Give an example of an adrenergic agonist, and explain what it is used for.
    • Adrenaline activates all adrenergic receptor subtypes.
    • Uses:
    • Cardiac arrest (increases rate and force of contraction)
    • Hypertension (increases peripheral vascular resistance)
  7. What are ACE inhibitors used to treat?
    • Hypertension
    • Cardiac failure
  8. What are Angiotensin 2 receptor antagonists used to treat?
    • Hypertension
    • Cardiac failure
  9. What are vasodilators used to treat?
    • Coronary artery disease
    • Hypertension
    • Congestive Heart failure
    • Coronary artery insufficiency
    • Peripheral vascular disease
    • Hemostasis
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Regulation of the cardiovascular system
Regulation of the cardiovascular system