Indo Vocab Book 4

  1. mencebur
    splash down, jump in, plunge into
  2. konon
    according to legend, they say
  3. kekeringan
  4. ufuk barat
    western horizon
  5. cerpen
    short story
  6. benak
  7. berselang
    at intervals, at equal distance
  8. berisik
  9. mekar (flat e)
    bloom, blossom 
  10. gerhana bulan sebagian
    partial lunar eclipse
  11. riuh
    noisy, boisterous
  12. itu bagus
    that would be nice
  13. kebal
    immune, invincible
  14. Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini
    PAUD, child development
  15. coba tidak ada . . . kan?
    imagine if there were no . . . 
  16. bawa lari dia ke rumah sakit
    drive him (quickly) to the hospital
  17. tahu, ya, kata bijak
    you know the work "bijak" right?
  18. bukannya saya makan nasi, malah saya makan roti
    instead of eating rice, I ate bread
  19. ganas
    ferocious, vicious
  20. mendengkur
  21. ngambek
    pout, mope
  22. meniriskan
    drain, let drip dry
  23. menyeka keringat
    wipe sweat
  24. namun sia-sia
    but it was useless
  25. tanpa ampun
    without mercy
  26. menerkam
    pounce on, spring on 
  27. sangat ragu
    very unsure
  28. naik pangkat
    get a promotion 
  29. bugar
    sehat, segar
  30. saya mau menyerahkan sesuatu utk kamu
    I want to give you something (from s.o. else)
  31. dia dilarikan ke rumah sakit
    he was rushed to the hospital
  32. menutup teleponnya
    to end the phone call
  33. penerbit
  34. kerawanan terhadap banjir
    the susceptibility to flooding
  35. saya tidak tahan dgn tidak berbicara
    I can't stand to not speak
  36. ruang terbuka hijau
    green space (parks)
  37. saling terhubung
    connected to each other
  38. dia tidak menyangka bahwa bapaknya akan datang
    she didn't expect her dad to come
  39. konsumen
  40. bukan bicara uang
    we're not talking about money
  41. terpincang-pincang
  42. kejang
    convulsion, seizure
  43. penyimpangan moral
    moral deviation
  44. senada dgn
    in harmony with
  45. simpang
    branch, deviation
  46. KKN
    kuliah kerja nyata
  47. cap
    label, stamp, seal, brand
  48. pembangkit tenaga listrik
    electric power generator
  49. pemeliharaan mobil
    car maintenance
  50. memberantas
    fight, wipe out, remove
  51. lagi-lagi
    time and again
  52. memilukan
    touching, sadening
  53. markas besar
  54. karam
  55. orang awam
    lay person
  56. semuanya kelelahan
    everyone was exhausted
  57. nira
    sap of certain plants (pohon aren)
  58. melanglang buana
    make the rounds, wander the earth
  59. alam semesta
    the whole universe
  60. Udin juga jadinya sakit
    Udin also ended up getting sick
  61. goblok
  62. memantapkan hatinya
    to settle his mind
  63. terkesan dgn
    impressed with
  64. keluarga adalah lembaga yang ditetapkan oleh Tuhan
    the family is an institution established by God
  65. berdiam diri
    keep quiet
  66. risau
    restless, nervous
  67. andil
    role, part, share
  68. bungkam
    silent, speechless, quiet
  69. menjajal
    test, try
  70. sasaran empuk
    soft target
  71. kandas
    breakdown, flounder
  72. menyerbu
  73. mencekam
    tense, gripping, frightening
  74. bencong
  75. dianggap angin lalu
    considered worthless, a passing wind
  76. genangan
    puddle, flooded area
  77. menciprat
    splash (v.i.)
  78. bercucuran
    flow (v.i.) (e.g. blood, tears)
  79. nyiprat
    splash (gaul)
  80. mobil lewat genangan
    the car ran over the puddle
  81. mobil melindas di atas orang
    the car ran over someone
  82. kecipratan air
    get splashed with water
  83. bukan satu-satunya pemain
    not the only player
  84. harus hitam di atas putih
    needs to be in writing
  85. di atas kertas
    theoretically, on paper . . . 
  86. bergandengan tangan
    holding hands
  87. menghasut
    incite, stir up, goad
  88. ada sesuatu yang akan terjadi
    something is going to happen
  89. yang berisikan
    which contains (e.g. a bucket)
  90. secara serentak
    all at once, all together
  91. loyo
    weak, faint, exhausted
  92. lentur
    flexible, floppy
  93. cengeng
    whiny, cry-baby, sentimental
  94. lugu
    naive, simple, plain
  95. saya kecipratan rezekinya
    his blessing touched me, trickled down to me
  96. mengarungi bahtera kehidupan
    sail the boat of life across
  97. ikatan janji kami
    the bonds of our promise
  98. langgeng (flat e)
    eternal, long-lasting
  99. menunjang
    support, bolster
  100. mencontohi perbuatan baik
    set an example of good deeds
  101. ibu comblang
    mrs. matchmaker
  102. hura-hura
    waste of time, frivolous
  103. perselingkuhan
  104. meremas
    wring, crumple up
  105. loteng
    atic, upstairs, top floor
  106. tumpukan
    pile, stack
  107. tim kacangan
    easy team (to beat)
  108. longgar
    lenient, loose (e.g. a bolt)
  109. bernafas lega
    breathe a sigh of relief
  110. menyisipkan
    insert (v.t.)
