
  1. Once counselors have disclosed their legal questions to their immediate supervisors and have received a response either from the supervisor or from an attorney who is advising them as to proper course of action. What is essential?
    It is essential for counselors to follow legal advice given to them, even if they do not agree with it.
  2. At their most fundamental level, codes of the ethics serve to promote the welfare of counselor or client?
  3. Consulting with an attorney is not a step a counselor should take if...
    They are attempting to make an ethical decision.
  4. The best statement about the nature of professional ethics in counseling is that...
    There are few absolute, right answers to ethical practice questions, so, as a result, consultation with counseling colleagues is very important when making ethical decisions.
  5. While principle ethics ask the question, What should I do? Virtue ethics ask the question...
    Who should I be?
  6. Within the counseling profession the primary national voluntary certification agency is...
  7. All counselors with a strong professional identity area able to do all of the following EXCEPT...
    Demonstrate that they hold a masters degree from a CACREP-accredited program.
  8. Within the counseling profession, the primary goal of counseling is to...
    help clients accomplish wellness.
  9. A core belief that members of the profession of counseling hold concerning helping others with their mental health concerns is...
    prevention and early intervention are the most appropiate means in dealing with emotional and personal problems.
  10. According to the authors of the text, the most signifcant problem within the counseling profession today is...
    becoming a united and societally recognized profession.
  11. Counselors who work with female clients should have an understanding of the high prevalence problems and issues experienced of women. There are many of these, however....
    tendency to be passive aggressive is not one of them.
  12. If a Southeast Asian client refuses to seek police assistance when he or seh has been the victim of a crime, the clients counselor should...
    Understand that the client may have negative feelings toward police because of police oppression in his or her native country.
  13. According to McIntosh, there are many examples of white provilege. However, this does not include..
    growin up in a White middle or upper class family environment.
  14. When a counselor determines that a gay or lesbian client may have been illegally discrimanted against, the counselor should...
    inform the client that perhaps he or she should seek legal advice.
  15. When counseling a client from a racial, ethnic, or cultural group different from the counselors, it is important for the counselor to remember that...
    although certain groups share similar traits or beliefs, each individual is unique and may not be like most others from his or her group.
  16. When clients seek counseling related to issues such as abortion, assisted suicide, interracial marriage, premarital sex, or sexual identity...
    Counselors must examine their own values regarding these issues to ensure they can provide counseling services without allowing their own beliefs to interfere.
  17. Regarding a clients privacy, counselors should...
    promise the client privacy, but explain there are exceptions and give a general overview of the exceptions.
  18. It is vital for counselors to become aware of their own personal needs and values so that counselors...
    can avoid getting their own personal needs met through their counseling relationships.
  19. Informed consent documents that clients sign before counseling sessions begin that set forth the nature of the counseling relationship...
    Are a good way to inform clients of their rights and responsibilites and are required by some federal rules and state laws.
  20. Because clients may have emergencies between counseling sessions, typically the better option is for counselors to...
    instruct clients to call a 24 hour mental health hot line number or report to a hospital emergency room.
  21. If a counselor is asked to disclose privileged information relative to a client who cannot be located, then the obligation to assert the privilege rests with??
    the counselor.
  22. In order to get priviliged communication statute passed that protects the privacy of clients who are in professional relationships with counselors, legislators must be convinced that...
    making an exception to the general rule that all evidence must be presented in court is vital to the well being of society.
  23. When a husband subpoenas a counselor to reveal information in a court hearing that was provided by the wife in joint couples counseling sessions, and the wife objects to the information being revealed, the counselor...
    Should consult with the the attorney because laws and court cases vary as to whether the counselor will have to reveal the information over the wifes objection.
  24. When a client accuses a counselor of wrong doing through a complaint with the counselors licensure board or trough a malpractice law suit filed in court...
    The client automatically waives his or her privacy rights and the counselor can reveal private information related to providing counseling services to the client.
  25. The nature of privacy concepts of confidentiality and privileged communication is..
    Confidentiality is primarily a legal issue, and privileged communication is primarily an ethical issue.
  26. What is a good appropiate statement regarding clinical case notes?
    for their own use, so that they may be effective counselors.
  27. Legal principles view the contents of the counseling records about a particular client as belonging to?
    the client.
  28. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) requires that...
    all of the above.
  29. If a subpoena for the counseling records of a client is received, a counselor who works in a mental health agency should...
    Ask his or her supervisor to obtain a legal opinion as to whether the records should be copied for the attorney who has issued the subpoena.
  30. Generally, counselors create clinical case notes...
    for their own use, so that they maybe effective counselors.
  31. A false statement regarding counselor competence is?
    Licensure ensures that practitioners are competent to do what their licenses permit them to do.
  32. Graduate degree programs in counseling attempt to ensure their graduates are competent counselors by doing many things, however,
    eliminating from graduate programs any students who have emotional problems of their own is not one of the things programs do.
  33. An argument Against licensing specialties within the counseling profession (such as marriage and family counselors, rehabilitation counselors, etc) is..
    That the other professions, such as medicine and law, license professionals to practice their professons generally, and those who are licensed decide which areas they are competent to practice in.
  34. Malpractice is a type of civil lawsuit that can be filed against counseling professionals for practicing in a manner that leads to...
    injury to a recipient of their services.
  35. When a counselor determines that a client may be at risk for harming self or others. the counselor always must..
    take the steps necessary to prevent harm.
  36. The only dual relationships that are prohibited by the ACA Code of Ethics are those...
    involving a sexual relationship between the client and the counselor.
  37. It would be ethically permissable for you to consider entering into a bartering arrangement with a prospective client if....
    bartering is an acceptable practice among other professionals in your community.
