Vocab #1

  1. abstract
    • adjective
    • existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence
  2. atrophy
    • noun
    • wasting away, gradual decline
  3. condone
    • verb
    • to regard something bad as acceptable or forgiveable
  4. discerning
    • adjective
    • having or showing good insight, judgement, or understanding
  5. emaciated
    • adjective
    • abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food
  6. extricate
    • verb
    • to serperate, remove
  7. hypothetical
    • adjective
    • supposed but not necessarily real or true
  8. inherent
    • adjective
    • belonging by nature or habit
  9. meticulous
    • adjective
    • extreme attention to detail
  10. congenial
    • adjective
    • existing harmoniously
  11. inauspicious
    • adjective
    • not promising
  12. tribunal
    • noun
    • something that decides or determines
  13. sumptuary
    • adjective
    • limiting private expenditures
  14. ignominy
    • noun
    • disgraceful conduct
  15. magistrate
    • noun
    • official with judicial or administrative functions
Card Set
Vocab #1
Honors American Literature vocabulary week 1