  111. lonjong
    tapered, oval, elongated
  112. menurut panjangnya
  113. mengusulkan
    propose s.t.
  114. ada beberapa dari mereka
    some of them
  115. dempet (normal e);  kedua pisang ini dempet
    touching, stuck together
  116. belaian
    caress, pat (n.)
  117. mengelola perkebunan
    work a garden, plantation
  118. tengki air
    water tank
  119. semuanya kompak
    everyone agreed together, unified
  120. terpental kembali
    swing back
  121. pohon yang tumbang
    tree fallen/knocked down
  122. sela (flat e)
    break, interval
  123. air mukanya
    his facial expression
  124. kebesaran
    too big
  125. gelombang radio
    radio waves
  126. terusik
  127. memetik guitar
    strum the guitar
  128. duda
  129. usang
    obsolete, worn out
  130. jajak pendapat
  131. melambangkan
  132. peningkatan tajam
    shart increase
  133. kumpul kebo
    live together (shack up)
  134. besar-kecilnya
    the size, dimensions
  135. timbul-tenggelamnya
    rise and fall of 
  136. berhasil atau tidaknya
    whether it succeeds or not, the success or failure
  137. penyambungan
    connecting, connection
  138. sdh dianggarkan utk
    it has been budgeted to 
  139. secara bertahap
    in stages
  140. secara berkala
  141. karena tingginya tingkat
    because of the high level
  142. siapa di balik
    who was behind 
  143. coba kita lihat
    let's see
  144. coba jangan
    please don't
  145. jalan mendekati
    to walk up to 
  146. menghunuskan pisau
    to draw/unsheath a knife
  147. tdk tega (normal e) melihat matanya
    couldn't bring self to look in the eye
  148. matanya sedikit sayup
    eyes were a little heavy (lit. blurred, faint)
  149. mencengkeram
    grip, seize, grasp
  150. menyambar
    strike, snatch
  151. menatap tajam
    stare coldly, sharply
  152. berjalan terhuyung-huyung
    stagger, falter
  153. menjatuhkan diri
    throw oneself down (e.g. a cliff)
  154. merasa dicampakkan
    feel thrown out, discarded
  155. terbata-bata
  156. tak terbantahkan
    unquestionable, indisputable
  157. kebiadaban
    barbarism, brutishness
  158. tanpa kecuali
    without exception
  159. menyimak
    observe, scrutinize
  160. tetapi tidak juga jadi
    but it never did work out
  161. diperkirakan. . .
    it is estimated . . .
  162. kenapa tidak bilang-bilang?
    why didn't you say something?
  163. minggir-minggir semua!
    everyone to the side!
  164. tancap gas
    step on the gas
  165. paras
    looks, face, appearance
  166. tidak seberapa
    not that much
  167. salam peluk buat. . . 
    give a hug to . . . 
  168. mengadili
    judge (v.t.)
  169. mari saya bawakan. . . 
    here let me carry. . .
  170. lahiriah
    external, physical
  171. batiniah
    internal, spiritual
  172. seribuan
    about a thousand
  173. pasti ada hikmahnya
    there must be a reason for it, must have happened for a reason
  174. menerbitkan
  175. semalam suntuk
    all night long
  176. meninjau
    look, observe, survey
  177. sesosok manusia yang tangguh
    a formidable figure, man
  178. cantik jelita
    enchantingly beautiful
  179. lemah lembut
    gentle and graceful
  180. berpapasan
    "run into", pass by
  181. merona
    blushred, flushed
  182. delima
  183. tabib
    traditional healer
  184. menyusun rencana
    arrange a plan
  185. menyamar sebagai
    disguise oneself as
  186. imbalan
    reward, return
  187. tudung
    veil, cover, hat
  188. bagaikan
    as if, like. . . (for simile, comparison)
  189. pusaka
  190. menyerap
  191. Di mana satu orang lagi?
    Where's the other person?
  192. berkhianat
    commit treason, betray
  193. tertusuk pedang
    stabbed/pierced by a sword
  194. menancapkan pedang
    drive one's sword (into)
  195. pengawal
  196. lama-lama menjadi temam
    eventually became friends
  197. tapi belakangan. . . 
    but later on. . . or but recently. . . 
  198. lewat pintu sisi yang lain
    through the door on the other side
  199. dia duduk berhadapan dengan saya
    he sat across from me
  200. mewarisi
  201. di akhirat
    in the afterlife
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Indo Vocab Book 4
book four of my vocab