APEuro scientific revolution

  1. hegemony
    dominance, control, supremacy
  2. lucrative
    has value
  3. geocentric
    the theory that earth is the center of the universe and all objects revolve around it
  4. heliocentric
    the theory that the sun is the center of the universe and all objects revolve around it
  5. quixotic
    fanciful, silly, impractical
  6. scientific method
    • a new approach to the acquisition of knowledge
    • 1) hypothesis
    • 2) experimentation
    • 3) new hypothesis
    • associated with sir francis bacon
  7. empirical
    evidence; that which is supported by facts
  8. hypothesis
    new idea
  9. prince henry the navigator
    • prince of portugal who financed many voyages in the 1300s
    • -school of navigation
  10. fransisco pizarro
    conquistador of incan empire in mexico
  11. johannes kepler
    • student of brache
    • -used math to prove heliocentric theory of copernicus
    • -elliptical orbits
    • -3 planetary laws
    • new astronomy
  12. diaz
    • portugal
    • cape of good hope
  13. vasco de gama
    • portugal
    • eastern sea route to india
  14. cabral
    • portugal
    • east coast of brazil
  15. amerigo vespucci
    • spain
    • "new world"
  16. columbus
    • spain
    • looking for a western passage to asia/america
  17. balboa
    • spain
    • accidentally found pacific ocean
  18. cortez
    conquistador of aztecs
  19. ferdinand magellan
    • spain
    • circumnavigate the world
  20. cabot
    • england
    • newfoundland
  21. cartier
    • france
    • st. lawrence river
  22. champlain
    • france
    • quebec
  23. vesalius
    • "father of modern anatomy"
    • -on the fabric of the human body
    • (book on dissections of human bodies with illustrations)
  24. margaret cavendish
    • 17th century female scientist
    • involved in crucial scientific debates
    • -observations upon experimental philosophy
  25. issac newton
    • "symbol of western influence"
    • -calculus
    • -gravity
    • -universal science
    • -principia
    • -optics
  26. scientific revolution
    • astronomy and anatomy
    • -new intellectual freedom for artisans and scientists
  27. william harvey
    • first major work on circulatory system
    • -on the motion of the heart and blood
    • -arteries and vein systems
    • -proved the heart pumped blood and oxygenated
  28. spinoza
    • excomunicated for rejecting judaism
    • believed everyting had a RATIONAL explaination
    • -a political treatise
  29. pascal
    • sought to keep religion and science united
    • -pensees (thoughts)
    • -showed religion was not contrary to reason
  30. descartes
    • "father of modern rationalism"
    • -cortesian split between mind/matter or mind/body
    • -deductive reasoning
    • -analytic geometry
    • -episemology method
    • -discourse on method
    • -physical and spiratual; i think therefore i am
  31. bacon
    • inductive reasoning
    • empiricism
    • -systematic observations and experiments derived from general concepts that could be tested and verified
  32. maria winkelmann
    discovered a comet
  33. mercantilism
    • trading
    • triangular trade
  34. joint stock corporations
    • british and dutch east india companies
  35. malacca
    spice islands, reached by de gama
  36. encomienda
    queen isabella declared indians subjects of spain, settlers had the power to use them as slaves
  37. price revolution
    • golden years of spain from gold and silver pouring in from the new world
    • -inflation due to bullion
  38. west indies
    • spice islands
    • reached by de gama
  39. galileo galilei
    • heliocentrism
    • telescope
    • -starry messenger
    • -dialogue concerning the two chief world systems
    • "but it does move"
  40. triangular trade
  41. royal society
    french academy
    created to help accelerate communications and scientific thought
  42. treaty of tordesailles
    • pope interveined between spain and portuagal and split the world
    • -portuguese kept africa and eastern sea route
    • -spain got all possessions to the west
  43. giordano bruno
    spanish priest who was burned at the stake for heresy when he supported copernicus
  44. ptolemy
    • ancient cartographer
    • geocentric theory
  45. aristarchus
    • ancient astronomer
    • heliocentric theory
  46. galen
    • roman doctor
    • blood does not circulate
  47. leeqenhoek
    • lense grinder
    • microscope
    • bacteria
  48. jenner
    • -inquiry into the cause and effect of vaccine
    • first vaccine
    • smallpox
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APEuro scientific revolution