APEuro Renaissance

  1. renaissance
    • 1400
    • considered the beginning of modern europe
    • "rebirth" of
    • -classical education
    • -greco-roman architecture
    • -humanism
    • -science
    • -inquiry
    • -art
  2. venice
    • "most serene republic"
    • governed by great council and doge
    • -rich in trade
    • -special trading privileges with byzantine empire until the fall of constantinople (1453)
  3. florence
    • center of the renaissance
    • -rich on trade, textiles, banking
    • major center of art patronage
    • nominally a republic but was dominated by powerful families
    • -medici dynasty
  4. papal states
    • 476 fall of rome = poverty and ruin
    • -presence of catholic church kept the city relevant (1400s papacy returned from avignon)
    • -art and diplomacy
  5. urbino
    • federigo da montefeltro
    • -emplyed by kings of naples, poes and dukes of milan
    • -conderaotteri
  6. isabella d'este
    • known for intelligence and political wisdom
    • -patron of the arts
    • co-ruler of matua
    • -classically educated and cultured
  7. johann gutenberg
    • 1453 developed the moveable type printing
    • -revolution in literacy
  8. masaccio
    • "expulsion of adam and eve"
    • classical revolution in painting
    • -perspective
    • -emotion
  9. donatello
    • "david"
    • "mary magdalen"
    • classical revolution in sculpture
    • -contraposta
    • -celebrated man
  10. da vinci
    • renaissance man
    • "vetruvian man"
    • "last supper"
    • "mona lisa"
    • high renaissance
  11. raphael
    • discovered by pope julius II
    • "school of athens"
    • madonnas
    • frescoes in popes room
  12. botticelli
    • "birth of venus"
    • "la primavera"
    • revolutionary theme of gods
  13. northern renaissance
    • centered intellectually on religion and efforts at reformation
    • -erasmus of rotterdam, more, luther
  14. durer
    • german
    • famous for religious works, woodblocks, and self portraits
  15. van eyck
    • flemmish
    • famous for realistic portraits
    • "the wedding portrait"
    • attention to detail
  16. the decameron
    • boccaccio
    • brutal examination of human morality
    • -friends hiding from the plague, chronicled various reactions to the black death
  17. medici
    • branch banking for the pope
    • dominated florence
    • art patronage
    • cosimo
    • -1434 secured his family's control
    • lorenzo
    • -most powerful
  18. the courtier
    • castiglione
    • a book of etiquette of the ideal renaissance man
    • combined medeival and modern virtues
  19. the prince
    • machiavelli
    • first major work of political science
    • -duty bound ruler
    • "better to be feared than loved"
    • "ends justify the means"
    • -has been misused to justify dicatatorships
  20. canterbury tales
    • chaucer
    • first significant work written in english vernacular instead of latin

    pilgrims traveling between london and the canterbury cathedral telling stories
  21. don quixote
    • cervantes
    • crowning acheivments of spanish literature
    • -literary realism
    • characters represent the dual nature of spanish character
  22. the divine comedy
    • danteliterary revolution
    • -abandoned latin for vernacular
    • -trilogy
    • -epic poem
  23. brunelleschi
    • "cathedral of florence"
    • revolutionary design
    • -largest dome since antiquity
    • -boom in domes
  24. michelangelo
    • child prodigy
    • "la pieta"
    • "david"
    • "moses"
    • "sistine chapel cieling"
    • "the last judgement"
    • st peters basilica
  25. humanism
    • study of man and man's achievments
    • petrarch "father of humanism"
    • -wrote only in latin
    • -letters to cicero
    • lorenzo valla
    • -activist
    • leonardo bruni
    • -new cicero
  26. classical
    of or pertaining to ancient greece or rome
  27. oligarchy
    government by the few, the rich
  28. schism
    split in religion
  29. facade
    face of a church
  30. pieta/madonna/annunciation
    • mother with crucified body of christ
    • mother with child
    • mother and michael
  31. flanders
    historic name for belgium
  32. holland
    synonym for netherlands
  33. low countries
    belgium, netherlands, louxembourg
  34. caravel
    • revolutionary sailing ship developed in 1300s
    • -rounded hull and three triangular sails
  35. moors
    north african muslim tribe that had conquered the iberian peninsula around 1700
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APEuro Renaissance