1. where are tripetides and dipeptides split into amino acids then absorbed?
    small intestin's lining
  2. joint stabilization
    ability of kinetic chain to stabilize a joint during movement
  3. formation of glucose w/o use of carbs is called
  4. problem w type II diabetes
    cells are resistant to insulin
  5. leading cause of disabilty among adults
  6. marching exercise / what level?
  7. made from myofilaments:
  8. what bones affected by osteoporosis
    neck of femur and lumbar vertebrae
  9. chambers located inferiorly and RECEIVE blood
  10. bench press an example of a closed chain exercise or an open chain
    open chain (hands are not in a fixed postion, force is applied by body)
  11. rectus abdominus is responsible for:
    concentrically accelerating spinal flexion
  12. 3 req for aerobic
    rhythmic in nature, uses large muscle groups, and continuous in nature
  13. sytolic pressure
    pressure produced by heart as it pumps blood to the body
  14. foot/ankle from anterior view
    straight and parallel, not flattened or externally rotated
  15. hyperglycemia
    high blood sugar
  16. BMI:
    • weight(kg)/height (m^2)
    • or
    • weight (lbs) / height (inch^2) x703
  17. provides eccntric control of the core during movements and stability btwn pelvis and spine
    global stabilization system
  18. normal soft tissue extensibility allows for full range of motion at a joint:
    kinetic chain seeks the path of least resistance:
    • flexibility
    • relative flexibilty
  19. master gland of endocrine system:
    pituitary gland
  20. calories per gram of carb
  21. typical resting heart rate for male, female
  22. single leg squat:
    balance strength exercise
  23. muscles that make up global stabilization system in the core:
    muscles that attach from pelvis to the spine
  24. atp after 40 seconds rest
  25. largest cause of atheroslerosis
    poor lifestyle choices
  26. transverse plane
    splits body into upper and lower halves
  27. effect of dehydration
    increased heart rate
  28. lower crossed syndrome
    anterior tilt to the pelvis (arched lower back)
  29. perscribed for hypertension
    • nitrates
    • betablockers
    • diuretics
  30. reflex helps eyes maintain a level plane
    pelvo ocular reflex
  31. ice skater
    plyometric power exercise
  32. forward lean during overhead squat
    hip flexor complex
  33. during anaerobic energy
  34. pacemaker of the heart
    sinoatrial node
  35. slow tempo 4/2/1
    muscular end
  36. instrument
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