The large intestine and disorders

  1. What is the function of the large intestine?
    • Absorb water
    • Immune function
  2. Outline the immune function of the GIT.
    • Oral tolerance.
    • New foods taken in, that would cause an immune response if injected.
    • Mucosal immune cells bind the antigens and take them into the blood, signalling to the CNS that they are safe.
    • The epithelial cells provide a barrier so that the antigens can't enter the blood on their own.
    • Gut is in a constant state of controlled inflammation.
  3. What happens in inflammatory bowel disease?
    The antigens flood through the leaky epithelial cells and cause an immune response, releasing TGFa , a proinflammatory agent that promotes massive inflammation. This inflammation causes further epithelial damage.
  4. Name 3 treatments of IBD.
    • 1. Glucocorticoids
    • -general anti inflammatories

    • 2. Anti- TNFa drugs
    • -monoclonal antibodies bind TNFa and neutralises it

    • 3. Sulfosalazine
    • -high efficacy
    • -mechanism unknown
  5. Name examples of inflammatory bowel diseases.
    • Crohn's Disease
    • Ulcerative Colitis
Card Set
The large intestine and disorders
GIT pharmacology 3