Chapter 4/4

  1. Lumbar Spine
    The lower part of the back, formed by the lowest five nonfused vertabrae; also called the dorsal spine
  2. Lumbar Vertebrae
    Vertebrae of the lumbar spine
  3. Mandible
    The bone of the lower jaw
  4. Manubrium
    The upper quarter of the sternum
  5. Mastoid Process
    A prominent bony mass at the base of the skull behind the ear
  6. Maxillae
    The upper jawbones that assist in the formation of the orbit, the nasal cavity, and the palate, and lodge the upper teeth
  7. Medial
    Parts of the body that lie closer to the midline; also called inner structures
  8. Metabolism
    The sum of all the physical and chemical processes of living organisms; the process by which energy is made available for the uses of the organism
  9. Midaxillary Line
    An imaginary vertical line drawn through the middle of the axilla (armpit), parallel to the midline
  10. Midclavicular Line
    An imaginary vertical line drawn through the middle portion of the clavicle and parallel to the midline
  11. Midline
    An imaginary vertical line drawn from the middle of the forehead through the nose and the umbilicus to the floor
  12. Motor nerves
    Nerves that carry information from the central nervous system to the muscles of the body
  13. Mucous Membranes
    The lining of body cavities and passages that communicate directly or indirectly with the environment outside the body
  14. Mucus
    The opaque, sticky secretion of the mucus membranes that lubricates the body openings
  15. Musculoskeletal System
    The bones and voluntary muscles of the body
  16. Myocardium
    The heart muscle
  17. Nasopharynx
    The part of the pharynx that lies above the level of the roof of the mouth, or soft palate
  18. Nervous System
    The system that controls virtually all activities of the body, both voluntary and involuntary
  19. Occiput
    The most posterior portion of the cranium
  20. Orbit
    The eye socket, made up of the maxilla and zygoma
  21. Oropharynx
    A tubular structure that extends vertically from the back of the mouth to the esophagus and trachia
  22. Ovary
    A female gland that produces sex hormones and ova (eggs)
  23. Palmar
    The front region of the hand
  24. Pancreas
    A flat, solid organ that lies below the liver and the stomach; it is a major source of digestive enzymes and produces the hormone insulin
  25. Parietal Regions
    The areas between the temporal and occiput regions of the cranium
  26. Patella
    The kneecap; a specialized bone that lies within the tendon of the quadraceps muscle
  27. Perfusion
    The circulation of oxygenated blood within an organ or tissue in adequate amounts to meet the cells' current needs
  28. Peripheral Nervous System
    The part of the nervous system that consists of 31 pairs of spinal nerves and 12 pairs of cranial nerves. These peripheral nerves may be sensory nerves, motor nerves, or connecting nerves
  29. Peristalsis
    The wave-like contraction of smooth muscle by which the ureters or other tubular organs propel their contents
  30. Pinna
    The external, visible part of the ear
Card Set
Chapter 4/4
Chapter 4/4M