  38. A counselor self-disclosure in a counseling session..
    may be acceptable if the counselor believes the disclosure will benefit the client.
  39. A counselors self-disclosure in a counseling session...
    May be acceptable if the counselor believes the disclosure will benefit the client.
  40. The typical counselor who enters into a sexual relationship witha client is...
    a professional isolated male counselor who is experiencing distress or crisis in his personal life.
  41. To be culturally sensitive counselor, when a client from a different culture offers a counselor gift, the counselor...
    should evaluate the meaning the client attaches to the offering of the gift.
  42. There are many states with laws that requires reports of suspected abuse of different types of clients or people, however...
    Abused wifes is not one of them.
  43. In determining whether a child is danger to self or others, the counselor should do many things, however...
    do not asussure the client of complete confidentiality.
  44. Minor clients have...
    an ethichal right to privacy and confidentiality, but no legal right in most states.
  45. Many gropus might be considered to be vulnerable adults who are protected from abuse in some states by statute EXCEPT...
    Emotionally distressed adults.
  46. When reporting suspected child abuse in good faith, counselors should review their particular state staute to determine many things about this issue EXCEPT..
    Counselor liability for defamation of character.
  47. Regarding the law of privileged communication in relation to family and group counseling...
    generally, privilege is waived if there is a third party present during counseling.
  48. Family counselors often view the family system as their client and treat the family as one entity, as opposed to treating individual family members, and our laws...
    view family members as having separate and distinct rights and responsibilities that are individual in nature.
  49. A family counselor who uses paradoxical directives or interventions could get into trouble because clients who follow their prescriptions for behavior may be...
  50. A counselor who is beginning a group...
    should explain that while the counselor will keep thins confidential, there is no guarantee others in the group will do the same.
  51. In a situation in which one spouse in a married couple demands that a counselor testify in court as to what occured in counseling sessions, and the other spouse insists that the counselor not testify, the best course of actions is for the counselor....
    to consult with an attorney and follow his or her advice.
  52. Counselors have the education necessary to conduct certain types of evaluations and then serve as experct witness. True or False.
  53. Individuals who are being evaluated often are confused about the nature of their meetings with counselors because...
    The person doing the evaluation is a counselor and the process seems a lot like counseling.
  54. There are many points with respect to diagnosis EXCEPT...
    Clients must be told in writing the implications of any diagnosis that might be assigned to them.
  55. The primary purpose of diagnosis is to...
    facilitate effective treatment.
  56. The standard used to determine whether a particular counselor is qualified to administer and interpret a particular test...
    is not absolute and each counselor must make that determination for himself/herself.
  57. Employees do not have to do anything they consider to be unethical. True or False?
  58. A fee structured based on amount of family income and family size is...
    A sliding scale.
  59. If you believe your supervisor at your work setting is forcing you to act in a what you consider to be an unethical manner, you should...
    try to work with your supervisor to resolve the problem.
  60. One suggestion for counselors is to form a corportaion, because its the only way to protect your personal assests. True of False?
  61. If a counselor were to purposefully make false oral statements that damaged the reputation of another mental health professional, the counselor could be sued for??
  62. When making graduate program admission decisions, counselors educators...
    may use their subjective judgement regargind a number of factors.
  63. Flexibility in a relationship boundaries between counselor educators and students may be more acceptable than between counselors and clients because in counselor educator/student relationships, the student...
    eventually becomes a colleague.
  64. How do relationships in counselor education, supervision, and training differ from clinical relationships?
    They have more equal power dynamics.
  65. When counselor educators evaluate the performance of a students counseling skills, the counselor educators...
    may apply subjective standards as long as they do not abuse their discretion.
  66. Sexual relationships between counselor educators and their students..
    Are FORBIDDEN because students are not in a vulnerable position in their relationship with professors.
  67. While administrative supervision occurs when direct-line administrators give direction to counselors who are their employees, clinical supervision is the process whereby the work of counselors is reviewed by other mental health professionals, usually with the goal of
    increasing the counselors effectiveness.
  68. Ethical standards for consultants in the mental health field...
    are sparse in the codes of ethics.
  69. Supervision agreements between a clinical supervisor and supervisee...
    should be in writing so both parties understand the terms of the relationship clearly.
  70. If a supervisee is having emotional problems that are interfering with his or her ability to function effectively as a counselor, the clinical supervisor should..
    address the personal issues in relationship to their impact on the supervisees effectiveness as a counselor, but avoid becoming the supervisees personal counselor.
  71. A counselor who is under the clinical supervision of another counselor should..
    inform clients that he or she is in supervision and discloses the name of the supervisor to them.
  72. Research participants have a right to expect to haver their autonomy protected. True or False?
  73. University committees that review research proposals to ensure that human participants are protected are called...
    institutional review boards.
  74. When chidren are participants in a research study, even thought parenteal consent is legally sufficient, the ssent of the children shoud be obtained as well. True or False?
  75. It is questionable ethically for a university professor to require a student to participate in a reasearch project. True or False?
  76. Before students agree to serve as reasearch assistants, counselor educators should discuss and provide information about the reasearch study.
    All of the above.
  77. The primary purpose of the ACA Code of Ethics is...
    to guide our own behavior.
  78. When you have an ethical question and you are having trouble making a decision, you should...
    consult with colleagues.
  79. If you believe another counselor is behaving in an unethical manner, the first things you should do is...
    discuss the matter with the counselor and attempt to get him or her to change their behavior.
  80. It is impossible for counselors to understand all aspects of the law but the best advice for counselors who face legal questions is to...
    listen to their lawyer and do what the lawyer says.
  81. A counselor who is dealing with and angry client who is threatning to sue the counselor should...
    all of the above.
Card Set
Ethical Challenges